D&D General You are given the reigns: what do you do?


I actually think a revised 5e is a good idea. I just question the direction it seems to be taking currently.

So I'd revise 5e, keeping the good and reworking where needed. My 5 product lineup would be PHB, starter set, big adventure, setting and player option book, adventure anthology including at least one classic module updated.

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I actually think a revised 5e is a good idea. I just question the direction it seems to be taking currently.

So I'd revise 5e, keeping the good and reworking where needed. My 5 product lineup would be PHB, starter set, big adventure, setting and player option book, adventure anthology including at least one classic module updated.

If I was doing a 5E variant I would do core 3, FRCS and a Baldurs Gate.


Victoria Rules
Besides, even if Creative Director Lanefan made a public statement about D&D being for IRL play only, it would have exactly zero impact on people that wanted to play it using VTTs (or other digital methods). The tools exist. The genie isn't going back in the bottle.
Creative Director Lanefan (a title that after this one use will be forever retired :) ) has come to realize that - between work from home, online-only recreation, and so-called social media - the day will come sooner rather than later when we're going to need to be forced outside our homes and cars to socially interact with other real people before we all forget how.

My game would be designed in aid of that goal.


Victoria Rules
For real, though, here's where I'd go with it:

First, NO DMG. Why? Read on.

1) PHB: Mashup of 5E, 4E, 13th Age, and Shadow of the Demon Lord. It would use 5E's bounded accuracy, advantage/disadvantage, and cap on overall complexity. From 4E it would take powers, power sources, healing surges. Not all classes would follow AEDU, but I think that's a sturdy framework to start from. Shadow of the Demon Lord would influence the class structure. Something like novice/expert/master paths or base class plus paragon path and epic destiny. Like 13th Age, it would substitute skills for background and put an emphasis on narrative mechanics. Also: abstract distances--far, near, engaged.

2) Monster Manual. Definitely take inspiration from 4E and 13th Age.

3) Campaign Setting based on 4E's Points of Light/World Axis. I'm not a fan of the Nentir Vale. It's a rather dull expression of a really wild setting. I want something that feels like you're adventuring through the epic ruins of a broken cosmos!

4) Adventure Path. Okay, this is the DMG! Each adventure would contain not only the actual adventure, but advice for running it, any necessary rule subsystems, treasure tables and magic items, etc. It would be a true DM resource. Each adventure would give the DM new tools and toys.

5) Another Adventure Path. Because I love me adventures!
Which is fine until new DMs want to start out running something other than your packaged adventure path because they have ideas of their own, at which point they're left twisting in the wind (or buying an older edition DMG and taking the advice from there).


I'll assume that successful means profitable. I'll take 5th edition. It's solid.

So, five products:
1) PHB- all the rules, worded clear and concise, with logical layout. PDF bookmarked, with index linked to precise page. Also, include clear rules for making custom classes, races and backgrounds.
2) DMG - Advice on how to design things ( settings, encounters, puzzles, NPCs, plot hooks). Advice how to run games with examples, how to mediate, how to run good session 0, differences in play styles etc.
3) MM- monsters, lairs, habitats, clear and precise rules on how to build custom monsters
4) Official setting book - all fluff, no crunch. Places, people, world events. Adventure hooks, maybe 4 short adventures ( 1 for each tier).
5) Mobile app/ web based SaaS D&D Companion tool- all encompassing tool useful for both DMs and Players. Character builder, adventure builder, random generator for bunch of things. Subscription based. Enable users to share or sell their home brew stuff (and take reasonable cut of sales, like 30%), allow 3PP to sell their stuff through the app (for cut of sales off course). Sell packs like adventures, premade npcs, new monsters, maps, character art ( new official classes and sub classes are always free). In essence, give good value proposition for both people who play VTT and IRL. People will pay for solid product that makes their gaming more convenient. Advertise it heavily.

And then, i'll cheat a bit with 2 investments.

First, cartoon. Animated series, 16+, so aimed at older teens and adults. 4-8 epsiode, 30 min long, adventure arcs, representing different settings and styles ( from light hearted funny trope filled like Delicious in dungeon, to more serious and dark like Castlevania, horror, high fantasy, low fantasy, sword and sorcery pulp era, you get the gist).

Second- invest in F**ing advertisment. Lean heavily into real life social experience side of it. Lot's of people who don't play ttrpg are playing board games and have game nights. Sell them D&D as fun alternative to try. Show how ttrpgs are good way to meet new people, make new friends. I meet bunch of people through this hobby, some of them became my longest and closest friends, my friend met his wife through D&D. Share stories like that. Present D&D as a fun activity for IRL socializing. Present other benefits, like practicing social skills, imagination and creativity practice, Give good support for VTT, but promote IRL.

Voidrunner's Codex

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