D&D 5E You find a magical _____, it does _____

Next Item: A blue toothpick

Gore Hunger's Favorite Toothpick

This toothpick adorned with a beautiful blue sapphire, is actually a longsword that used to belong to the undead dragon Gore Hunger. The awful rotting smell of the dragon permanently lingers around the sword, especially when it is unsheaved, and deals poison damage when it strikes foes.

Any living creature that is struck by the weapon must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) poison damage, and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each successive failed save, the character takes 3 (1d6) poison damage. After three successful saves, the poison ends, but the smell of rotting meat lingers around the target creature for 1 hour.

Anyone carrying the sword with them, will also carry the smell of rotting flesh with them for as long as the sword is in their possession. They take disadvantage on any social checks due to smelling so bad.

Next item: An hourglass in the shape of a coiled cobra...

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Next item: An hourglass in the shape of a coiled cobra...

The Serpent Sands - (Unique, Ritual Item/Eldritch machine)

Standing three feet tall, and nearly as wide, this Elaborately sculpted brass and copper hourglass has been deliberately and skillfully allowed to tarnish into a patina of green and umber, giving the coiled snakes an unsettlingly life like coloration. In the glass is sand taken from a sacred ancestral hatching ground in one of the Yuan-ti's oldest cities. The top of the glass opens at a hatch to allow removal of the sand for ritual purposes.

The glass, if turned over, will run for 12 hours.

The Serpent Sands serve as a focus for a transformative ritual.

A circle must be marked out using sand taken from the hour glass. As long as some sand remains it will work, though taking more than half the sand out can make preforming the ritual difficult as you may run short of time. A circle is marked out using the sand, and a group of casters led by a Yuan-Ti pureblood can preform a powerful ritual, many hours long involving rare poisons and humanoid sacrifice, transforming ALL non-Yuan-ti Humanoids within the circle into Yuan-Ti. Creatures so transformed lose their old race benefits and stats and gain those of a Yuan-ti.

This cannot be reversed by anything less than a Wish or Miracle spell.

EDIT: A> the time the glass runs is reduced based on how much sand is used for the circle. B> the ritual must be completed before the glass runs out or it fails. C> The sand returns magically after a day.

Next Item: A pair of stud earrings set with glowing blue crystals
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Next Item: A pair of stud earrings set with glowing blue crystals


This set of earrings each contain a portion of the same elemental totem spirit. When split between two allies, each ally can activate their earring to enable the bearer of the other earring to see what they see, for up to one minute. This power may be used once per earring each day, after which that earring regains its magic at dawn. If one earring from the pair is destroyed, the other loses its magic, and the entrapped elemental totem spirit returns to it's plane of origin.

Next Item: A dwarf sized mannequin


This set of earrings each contain a portion of the same elemental totem spirit. When split between two allies, each ally can activate their earring to enable the bearer of the other earring to see what they see, for up to one minute. This power may be used once per earring each day, after which that earring regains its magic at dawn. If one earring from the pair is destroyed, the other loses its magic, and the entrapped elemental totem spirit returns to it's plane of origin.

Next Item: A dwarf sized mannequin

Totem of Dwarvenkind

This life size mannequin perfectly resembles a Dwarf is stature and build. Once per day, you can speak a simple phrase no longer than a sentence that the mannequin will speak when it hears its command word. The command word is chosen when the mannequin passes into your honest ownership. Once per day you can also perform a simple action that the mannequin will mimic when it hears the command word, such as waving or raising a tankard.

The mannequin will retain its simple phrase and action until it is changed by the owner.

Next item: a gold whistle in the shape of a lion.

Next item: a gold whistle in the shape of a lion.

Roar of the Beast King (Uncommon, Attuned)

This ornately decorated gold penny whistle is made so that the open end resembles a roaring lions mouth.
It's a magic instrument, and grants a Bard

Goddamnit I was literally about to to recreate a better version of the Horn of Blasting... Horn of blasting but it does more damage, a push, and gives bards a bonus to preform... I am a fool.

Let's try this again...

Summons of the King (Very Rare, Attuned)

A small whistle, not unlike a boatswain's whistle or possibly a dog whistle, but cast of solid gold and shaped like a lion, with the sounding end the roaring lions mouth.

The first of these whistles belonged to an ancient Tabaxi king, notable for actually being able to pull together enough Tabaxi to form a solid and stable Kingdom.

It has two powers.

Once per day, the attuned use can sound the whistle to conjure 4 1hd Lions (as per Conjure Animals cast in a 5th level slot).
If the attuned owner is a Tabaxi, they grow a thick dark Lion's Mane, which grants them +1 Charisma and Advantage on Cha checks involving other Tabaxi. If the owner loses or ends attunement to the whistle they immediately lose these benefits, and shed the mane over the coarse of 24 hours.

Next Item: a pair of scissors

Next Item: a pair of scissors

Threadcutter Scissors

This magical item is a large pair of platinum shears, engraved with the words "Fate" and "Destiny" on the blades, which has the property of casting Dispel Magic once per day or Dispel Curse once per week on the person or object the scissors are pointed at...
More potently, once per month the scissors can be pointed at a dead body to cast Raise Dead upon it, or to utterly destroy an undead creature who fails to make a DC 18 Charisma save with disadvantage.
However, the greatest power of the Threadcutter Scissors is usable but once per year, and only on a particular creature once in its lifetime. Pointing the scissors at a humanoid creature, the wielder can sever the thread of its destiny, allowing the creature to rewrite its fate and change anything and everything about itself - the creature can change its race, ability scores, class levels, proficiencies, etc., while either retaining all its previous memories or becoming a completely new being with no knowledge of its previous self.

Next Item: A dragonhelm with one of the horns broken off...

Next Item: A dragonhelm with one of the horns broken off...

Vartex's Horn (legendary, requires attunement)

This ornate helm is fashioned from the scales of a red dragon. A DC 20 check will reveal the materials to have belonged to an ancient red, which is still alive. And angry. His name is Vartex.
While wearing the helm, you have +1 AC and the following two abilities:
• Three times per day, you may choose: Cast Truesight with no components OR see through Vartex's eyes for one hour.
• One time per day, when you fail a saving throw, you may choose to succeed instead.

When you activate one of these two abilities, you attract the attention of Vartex.
When Vartex notices you, he immediately knows exactly what direction you are in.
He will travel as quickly as possible to that location to recover his missing horn.

For most of his life, Vartex reveled in his trove and his luck… to be not only one of the most powerful creatures in the world, but also, in his mind, one of the most attractive and charismatic. In many cases, he demanded tribute and adoration in lieu of simply eating his way through the countryside or kingdoms he traveled through.

Finally, one mage had enough, gathered some friends, subdued Vartex, and ripped off his horns so he could keep track of him and keep him under control. It didn't last. Through manipulation of his human associates, deceit, and betrayal, Vartex managed to kill the mage and get hold of his helm long enough to recover one of the horns. After recovering from his wounds, he now stays alert to the use of the helmet so he can track it down and recover his remaining horn.

Vartex is no longer as imposing and attractive as he was in his prime, but he is certainly not to be trifled with. The one horn he does have is situated askance on his head, and patches of scales are missing from his body (-1 AC and -2 CHA).

While he is within 300 feet of the helm, it will not function.

Next: Compass with a serpent eye as the pivot and a serpent tooth as the needle

Next: Compass with a serpent eye as the pivot and a serpent tooth as the needle

Snake Finder Compass (Uncommon)

A hand held compass, the Snake Finder's pivot is decorated with a serpent's eye, and instead of a normal magnetic needle, it has the fang of a venomous snake for a pointer. The fang-pointer swings freely, the sharp end pointing towards the nearest Snake. The compass always points towards the nearest snake. If two snakes are equidistant the needle waggles back and forth between pointing at both. If placed ON a snake, it spins clockwise.

Next Item: A Cloth bib with an image of a Lobster on it.

Next Item: A Cloth bib with an image of a Lobster on it.

Feast of the Shore (Very Rare, no attunment required)

This bib is fashioned from ultra-fine threads of sun-bleached seaweed. It detects as powerful transmutation magic but reveals nothing else of its nature. When soiled or wet, it takes a full long rest to dry out. At the end of that time, it assets magical cleanliness per the Prestidigitation spell.

Many have tried to use it during meals to discern its nature, but to no avail.

In truth, the bib is a vicious ambush armament created by sahuagin priestesses, designed to make a meal of armed and armored raid targets. While it is worn and dry, it is a beacon to all sahuagin in a 30-mile radius, signalling the presence of prey. When it is set aflame, it triggers the Heat Metal spell in a 30-foot radius for one minute, no concentration or bonus action required. (targets any creature wearing or holding metal, 8d8 fire damage per round, DC 16 CON save to drop item else suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks).

Lighting the bib on fire consumes it completely.

Next: A jar of dried flowers, sealed with wax
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Feast of the Shore (Very Rare, no attunment required)

This bib is fashioned from ultra-fine threads of sun-bleached seaweed. It detects as powerful transmutation magic but reveals nothing else of its nature. When soiled or wet, it takes a full long rest to dry out. At the end of that time, it assets magical cleanliness per the Prestidigitation spell.

Many have tried to use it during meals to discern its nature, but to no avail.

In truth, the bib is a vicious ambush armament created by sahuagin priestesses, designed to make a meal of armed and armored raid targets. While it is worn and dry, it is a beacon to all sahuagin in a 30-mile radius, signalling the presence of prey. When it is set aflame, it triggers the Heat Metal spell in a 30-foot radius for one minute, no concentration or bonus action required. (targets any creature wearing or holding metal, 8d8 fire damage per round, DC 16 CON save to drop item else suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks).

Lighting the bib on fire consumes it completely.

Next: A jar of dried flowers, sealed with wax

The Tomb of Pestilence
Wondrous Item, Very Rare

Though only 12 are known to exist, each time of pestilence contains the last remains of a deadly plague.

Should a creature ever break the wax seal on a tomb of pestilence, it and all other creatures within 30ft of the tomb will immedietally be targeted as if by the Contagion Spell (save D.C. 19). Should a creature suffering the affects, or not yet mad all 3 saves, come into physical contact with an uninflected creature, the latter must make a save against the spell, as if it had been cast by the infected creature (same D.C.).

Once the seal is broken, a tomb cannot be used to store or release a plague again.

Next, a mummified housecat with a noose around its neck.

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