D&D 5E You find a magical _____, it does _____

Tactician's Rule (Very Rare, requires attunement)

The Tactician's Rule would appear as the simple device of a mathematician except for its exquisite craftsmanship and the quality of materials used in its construction. The slide moves as if greased, but leaves no residue. It is finely notched so as to move easily, but not inadvertently.

The Tactician's Rule detects as transmutation magic and provides any attuned individual with advantage on initiative rolls.

If you are attuned to the Tactician's Rule and you are a Battle Master, you:

- Can use it as a magical dagger (you discover the slide has an angled tip and very sharp edges #itsmagicshutup and it functions like a makeshift switchblade). It offers +1 to hit, +1 to damage and + 1 to initiative.
- Gain Tactical Points equal to the number of Superiority Dice you would have after a short rest. Tactical Points are fully replenished after a long rest.
- As one of your attacks, or a reaction or bonus action, spend a Tactical Point to perform a Commander's Strike maneuver (even if it is not one of your chosen maneuvers)

Next: a flute fashioned from a hollowed-out tree trunk

Flute of Wildlife, Rare

This flute is made from the hollowed out part of a papaya tree. It appears simple in nature.

You may use your action to play a solo on the flute, which encompasses singing and then breathing in through the flute on offbeats, and cast Animal Friendship at will.

Next. A pretty penny

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Next. A pretty penny

A Pretty Penny
(Wondrous Item, Legendary)

This legendary coin has a value equal to the exact price of any single item you want to buy, as long as the item is for sale and has a price assigned to it. No one knows why the pretty penny is worth as much as it is, but everyone agrees that it actually is that valuable.

A person can only use a specific Pretty Penny to make a purchase in this way once during their life.

Some things are so valuable that they they will always cost you a pretty penny.

Next: a Golden Ticket
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Next: a Golden Ticket

All Purpose Eternal VIP Boarding Pass (Gold Member)

Very Rare, Requires Attunement

This is a roughly 2-1/2" by 3" solid gold card, covered with illegible runes.
It radiates very powerful Enchantment magic.

When presented to the staff, captain, or other agent of any sort of Travel vessel that takes paid passenger (Ship, Airship, Train, Wagon Caravan) it causes them to grant berth and passage to the holder and one guest. The captain and crew treat them as if they were fully paid customers, and VIPs, and will bump/turn out other passengers to make room for them. The Pass holder keeps the pass.

Next Item: An Ottoman (Footstool)

An Ottoman (Footstool)
This is a lair item; it's too big and bulky to carry around everywhere. The PCs might encounter it at a well-appointed inn or a noble's manor.

A character must sit in a comfortable chair and place his feet on this footstool, intending to relax. He gains all the benefits of a Short Rest, but requires only 10 minutes.

When he gets up, he will presently feel the irresistible urge to dance and boogie (because this item was crafted as a prank by THAT Otto-man). At DM option, and as appropriate to the inn / manor / &c, the beneficiary may be required to dance immediately after climbing out of the chair, or when he enters a common room, or when he is part of an audience for some form of entertainment. Handle this effect as Otto's Irresistible Dance, with no save allowed.

Next item: A scroll tube, filled with sheets of parchment.

Next item: A scroll tube, filled with sheets of parchment.

Grabbit and Cramyn's Penultimate Parchments of Engrammatic Emulation (rarity varies, attunement not required)

The Weave-Proof Scroll Tube is enchanted with a severely constrained antimagic shell, in and of itself, quite a find. When sealed, it will protect its contents from any effects that tap into the Weave. It does not detect as magic.

The sheets of Parchment are another tale entirely. Parchments are almost always blank when discovered. When a spell is cast within 5 feet of a Parchment, the Parchment takes an imprint of that spell from the Weave, capturing the result of the spell EXACTLY. Any required attack roll is not captured, but any spell effect rolls ARE captured.

There is a 1 in 20 chance that the spell will be captured before it hits the Weave. In that case, as with the Spell Thief ability (Arcane Trickster) the spell is negated. (Finish the cast to capture the effects.)

If multiple Parchments are eligible to capture a spell, the rarest Parchment takes precedence. Life is cruel.

Any spellcaster may cast a captured spell from a Parchment with no additional material or somatic components. There is a chance (based on rarity) that the Parchment disintegrates when a spell is cast from it. The Parchment has no chance of capturing a spell cast from it or any other Parchment.

If a captured spell is not cast from the Parchment within 8 hours, spell fades away, leaving the Parchment blank again. Life is not that cruel.

The following list shows:
Parchment rarity (affected spell level | percent chance to disintegrate after a spell is cast from the Parchment | chance when rolling d20 to find).
- Uncommon (1-2 | 5% | 1-10)
- Rare (1-5 | 25% | 11-16)
- Very Rare (1-7 | 50% | 17-19)
- Legendary (1-9 | 100% | 20)

When discovered, there are d4+1 Parchments in a Weave-Proof Scroll Tube. Roll a d20 and consult the above table to determine rarity for each Parchment found.

Legend has it that Grabit and Cramyn claimed to have created the Ultimate Parchment that could store and cast 9th level spells without disintegrating, but no one has found such a Parchment (yet).

Note that while a parchment is not guaranteed to be in range to capture a Detect Magic spell, it is ALWAYS in range to capture an Identify spell.

Next: A ring, with very sharp teeth

Next item: A scroll tube, filled with sheets of parchment.

[sblock]The Bluffers Warrant

Detects as Non-Magical (Masked by Nystul's Magical Aura)

Rare, requires attunement

This is a largish, very ornate scroll case, bearing a number of impressive looking emboss and debossments that give the impression of being royal devices, without actually matching any noble seal.

When opened, the case contains a large sheaf of parchments, detailing in very fine and complex language, illuminated, notarized, signed and sealed, an assortment of approvals from various local, regional, and kingdom wide powers, permitting the bearer to do any number of specified or unspecified things.

In mechanical terms, this grants advantage on Deception checks where official paperwork would help.

The actual papers also detect as non-magical (again masked by Nystuls Magical Aura), they are perfect forgeries created by the scroll case. Any papers not returned to the case are either lost, stolen, or burned (vanishing when out of sight) within a day.[/sblock]
Mervinci did the scroll case while I was typing this up. I'm gonna leave it here and do the ring they posted.

Next: A ring, with very sharp teeth

Venom Fang Ring

This greenish gold ring is crafted in the shape of an open snakes mouth, in such a way that the wearer's finger extends out the mouth like a very thick tongue. Two real snake fangs are set into the ring in such a way that they lay against the top of the wearer's finger. The eyes are set with smoothly cut emeralds.

While wearing the ring, your unarmed attacks damage changes. Your unarmed attack does 1 + Str damage, but if you deal damage the target must make a con save, DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + you Con mod. On a Failed save they take 2d4 poison damage, half if they save.
On a crit, they suffer the Poisoned Condition.

Next Item: A Guitar
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You knew it was gonna happen sometime.
Next author gets to pick whether they want to do the "ring with sharp teeth" or the "guitar".

For the record, the Venom Fang Ring has been yoinked for my campaign.
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A guitar...

This is a finely-crafted instrument worthy of a virtuoso, made of the finest pale blonde wood and with fittings of chased silver and platinum. An inscription on the back marks it as a gift given to the legendary Bard Sariveth by his lover.
His insanely jealous lover, who hated him for putting his career ahead of her. She gifted it to him after growing tired of him lamenting that he faced no more challenges as a performer because he was the best there was, and most likely ever would be. (This might not have been a particluarly accurate statement, as Sariveth was only eighth level at the time.)

This guitar is cursed. It automatically Attunes itself to whoever claims it, randomly bumping another item as necessary. It can only be un-Attuned and gotten rid of through a Remove Curse or higher level spell.
Anyone proficient in playing the instrument automatically receives disadvantage on all rolls related to spellcasting using this instrument as a focus, and any roll involving influencing or aiding people when the instrument is played as part of that action.

After receiving this instrument, Sariveth certainly found himself challenged again.

A perfectly preserved, taxidermied albatross, hanging from a thin loop of rope...

I got an interesting idea for this one, but I don't know how to phrase it...maybe someone could use my idea? Basically it's a cursed item that, when the loose end of the rope is tied around someone's neck, the Albatross becomes animated and flies at a speed that something that size shouldn't be able to achieve, and thus lifts the victim in the air with the intent of hanging them by the neck until dead. Sort of a bizarre adaptation of the "Albatross around the neck" part of Rime of the Ancient Mariner, because it's DEFINITELY a huge punishment to be executed by an undead albatross.

You can come up with the next object if you adapt this. -shrug-

The Next Object

When found, The Next Object appears to be just an amorphous blob of clay, though transmutative magic may be detected. When one holds it in one's hands and thinks about an ordinary object, the clay will slowly shape itself into that object over the course of 10 minutes. The object is of a mundane sort --in fact it looks like it is fashioned out of wet clay and lacks fine detail-- but it can be as hard or soft as the material the object would have been normally fashioned from. The object can weigh between 1 to 10 lbs, and must fit into a 3' radius when formed. A sword so formed would hit as hard as steel, a coil of rope would be supple and strong, a broom could sweep. When one tired of the object, one can spend an action to ball the object back into a lump of clay. The Next Object can be used an unlimited number of times in this manner.

Next up: A landscape oil painting in an ornate frame

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