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Your Current Game?


First Post
As the new year starts, I'm trying to organize my personal life into enough sense that I can get some gaming and tabletop playing in this year.

I've been keeping abreast of Pathfinder, even picked up Bestiary 3 which still has quite a few nods to older editions with some of the monster selection. Last 4e book was probably Heroes of Shadow although I have picked up the recent tile set.

I see Hero has gone the Kickstarter route for some of their new material and that things look odd in other venues to my old eyes but there have been some great PDF sales where I picked up some great stuff.

I still have to investigate Mouse Guard and Burning Wheel Gold some, but now that I'm more receptive to the actual possibility of playing, that should be easier.

So what is everyone else running or playing these days? Last game I played was Scion in the Palladium Nighbane setting. It was a fun mix but I hardly got into the game before my work life took over again.

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First Post
I'm running 3.5 Xcrawl (Three Rivers Crawl).
I'm playing 4E and d20Advanced.

I'm playing Pathfinder in the Birthright setting.

Nothing yet, but I hope to start up a game with my brother fairly soon. Haven't decided on style, system, setting or anything else like that yet, but I'd like to take a crack at ICONS, Slasher Flick, Apocalypse World, or Gamma World.


Eternal Optimist
This coming year is looking interesting from a role-playing perspective.

My new AD&D campaign is three sessions old (four tonight) and is going very nicely; I expect somewhere in the vicinity of 6-9 players this evening. I'm very much enjoying the quicker pace of the game, although I'm unsure if the players will become frustrated with the lesser PC options.

Coming up next week, my 4E Greyhawk campaign will resume. We've been playing through Logan Bonner's (and other Open Design designers) Lost City adventure, and it's been very interesting. Mind you, given that I've changed a lot to my own needs, I need to be very careful it doesn't go off the rails.

The week after will be the return to Martin's 4E Eberron campaign, which is likely to reach its conclusion this year. After that, Martin is very, very likely to run a Savage Worlds campaign, although I don't know what setting he'd use.

I'm continuing to run D&D Encounters for the present; mostly because its a great way of meeting new D&D players. A few have been joining my other games, and given the difficulty of meeting new players otherwise, I'm very glad of the opportunity.

I don't know how long we'll persist with D&D Lair Assault; it requires a particular type of player to enjoy it fully, and with the other options the players currently have available, it's likely to not be so popular.

I'd really, really like to run a Traveller campaign at some point, and I'll continue to run the odd Call of Cthulhu session when other games fall through, but D&D is likely to consume most of my roleplaying time for the next year.

Apart from that, I'll still have my busy schedule of boardgaming; I've been playing a lot of the Mage Knight boardgame recently, which is well worth checking out, and I'm hoping to play 1830 sometime soon. However, with my collection approaching 350 boardgames, I'm unlikely to become bored anytime soon (even if D&D has been encroaching on my boardgaming of late).

So, I'm very much looking forward to gaming in 2012.



First Post
I heard that the Mage Knight Board game sold out quickly. I haven't really taken an interest in board games too much as I haven't had time for that either. I know you sometimes write up reviews of material you've played and enjoyed, have you done that here?

And how is Lost City? I think 4e could only benefit from the type of product this appears to be. Good stuff?


I'm a recent Pathfinder convert, but I'm still keeping an eye on what happens at WotC. I still buy 4e stuff just to keep up. I have a feeling some really big news is coming next week. We'll see.

The most direct answer: playing Pathfinder now.


Eternal Optimist
I heard that the Mage Knight Board game sold out quickly. I haven't really taken an interest in board games too much as I haven't had time for that either. I know you sometimes write up reviews of material you've played and enjoyed, have you done that here?

Not yet, but I intend to in the near future.

And how is Lost City? I think 4e could only benefit from the type of product this appears to be. Good stuff?

Frustratingly short. It really wants to be twice the length with a lot more detail in each of the areas. The material in it is really good quality, although there are some maps that just Don't Make Sense(tm), and with a little work I've been expanding it to form a very memorable part of the campaign. Notably, the monsters are tough enough to be a real challenge for my 14th level group, and there's a LOT of exploration and role-playing so that it doesn't become the combatfest that a lot of the HPE modules devolved into.

It does require a lot from the DM, though - in terms of fleshing out the characters, including new goals and interactions, and generally shaping the game. It does, however, give a great starting point and a lot of inspiration.



First Post
I'm playing Pathfinder. A homebrew game. I'm also slightly running it, since the GM occasionally wants to play, and so I let him borrow my character and I take over as GM once in awhile.

I'm soon to be running two games of Pathfinder's Jade Regent AP. One with my roommate and her boyfriend who will be playing two characters each, and one with my normal group, who played partway through JR last year, got TPK'd on the first day of 2012, and is now eager to start it again.


I've been playing a lot of the Mage Knight boardgame recently, which is well worth checking out,

I was unaware that there was a Mage Knight board-game out now. How much does it have to do with the Mini's game that was cancelled a while back? Is it a relaunch?

As for what games am I playing, I am running a game of Savage Worlds: Necessary Evil and a game of Mage: the Awakening set in the 'standard' Boston setting. I am thinking about adding a Deadlands or Shadowrun 4th Edition game to that mix.

I am running three games at AlmaCon2012, but those are all one shots (Castles & Crusades, BESM2, and Savage Worlds: Weird War II) so they don't really count.

I am actually playing in a 4e D&D game at the moment, the first game I've gotten to play (not run) in about 6 years. So far it's very fun.

I might join a Pathfinder group soon, and another guy is trying to talk me into joining a game of Eclipse Phase. As soon as he find anyone else who even knows what it is.


Pathfinder for me. I have a weekly face to face game and am involved in various PbP Pathfinder games here as part of Living Pathfinder.

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