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Your favourite novel series


I'll limit myself to finished series.

Herbert - Dune
Williams - Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn
Wolfe - Book of the New Sun
Tolkien - Lord of the Rings

Those are the ones that I have reread more than once.

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Sniper o' the Shrouds
I really liked the Tad Williams and I really like the Harry Potter books (and yes, I'd take the 4 current ones on a deserted island).

My favorite, though, is Orson Scott Card's Ender series. I only got through the first four, though, before I had to put him on my do not support list, though. Most unfortunate. :(


Registered User
Hard to really narrow it down, but I'll give my nod to Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy (The Cristal Cave, The Hollow Hill and The Last Enchantment) and it's follow up Mordred novel (The Wicked Day of Destiny).


Dinkeldog said:
My favorite, though, is Orson Scott Card's Ender series. I only got through the first four, though, before I had to put him on my do not support list, though. Most unfortunate. :(


(Another fan of Ender's Game)


First Post
Because Crossroads of Twilight makes it impossible to stick up for Jordan's Wheel of Time right now[1], I'd go with Brust's Vlad Taltos books. Nine books, each mostly self-sufficient, and only one clunker (Teckla -- which was book 3). The rest are just plain fun to read.

[1] If by some miracle he finishes the series off with two or three pretty good books, then you can say that yeah, books 8 and 10 were clunkers, and books 6 and 9 were mostly saved by explosive endings, but it's still a very good series. But right now I'm only picking up book 11 because at this point I'm going to finish the series if Jordan does.


First Post
The films for LOTR were good, but to be completly honest I didn't like the novels at all. It just took way to long to get anywhere, I gave up about half-way through the first one. Plus what the hell is it with Harry Potter, it bored the living **** out of me!. There isn't really a series I can think of, but authors I do like include...

HP Lovecraft
Stephen Laws
Shuan Hutson

... thats about it really, im not a novel person aside from these three fellas.:rolleyes:
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Mystic Eye

First Post
My favorites are:

Cook-The Black Company
R.A. Salvatore-Demon Wars Saga
Robert Jordan- Wheel of Time (books 1-3 but its getting old)
Dennis McKiernan (sp?)-All the Mithgar books
LeGuin (sp?)_ Earthsea trilogy
Martin-Song of Ice and Fire (current favorite)
R.A. Salvatore-Forgotten Realms books
Howard-Conan books
Gemmel-Waylander books
Anthony-The first Xanth books, and a couple other series he has done.

oh...the list goes on!!!



Well, my favourite novel is without question 'The Last of the Wine' by Mary Renault. It does a superb job at telling a story set in an alien culture in the voice of a member of that culture addressing his fellows and without ever descending into 'as-you-know'ing. It isn't a work of fantasy or SF (it is set in Greece 429-402 BC), but it is a glowing example to SF and fantasy writers.

Confined to SF and fantasy I would have to choose one of Jack Vance's novel series: probably the Cadwal Chronicles ('Araminta Station', 'Ecce and old Earth', 'Throy'), but perhaps 'Tschai: Planet of Adventure' ('The City of the Chasch', 'The Servants of the Wankh', 'The Dirdir', 'The Pnume') or 'Lyonesse' ('Suldrun's Garden', 'The Green Pearl', 'Madouc').




First Post
The Recluse Books by L E Modesitt, jr

Jordan blew it with the last book and Martin is not even halfway finished yet (If he can hold his quality level Martin's will be my favorite, but it's hard to call a half finished series my favorite series).

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