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D&D 5E Your Most *Fun* D&D 5e Character


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My half orc war cleric geared up in shining armor and gold cape who thinks he's a paladin as he delights in slaughter in the name of Erythnul.

I represent his low intelligence by me not bothering to think about the problem and have him get easily frustrated.

Some time ago I was holding the key to a dungeon we needed to enter. We get there so I immediately say "I pull out the key and unlock the door." When the DM informed me I don't see a key hole I responded, in character, with "This thing's useless" and threw the key at the door in a rage . . . which magically opened the door.

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Mechanically my favorite 5E character is very simple, a chaotic good half-elf berserker path barbarian wielding a greatsword taller than she is. Elskandi Hun-Ulfur ("Elsa"), formerly of the People of the Wolf, now wandering hero for hire. What makes her fun is her big grin, her enthusiasm for adventure of any kind, her wide-eyed optimism, and the fact that she's kind of a dim bulb.

She doesn't actually have great weapon master, opting for +2 Strength at 4th level instead. ;P But she could have!

-The Gneech :cool:

I'm A Banana

I really like my gnome wild mage.

I was also very fond of my minotaur bard, but he didn't stick around long enough to make as deep an impression on me.


My most fun character was a gnome bard I made to piss off one of my friends. He's always hated bards, always hated gnomes, at least as PC's. So I made Fancy the Bard(shout out to Fancy the Bard of EverQuest fame). He not only irritated my friend, but proved way more fun to play than I ever thought. It was all in good fun.


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Mine is a lvl 5 Halfling Warlock named Tommelin "Tomes" Underboot - kind of a nerdy, bookish Sage background kind of halfling. While studying ancient demonic lore in Waterdeep, he was tricked into signing a pact with the cambion Lorcan, and is rather reluctant to fully use his warlock powers. MC'ing into bard next level, which will prompt a visit from some of Lorcan's devotees to, ah, persuade him to reconsider.

I see a lot of nobles often played the same way lol.

I had an Acolyte Paladin, he was naive and a bit sexist in terms of dress code. OMG she has her ankles showing sort of thing. Naive ultra conservative LG twat.
It's fun playing the character that's the butt of the jokes. It enables the rest of the table to engage with your character and keeps you involved, but in a non-disruptive way. It encourages everyone to mock you in a friendly way that allows everyone to just have more fun that playing a straight character.


41st lv DM
BREE BURRFOOT, awesome adventurer. (And SCALES, her pseudo-dragon familiar):


BREE BURRFOOT, awesome adventurer. And SCALES, her pseudo-dragon familiar (MM, p.254)
Class/lv: Warlock (8) Total xp: 34,000+
1/2ling (lightfoot) Female Age:12(?) Height:3'2 Weight: 47lb AL:CG
Complexion: Caucasian. A bit sunburnt turning to tanned.
Hair: Brown, bleached to light brown from time recently spent out in the Mulhorandi desert sun
Eyes: Brown
Size: Small
Attitude: Friendly, eternally cheerful, hyperactive, & curious. And hungry.

AC:17 (dex+mage armor)
Initiative:+3 Prof.Bonus: +3
Saves: str (-1), dex (+4), con (+2), int (+0), WIS (+4), CHA (+6)
Passive Perception: +3

Speed: 25ft/round 50ft if dashing up to 100ft/round if dashing via Exp.Retreat (50' action + 50' bonus action)

Lucky 1/2ling: May reroll 1s on attack rolls/ability checks or saving throws. Must use the new roll.
Brave: Advantage on Saves vs being frightened
1/2ling nimbleness: May move through the space of any creature who's size is larger than mine.
Naturally Stealthy: May attempt to hide even when obscured only by a creature 1 size larger than I am.
Fey Presence (from Warlock):
1/long rest, 1 action, I can cause each creature in a 10' cube, originating on me,
to make a DC.14 Wisdom Save. Those who fail are all charmed or frightened (my choice) by me until the end of my next turn.
Misty Escape (from Warlock):
1/rest, my REACTION, When I take damage I can vanish in a puff of smoke, teleport up to 60' away (within my line-of-site), and remain invisible until A) the start of my next turn, B) I attack/cast a spell.

Most common attacks/mods:
Magic Stone (via sling): +6 to hit, Dam= 1d6+3 Range=30/120 (60' if thrown) magical Bludgeoning
Quarterstaff: +2 to hit, Dam=1d6-1 or 1d8-1 (used versatile) Bludgeoning
{Quarterstaff via Shilleliegh: +6 to hit, Dam=1d8+3 or 1d10+3 (used versatile) magical Bludgeoning}
Witch Bolt: targets = 1, +6 to hit, initial Dam=4d12*(because it's cast via a 4th lv slot), additional damage = 1d12/round (concentration, uses my ACTION to maintain, max duration 1 minute{10 rounds})

Despite being willing to plink foes with magic rocks, or whack them with her staff if she must, Bree is not a killer. So I've not included her daggers in the above combat block. Knifing someone.... would be way out of character.
Witch Bolt is only used in the most dire of circumstances. And to date has only been used on a Shambling Mound, a Night Hag, & a Vampire of some sort.

Str: 8 (-1) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 14 (+2) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 17 (+3)

** Shares senses and can communicate telepathically with Scales while on the same plane as each other.
Can also speak in her own voice though Scales while on the same plane.
** Has Advantage on Saves vs spells & other magical effects when within 10ft of Scales

Proficient Skills:
Arcana: +3 Insight: +3 Investigation: +3 Perception: +3 Tools: +3 (chess like gaming set)
Languages: Common, 1/2ling, Draconic

Background: Far Traveler, wanderer (SCAG p.148 - grants Insight, Perception, Tools, & +1 language)
Homeland: The Grand Duchy of Karameikos
Personality: Confidant Ideals: Adventure! "I'm far from home & everything is strange and wonderful
Bonds: Family - "I do hope I see them again, I've got sooo many stories to tell them!"
Flaws: "What's that saying about curiosity & cats? Does it apply to 1/2lings?"

4th lv ASI/Feat: Magic Initiate (sorc.) Cantrip: Light, Cantrip: Mage Hand, 1st lv spell: Expeditious Retreat
8th lv ASI/Feat: Healer (PHB, P.167 - Bree has discovered, the hard way, that she's quite adept at healing.

Spell slots:2 Slot lv: 4th Spell save DC:14 Spell attack mod: +6
Spells: Sleep (11d8), Witch Bolt, Spider Climb, Hold Person, Fly, Counter-spell, Remove Curse, Blink, Banishment
Cantrips: Magic Stone (EEPG, p.19), Prestidigitation, Shilleliegh
Invocations: Armor of Shadows, Beast Speech, Eldritch Sight, Voice of the Chain Master

Text for Magic Stone:
Cantrip from Warlock list, Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action, Range: Touch, Components: V,S, Duration:1 minute
You touch one to three pebbles and imbue them with magic. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing or hurling it with a sling. If thrown it has a range of 60 feet. If someone else attacks with the pebble, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker's, to the attack roll.
On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6+your spellcasting ability modifier.
Hit or miss, the spell then ends on the stone.
If you cast this spell again, the spell ends early on any pebbles still affected by it.

Bag of Holding! (* = items in Bag)
Horn of ValHalla - Brass
Travelers Clothes, Gaming set*, Poorly wrought maps*, Jewlery (v.10 gp), 47.5gp left,
1/4 staff, Sling, wand, pouch, 2 daggers*, scholars pack*, leather armor (not worn)*, lots of other stuff*

! = Bree's Bag of Holding works somewhat like a Bag of Devouring. But it ONLY eats valuables (precious metals, gems, jewelry, & other magic items).
But not all of them (or at least not all at once), just a 10% cut (rounded up) of whatever's in the bag at the end of the day.
It's how Bree pays Scales, her pseudo-dragon patron back home. He gives her power, she tithes him loot.
It absolutely will not eat people/monsters - living or dead/un-dead/construct/inactive. It cannot be "weaponized". (Scales doesn't want Bree sending bodies, or worse, other living things {especially monsters!} home.)
! = Regardless of wether you allow the bag to actually function this way, I'm just going to erase 10% of any "loose" wealth in the bag at the end of each day. And by "loose" I mean any $/gems/jewlery/magic-items placed directly into the bag. Ex; I just toss 10gp in. 1 of them will be eaten.... But if I put those same 10gp in a purse 1st, & put the purse in, they'll be fine. So I CAN carry party loot/important items, I just have to be careful.:)

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...e-PbP-game-OOC-Character-sheets#ixzz4O2tMnCzD [/sblock]

Bree is a planes hopping(?), non-EB-using, Chainlock with a Fey patron (who appears to her in the form of her pseudo-dragon familiar).

This is a character that's built so that the spells & abilities augment, and come from, the RP/story.
Things are chosen because they are cool. Not because they'll do x DPR. EB, while certainly effective, does not fit this character. She's got the Healers feat because in the RL game I just have a knack for rolling 20's on medicine checks when allies go down. Clearly the universe intends for Bree to heal people....
Also Bree does not think like, or approach problems like, a jaded looting murder-hobo. It's WRONG to kill {people} & steal their stuff!

I'm playing Bree in both a real life CoS game at the FLGS & a PBP game here on this site.

Her PBP stats here are close enough to here CoS stats as to make no real difference.
She's a lv lower at the shop but with a 7STR and 19 in both Dex & Cha. (shop = rolled stats, PBP = Pt buy) When I hit 8th lv at the FLGS her spells, invocations, feats/ASIs etc will match her PBP.

Some Background:

[sblock=]* She started out as an un-statted NPC quest giver in the opening chapter (The Forest Oracle) of the initial 5e game I ran. (game #1) The PCs met her at the Wild Wood Inn as she was trying to recruit some help to go rescue her older sister from a tribe of Satyrs. They later helped Bree & her sister explore a mysteriously appearing Wizards tower in search of an Amulet of the Planes, ended up on a jungle island, and escaped aboard a ship - that then got attacked by pirates.

* Then I used the Satyr party where her sister went missing as the opening chapter in a 2nd game I ran. (game #2) The PCs in that one (4 1/2orc barbarians) accepted the job. In this one I gave her a (rough) 3rd lv character sheet. The 1/2orcs "rescued" the sister by opening a Cubic Gate (random loot they found!) hurling themselves, the 1/2ling sisters, several other prisoners, and a bunch of attacking Satyrs into the planes....
Games #1 & #2 are not related. Just sharing bits. :)

* When our CoS game began one of the guys made a pirate. So I just pulled out Bree's NPC sheet, rolled her stats, & dropped her to lv.1.
As the pirates attacked the ship from game #1 a sinister fog rolled up on both boats.... And Bree & one of the pirates found themselves standing on a cobblestone road surrounded by dark Gothic woods. The pirate saw Bree casting spells & blames her for their current predicament. Bree blames her sister (whose MIA) who was twisting on the Amulet of the Planes....
Bree's own memory of how she & her sister came to be on the boat is....confused. She alternately recalls escaping the jungle island & the 1/2orcs and their glowing rune covered cube.

* Then I way up leveled her for an on-line game that fizzled & then up to 8th for the PBP she's now in.
So she has odd bits of memories concerning trekking through the Mulhorandi Dessert of Desolation & then somehow joining a group & getting attacked by lizard-men in a little swamp surrounded town called Barovia (but not the same Barovia where she's been fighting off Vampires & Werewolves alongside the pirate? ??)[/sblock]
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First Post
Half-Orc Mastermind Rogue - He was brought up to be a house guard because of his Orcish heritage and large frame, but he eventually gave it up for the life of an adventurer. A massive Half-Orc in full plate and shield who behaves stereo-typically Orcish so that he can gain the upper hand when least expected. He pretends to be the hired thug of the wizard of the group and not speak Common well even though he has a 14 intelligence.


It's hard to pick. I've enjoyed almost all the characters I've played so far.


Human storm cleric raised by Elves (started as variant human with defensive duelist feat, picked up healer feat at 4th level). We rolled attributes straight down and in order, no re-arranging. Since his Dex and Wisdom were the highest scores, I created the raised by Elves part of his backstory. So far, I've played him up to 5th level.

Dwarven barbarian who had visions of impending doom. I played him for a little, and I thought I'd hate the barbarian because it was too simple/one dimensional, but it was really fun playing his flaw, scaring the other players by telling them about visions every so often and acting as if the visions were really going to come true. I didn't tell them that was a flaw so it took them 2 or 3 game sessions to figure out that when my PC told them about a vision and then ran off or tried to get them to hide or jump off the path, it was delusional. The hated him for that, but they thought it was funny and they loved that he could soak damage when he raged.


My current character, Alysaaria, is a Half-Dark Elf Entertainer Ancients Dex Paladin, Level 10, Actor, Defensive Duelist.

At least that's what she is now. She has been a number of other classes, races, and genders based on which personality had to exist at the time. Celeste was an assassin, Titania was a life priestess of Sune, and Titus an ancients paladin of Titania. Her story revolved around a ring which was possessed by a Rakshasa who would take over the wearer. But since Alys had multiple personalities, the Rakshasa could not control her. Recently, a visit to an illithid fortune teller allowed her to be free of the Rakshasa and her other personalities have been resolved. Now she has one personality, her own, and is currently searching for a raison d'être, the world finally being only hers to explore.

I'm enjoying her as a role playing challenge. The multiple personality aspect was gimmicky, which is why I wanted to be resolved quickly. But playing a character in a body that has been used by three other personalities for 10 years, suddenly able to express herself again. Dealing with the death of her young son on top of all of it. That's good stuff.
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