Same reason I’ve given for the last year-plus; it’s simply not novel enough.
Reorganized 5e is still 5e.
More or less the same here. It's less an individual, specific aspect of the game, and more of an overall assessment that the game doesn't excite me enough to buy it.
I agree with the above.
It's a confluence of factors for me.
I already have 5e 2014, and 5e 2024 is not novel enough. While it is a slight upgrade, it also feels like a sidegrade. I have no sense of urgency to buy a game for a slight upgrade and a partial sidegrade. There are fundamental design issues that I have with 5e D&D (e.g., Short Rest vs. Long Rest class design), and there is no sign that these issues are being sufficiently addressed.
D&D 2024 is still 5e D&D, and I have that game already, and I don't have a desire to buy this particular game twice. If I want to play 5e D&D, then I have that. If 5e 2024 releases to the CC, then I will have plenty of resources to play that too.
Once I got past the honeymoon and discovery phase of 5e D&D, it wasn't really sparking joy as a game any longer. 5e has worn out its welcome for me. We've had nearly ten years together, but it's clear that we are growing in separate directions. It's okay to move on.
5e increasingly feels like a "Milquetoast Edition" to me. It feels like a game that is
terrified of having an opinion about anything, including how it should be played. Nowadays I want a strong, independent game that isn't afraid to speak its mind or share its opinion about play.
WotC seems to pretend that 4e and the Nentir Vale don't exist. Celebrating 50 years of D&D doesn't seem to include 4e D&D. What feels like an unwillingness from WotC to engage with many of the good innovations and ideas from 4e kind of soured me to WotC and 5e by extension over time. The elements from 4e that were brought into 5e exist in a sort of bastardized form: e.g., healing surges -> HD, rituals, bloodied, etc. We also never got the modularity that was promised.
I have stopped actively playing 5e D&D. My last 5e game was a two-shot during Covid lockdown. But even before then, my previous gaming group in Austria was getting burned out on D&D 5e.
Regardless of the outcome, the OGL Fiasco
did take some wind out of my sails about WotC and D&D 2024. I have a limited amount of funds for my hobby, so I would prefer to spend money supporting other creators in the hobby space. Hasbro is a publicly traded company. The reality is that this will have an effect on decisions made for the game as Hasbro is legally obligated to create a profit for their shareholders. And I don't think that what's good for D&D or WotC is necessarily best for the hobby.
Fact of the matter is that there are other games that are sparking more joy for me now, with Stonetop, Dragonbane, and Fabula Ultima probably being in my top three at present.
If I want D&D-esque fantasy adventure, I am lucky enough to be drowning in excellent options created by enthusiastic designers and hobbyists: e.g., OSE, Shadowdark, Beyond the Wall, Knave, Index Card RPG, Worlds Without Number, Mausritter, Cairn, etc. This is not to mention the other fantasy adventure TTRPGs out there: Fantasy AGE and Blue Rose, Dragonbane, The One Ring 2E, Forbidden Lands, etc.
If I play D&D-esque fantasy, my limited game time is driving me towards games that are easier and quicker to setup and run. A lot of these games are easier to learn, setup, and run than 5e D&D.