Actual conceptual changes can also backfire as it did with 4e.
Yeah, I think that from a business perspective a conservative edition is clearly the right move for 5e. If I were at the helm of WotC and trying to maximize profits and forced to make a new edition my version of 5.5e would be even more conservative than the one we're getting (which would be completely different game from a hypothetical 5.5e that would be designed with making me a happy DM as it's only goal). 5e players are broadly happy with 5e and there isn't a big group of non-5e players would could be easily brought on board by ANY conceivable version of 5.5e.
How conservative 5.5e is is broadly fine. The bigger problem is that the changes we have seem to be a combination of:
1. Perfectly sensible balance patch stuff.
2. Power creep stuff put in to entice players with the shiny.
3. Random naughty word that stuck to the wall after all kinds of stuff had been thrown there during the playtest. Real mixed bag.
4. Stuff that makes 5.5e a slightly worse compromise between various D&D playstyles than 5e.