• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Zday in Sunnybright


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Caitlin finishes washing up and putting on her make-up, then heads for the weapons storage to help herself to some ammunition and a few back up firearms (favouring small automatic and semi-automatic weapons). If she finds any explosives, she'll be more than happy to take them too.
"Well, boys. Whereto now?"

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"Well we need to check this place for places the zombies could get in, besides the front door." Max looks around "That's what we were going to do before... well you know."


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"So, were fighting it out here?" chip asks grimly "What happens when more and more... gather here? I don't think holing up is going to do us any good"


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"We really need to get to the hospital, I haven't found much in the way of supplies here. Besides, didn't you want to look for survivors? We're not going to find any holed up in here. Perhaps we'll have better luck in the local bank. The vault has to be the safest place in town, people could be hiding in there..."


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"Yes we want supplies medical and otherwise, yes we want to look for survivors, but don't you think we need a base to operate from?"


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"Right, let's check the back entrance and the windows on this floor."
Caitlin begins to check if the windows are safe (barred, plexiglas, lockable, small etc...), window by window, room by room.


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Chip starts checking windows, starting at Caitlins first window and working the other direction. "Make sure the armory aand medical supplies haven't been cleared out yet, Max"


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The office has a small armory, with a handful of rifles and shotguns, and a mess of personal sidearms. The medical supply cabinet has what you might need for immediate first aid, but nothing extensive.

Windows are average sized, glass, not barred or protected in any way at all. It's a relatively small city, and the crime rates are low - Max, if nobody else, would know this to be fact. There was no real reason to make the police office into a fortress when it was built, and the need has never arisen.

A thorough inspection of the place will show that there are, indeed, no other people at all; living or otherwise; anywhere in the building, exempting the two corpses behind the receptionist's counter.

Caitlin's search for explosives will be for naught. This police department has never had any reason to blow anything up.

The moans from outside are getting closer, and the fate the entail is beginning to become more apparent to each of you.


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