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Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )


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The roof...? Mesa reacts in time to see the attack coming. "Blow, ye western winds!" he says, sending his will to contact the spirits of the air.

The wind roars from the west, buffeting three archers but only bringing down one. The other two are protected by the roof's ledge. Mesa does some quick mental calculations and sighs. "Shoulda been eastern winds, aye?" A soft, teasing breeze from the east carresses his cheek, answering his question.

[sblock=Action]Chill Wind centered on J17. Roll versus K18, J17, I18. 1d20+4=10, 1d20+4=21, 1d20+4=5. Second attack against J17 hits and blows him off of the roof. The body lands at K16.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mesa stat block]Mesa- Male Razorclaw Shifter Druid 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC:16, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:15 -- Speed:7
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:8/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used

Shifter Form: +1 vs. AC, 1d4+1
Beast Form: +4 vs. REF, 1d8+4, and target is slowed TENT

Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Storm Spike, Chill Wind
Razorclaw Shifting, Cull the Herd
Fires of Life


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First Post
mal malenkirk said:
mal malenkirk said:
Andrec : 22 / 22 [5/7] AP
Shouldn't this be 6/7? Also, if I recall correctly, diseases progress after each extended rest, in addition to after getting them.

Regarding the map; There seems to be no obvious way to reach the archers...

[sblock=actions]No actions. Looking at the kitty-cat that darted into the alleyway. [/sblock]


First Post
Montroya walks along with the group, the sun shining above. Montroya looks to the sky, and takes a deep breath, the salty air mixed the stench of bodies. The disease he bears chooses that moment to take hold, and the deva doubles over hacking. Wiping his mouth with the back of his black hand, blood stains his sable skin. For some reason, he licks it off, savoring the coppery taste.

The invoker suddenly disgusted, looks again towards the sun, seeking answers to his savage actions. As his gaze turns upward, the light glints off something on the roof. An arrowhead! Ambush! The deva calls out a warning and then wastes little time in invoking Apoli's wrath on the archers that surround them. Tipping his staff at the archers, lightning explodes out from their position, charring the bodies and sending the smell of ozone around them.

Use Vanguard's lightning centered on N8. 2 Hits. 2 Dead. 1d20+4=18, 1d20+4=23, 1d6+4=9 [/sblock]

Init: +1
Passive Insight: 19 Passive Perception: 19
Defenses*: AC: 17, Fort: 13 Ref: 15 Will: 15
HP: 24/24 Bloodied: 12 Surges: 6/6(6)
AP: 0
Divine Bolts
Vanguard's Lightning
Memory of a thousand lifetimes
Preserver's rebuke
Rebuke undead
Blades of Astral fire
Summon Angel of Fire

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Shouldn't this be 6/7? Also, if I recall correctly, diseases progress after each extended rest, in addition to after getting them.

Regarding the map; There seems to be no obvious way to reach the archers...

[sblock=actions]No actions. Looking at the kitty-cat that darted into the alleyway. [/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]. Oh, but there is no convenient way to reach the archers. Don't worry, you won't have time to worry about that, as you'll see soon enough. I expect the ranged powers will be enough to kill them all in short order, they are only minions.

Disease: Immediate effect was losing the two surge (immediately and after each extended rest. The endurance + Heal check were specifically done because you had an extended rest. Only Jarel Improved (that's why he is only deducted 1 healing surge). Mesa and Andrec are stable. Montroya worsened (to no effect because he resist necrotic damage).[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=Level 2...]
Barely a month ago I was on record as being against handing out XP in mid-adventure outside of an Extended rest. The nature of PnP gaming is making me eat my words.

After this fight you will have earned a bit more than 1000XP. If I don't give it right now, You will finish the adventure at almost 1500XP and many of you will be barely get to play at level 2 at all.

So after this fight, XP time. Andrec, Montroya and Mesa will become level 2. Jarel Probably won't be level 3, though. The counter since the start of the adventure is currently at 815 XP and should be a hair above 1000XP after this fight.

Montroya and Mesa thin the crowd a bit but can't prevent the inevitable onslaught. A rain of arrow falls on the heroes and... they fare well. Barely a scratch. What incompetent archers! But before they can recover, two fiendish tieflings appears from the alley’s shadows and attack. Both Mesa and Montroya are cut deep and feel poison course through their veins, then two snarling Dragon come charging from around the corners. Montroya is badly hurt.

1-2:Mesa 3:OWW 4:Knotty 5:Andrec 6:Montroya 7-9:Jarel (1d20+7=10, 1d20+7=12, 1d20+7=10, 1d20+7=27, 1d20+7=14, 1d20+7=11, 1d20+7=9, 1d20+7=21, 1d20+7=20) Only 2 hit. Vs Jarel. (They had +2 vs Jarel and Andrec because they were unaware)

3 damage per hit. Yep, one arrow was wasted on Knotty Virtue. How would they know better? Now they kind of do, though.

Tiefling Darkblade 1
Stealth (1d20+13-5=9) rats. Everyone hears him coming.

Darkblade 2 (vs Mesa)
vs Perception 19 (1d20+13=23) Success, this one didn't have to run.

1:vs Montroya AC 17 2:Vs Mesa (with +2) AC 16 (1d20+7=24, 1d6+3=4, 1d20+7=16, 1d6+3=7) both hit, Montroya takes 4 HP, Mesa takes 7 hp

1:Vs Montroya For 13 2:Vs Mesa For 12 (1d20+5=17, 1d20+5=18) Both are poisoned

Dragonborn skirmisher
1:Vs Jarel AC 21 2:VS Montroya AC 17 (1d20+7=9, 1d10+4+1d6=15) Huh, forgot to ask for two rolls. Miss Jarel and...

VS AC 17 (1d20+7=21, 1d10+4+1d6=12) Hits for 12

Don't worry too much about the extra 1d6 damage, they have a hard time gaining it. Might not be able to do it for the rest of the fight.


Andrec : 22 / 22 [5/7] AP
Jarel-Karn : 35 / 37 [10/11] AP
Mesa : 22 (17) / 26 [7/9] AP Ongoing 5 Poison (Save ends)
Montroya : 5 (0) / 24 6 [6/8] AP Ongoing 5 Poison (Save ends)
One-Who-Waits: 26 / 26 [9/9] AP

Montroya will fall unconscious right at the start of his turn unless...

Perception 16
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 11 ; see also mob rule
Mob Rules : The archer gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least two other human bandit archers are within 5 squares of it.

Tiefling Darkblade (Level 2)
Senses Perception 13
HP 34; Bloodied 17
AC 15; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12
+7 vs Armor Class; (+8 against a bloodied target)1d6+3 damage, and the tiefling darkblade makes a secondary attack against the same target.
Secondary Attack
+5 vs Fortitude; ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).

Perception 12
HP 38; Bloodied 19
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 14
Resist 5 lightning
Battleaxe (Standard, at-will) Weapon
+7 vs Armor Class; (+8 while bloodied)1d10+4 damage.
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First Post
Mesa steps away from the new arrivals and calls again on the winds, grunting at the wound to his side. He trusts his allies to guard his flank. "Winds, and from whtever direction ye deem right, bring these sons of whores down!"

Wind raises up at his call and blows two more archers from their heights.

[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Shift to J12.
Standard Action: Wind Chill centered on J10, attack I11, J10, K9. 1d20+1=17, 1d20+1=14, 1d20+1=16. I11 and K9 go down.
Free Action: Save Versus Poison 1d20=9.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mesa's Stat Block]Mesa- Male Razorclaw Shifter Druid 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC:16, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:15 -- Speed:7
HP:17/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:8/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used

Shifter Form: +1 vs. AC, 1d4+1
Beast Form: +4 vs. REF, 1d8+4, and target is slowed TENT

Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Storm Spike, Chill Wind
Razorclaw Shifting, Cull the Herd
Fires of Life[/sblock]
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First Post
One-Who-Waits starts another chant, and a wispy shape passes through Montroya, bringing with it a wave of warmth. One-Who-Waits then moves closer to a wall; as he does so, Knotty Virtue moves to attack one of the tieflings and delivers a nasty bite.

[sblock=actions]Minor: Use healing spirit on Montroya (Montroya can spend a healing surge). No extra healing, though, as Knotty Virtue is not adjacent to anyone who is damaged.

Move: One-Who-Waits moves to K11 and Knotty Virtue moves to M11. (Trying to help Montroya get out of harm's way with the minor-action shift the spirit grants.)

Standard: Use stalker's strike on tiefling M10, +4 vs Fortitude.
1d20+4=17, 1d10+4=10
Hits for 10 and Knotty Virtue can flank until end of next turn, for what it's worth.

Knotty Virtue will take the first OA that it is offered.

Side note: I should have thought more carefully about my character's name. The initials OWW are really unfortunate ;)[/sblock]

[sblock=ministats]One-Who-Waits Male Deva Shaman 1
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 20, Senses: Normal
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:14, Will:15
(+1 to defenses against attacks by bloodied enemies)
Resist Necrotic 5, Radiant 5
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1
Call Spirit Companion
Spirit's Fangs
Stalker's Strike
Watcher's Strike

Healing Spirit (expended)
Healing Spirit
Speak with Spirits
Twin Panthers
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
Second Wind

Spirit of the Healing Flood


Full sheet: One-Who-Waits[/sblock]

[sblock=Spirit Effects (IMPORTANT TO DM AND PCS)]
A reminder of the effects that the spirit (Knotty Virtue) has on combat. The first three are important to players.
  • Any ally of One-Who-Waits who starts their turn adjacent to Knotty Virtue can shift 1 square as a free action, as the first action during their turn.
  • Any ally of One-Who-Waits who is adjacent to Knotty Virtue gains a +4 bonus to their damage rolls against bloodied enemies.
  • Knotty Virtue occupies 1 square. Allies can move through its space but enemies cannot.
  • Any enemy that leaves a square adjacent to Knotty Virtue without shifting is subject an opportunity attack (the Spirit's Fangs power).
  • Knotty Virtue has the same defense values as One-Who-Waits and can be targeted by attacks.
  • If a single attack deals 10 or more damage to Knotty Virtue, the spirit disappears and One-Who-Waits takes 5 damage. Otherwise Knotty Virtue is unaffected by attacks.
  • When One-Who-Waits takes a move action, he can move Knotty Virtue up to 6 squares as well.
  • Knotty Virtue is unaffected by terrain and environmental phenomena.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
A : Andrec
M : Montroya
E : Mesa
J : Jarel
T : Ones-Who-Wait

As always, if you send me images you like, I can make token for you with it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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