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Zombies...Day One: IC

Walking Dad

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=====Shawn Smith=====

Coming back from Tahoe in the morning seemed like a good idea last night. Not so much now. Your tired but the wind in your face helps. You see headlights suddenly approaching you from behind. It doesn't seem to be slowing. It swerves and passes you before turning left and crashing. You see headlights approaching fro the other direction too. Did that really just happen?
"D@mn, are they drunk or me?" Shawn curses as he tries to avoid collision with the car. As he passes the other car, he sees that the drivers head is splattered on the tree.


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[sblock=OOC]Let's take a note from ethandrew and list Init, HP and Defense...don't know why I didn't think of that sooner[/sblock]

=====Courtney Tuber=====
=====Dirk Winchester=====
=====Jeff Fisher=====
=====Ronald Sidenblad=====
=====Jack the Lumberjack=====

Courtney: When you honk you attract the attention of these bloodied men and they start running towards you.[sblock=OOC]You then see the actions below occur except for Ronald because the patrol car is in the way[/sblock]

Dirk: Your shot goes wide as you hear a horn honk to your left and one of the bloodied men that had turned towards the sound of the horn turns back towards you.

Jeff: You hear a horn behind you and see that both bloodied men turn towards the sound, you then hear a shotgun go off in front off you and notice as one of the bloodied men turn back towards you.

Ronald: You look down and see there is nothing you can do for either of the bloodied men who've already been shot. You hear honking to your left and then a shotgun go off near you and see that one of the second set of bloodied men turns towards you as the other charges off to the left.

Jack You charge towards the the men, hear some honking from your left and a shotgun blast from behind, both of the men turn towards the horn and one turns back towards you after the shotgun blast. You wind up and miss with your chainsaw. [sblock=OOC]Your second attack will be in the next round since you only have one attack[/sblock]

=====Jim "Max" Vance=====

Jim: You then see a woman, bloodied and feral jump into the hallway, behind the cheerleader. She turns and looks down at her raising both fists as if to crush her. [sblock=OOC]Your move[/sblock]

=====Shawn Smith=====

Shawn: You hear another crash around the corner ahead. You then hear some honking, followed closely by a shotgun blast.


First Post
Courtney Tuber
Initiative of 20.
HP: 10 - Defense: 17

The two bloodied men turned to face him, with one peeling off quickly leaving only a lone man. He didn't look right, still, his initial suspicions paving way to unnerved concern. For a split second he contemplated running this guy over, but his truck had already been through enough.

Witnessing the shotgun blasts from the non-police officers and the officer's ambivalence to the massive amounts of violence, Courtney opted for a more subtle approach. He rolled his window down, and perched his shotgun, barrel first, right where some crazy bloody man might put their head, should a crazy bloody man have the urge to put their head through Courtney's window.

Now all he needed was the opportunity, which was quickly approaching, and he would, without hesitation, blast that lunatic skyhigh before it attempted to tear anyone else apart.

Delaying action until the zombie appears at the window
Shotgun Blast attack of 13 dealing 9 damage.


First Post
=====Courtney Tuber======

The bloodied man approaches your window and raises his arm as if to strike you. Without hesitation you fire your shotgun as the bloodied man snarls at you. The blast rips through his torso and his lower body seems to fall off. The bloodied man starts to fall but catches itself on the door of your truck and begins lifts itself back up while punching at you. The bloodied man misses you as you lean to the right but his punch breaks the back window of your truck.

=====Shawn Smith=====

You reach an intersection and look to your right. What you see a bloodied man jump onto the side of a truck and wind up to punch it. Suddenly another shotgun blast goes off and you watch as the bloodied man's lower body flies away in a spectacular bloody mess...but the bloodied man catches himself on the door and pulls himself up and punches into the truck. You see that his fist comes out of the back of the trucks rear window. You also see a police car up ahead, a man charging another man holding a chainsaw and a man brandishing both a shotgun and a smile.


First Post
I know I'm jumping the gun a bit, since other's haven't posted, but I'm not usually very active over the weekends, so I figured I'd get this out of the way.

Courtney Tuber
Initiative of 20
HP: 10 - Defense: 17

Courtney dodges the wayward fist and turns his head as he hears the crash of glass coming from behind his head, "You Motherfu-" he calls out as the last bit of his shout is drowned out by another blast from his shotgun, aimed at the head of the now half-man climbing up his door.

Attack on the disembodied zombie-head. Attack of 15 for a whopping 3 damage. Wow. Nice damage rolling Invisible Castle.


First Post
=====Jim "Max" Vance=====

Jim: You then see a woman, bloodied and feral jump into the hallway, behind the cheerleader. She turns and looks down at her raising both fists as if to crush her. [sblock=OOC]Your move[/sblock]

"Don't move cheerleader" Jim says calmly, leveling his Glock at the bloodied woman. He squeezes the trigger and with a loud sound, the gun goes off, the bullet streaking towards the other's head.

vs ac; dmg (1d20 5=19, 2d8=12) Take a shot at bloody gal, aim for head [/sblock]

Frozen Messiah

First Post
"I dun think dat ya know who yer dealin' wit' rite 'ere, so I 'ill tell ya, cuz I'm such a nice guy" Dirk says as he cocks the shotgun for another shot "I am Dirk Winchester and if I ani't dead yet you ain't the man ta take me down!" Dirk then unloads another round at the zombie.

Attack and Damage:1d20+3=4, 2d8=9 it would seem that Invisible Castle has the hate out for all of us


First Post
=====Courtney Tuber=====
=====Dirk Winchester=====

You level your shotgun and the bloodied man snarls at you as you fire the blast into his face. The bloodied man goes limp as he hangs from your door by his fist that is still through your rear window.

Dirk: You unload your shotgun at the zombie and blow one hell of a hole...in the car behind him. The zombie closes the distance.

=====Jim "Max" Vance=====

Again your shot rings true as your bullet takes the head clean off the zombie chick in front of you. Now faced with a dilema...do you help the girl or leave her? What did the zombie survival guide say about the wounded?

Voidrunner's Codex

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