Zombies...Day One: IC

Walking Dad

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Courtney stops with the door waving, realizing that it's no use, but then some biker man starts walking over and talking. That's a plus, at least he's not bloodied and frothing at he mouth and ready to rip heads off. That was never a good sign.

"I think I killed him, I shot his head off," the young man says, somewhat in shock. His poor truck had taken a beating, smashed bumper, shattered backwindow, wayward buckshot.

"Good thinking man! Did you get bit? Do you need a ride?" Shawn asks, really hoping for a 'no' on his first question. Taking someone who has bitten on the road... better not to think about it. Shawn moves nearer and keeps looking if another zombo might be near.

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=====Jim "Max" Vance=====

Jim: "I think my leg...I think it's broken...oh...it hurts, it hurts."

"Alright, these crazies just started attacking everyone? Did any of them bite you? We'll get you to a hospital" Jim quickly asks, examining the wound.


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"Good thinking man! Did you get bit? Do you need a ride?" Shawn asks, really hoping for a 'no' on his first question. Taking someone who has bitten on the road... better not to think about it. Shawn moves nearer and keeps looking if another zombo might be near.

"Bit? No. He rushed to my car and tried to punch me through my window. I can't believe I killed him," Courtney surveys the scene outside of his truck, with the disemboweled and dismembered bodies, the police officer in his car and now with another cruiser joining them. Apparently he wasn't going to be punished for this, not with the chainsaw wielding man hacking someone in two, the shotgun toting man unleashing shot after shot. What was going on here?

He starts up his truck again, unsure if he was going to drive off or stay here and ask some questions, "I don't need a ride, thanks though, my truck should be working fine, even if it does have brain and guts all over it."


Jeff: "Hey Sarge it's me, Keith...is all hell breaking loose over there? I can't raise anyone on my radio and 911's busy. There are all sorts of crashes up here and crazy people foaming at the mouth trying to kill me! I'm coming up on Pinky's cause I heard your traffic...oh there you are!"[/b] You see a cruiser coming over the crest. It speeds up and pulls to a stop near your door.

Jeff rolls down his window, "This place is a freaking madhouse. So much is going on that I can't even decide who's the bad guy and what the hell I'm charging who with. I've had 2 people so far with guns, one with a chainsaw, and some lunatic that tried to take my car." Jeff sighs, didn't have much of an idea on what to do.

Walking Dad

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Shawn the Biker


He starts up his truck again, unsure if he was going to drive off or stay here and ask some questions, "I don't need a ride, thanks though, my truck should be working fine, even if it does have brain and guts all over it."

"Alright. Where are you heading anyway?"


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Staying seated in his truck, pushing the shotgun across the seat and off his lap, Courtney relaxes a bit, "I was going to go hunting this morning, but now I think plans have changed, obviously. What happened to these people anyway? Why were they attacking us?"

Voda Vosa

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Jack looks apprasingly at his work. "Cutin' them in halves is their weak point." he states and trots towards the few sane people gathered around.

Rule 9: Cuting them in halves is their weak point.

Walking Dad

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Shawn the biker

Staying seated in his truck, pushing the shotgun across the seat and off his lap, Courtney relaxes a bit, "I was going to go hunting this morning, but now I think plans have changed, obviously. What happened to these people anyway? Why were they attacking us?"

"No idea. Perhaps some sort of meph or crack. What have you loaded? Toxic waste? Perhaps you causing it." Shawn adds the last question laughing.


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[sblock=OOC: ]Going on a last minute midweek vacation. Be back on Friday. Might be able to post a little but I make no promises. Sorry for the last minute notice.[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC: ]Sorry about the delay folks...hope you're all still around.[/sblock]
=====Jeff Fisher=====

Suddenly Keith sees a glimmer and looks in his rearview mirror. You look up and see a Greyhound bus headed right towards you guys, the inside cab is lit and you can see the driver is being attacked and the bus is swerving from side to side, taking up the whole road. "MOVE" Keith yells at you as he stomps on his accelarator and drives back towards the town.
=====Jack the Lumberjack=====

You see Ronald starts heading back towards the Diner. Pinky starts walking towards you, shotgun in hand. A man on a motorcycle pulled up next to the other guy who pulled up in the truck...at least they seem sane. Dirk started wandering off towards the nearby parking lot and the cop went speeding off around the corner. Pinky comes up to you and says "What the h*ll is going on around here Jack? People have seem to have gone plum loco eh?"
=====Courtney Tuber=====
=====Shawn "the Biker" Smith=====

Courtney and Shawn:
You guys see people walking around that don't seem to be crazy. Shawn you think you see the owner of the little Diner walking out to the man with the chainsaw. Suddenly you both hear tires peeling out to your right. You look and see a police car speeding towards you. Another cop car is there facing away from you all and there is a Greyhound bus speeding towards the cop car...just when things were starting to calm down...[sblock=OOC: ]For clarification...Courtney's truck is a Toyota (I think) just a regular truck...not a Semi[/sblock]
=====Jim "Max" Vance=====

Jim: "No...I don't think she bit me...why? It's just my leg...oh God...and my arm! Ow! Ow! Ow!"
Upon inspection you see that her leg is obviously broken, her arm doesn't seem to be broken and you don't see any bite marks on her. She's wearing her cheerleading outfit so it is easy to see there are no obvious bites...and you can't help but notice that...even covered in blood and glass, she still seems attractive.
=====Ronald Sidenblad=====

Ronald enters the diner and looks around. Not seeing Jenny he goes behind the counter and attempts to find the gun that he saw earlier behind the counter. Not seeing it. He begins to look around the surrounding area near the counter.
=====Dirk Winchester=====

Dirk: "Stay away from my carro, cabron"
you hear a man with a Spanish twang to his voice "I know she's a beauty pero she's mine. OH SH*T." The man quickly draws a six-shooter and fires two shots just over your left shoulder. You hear a thud behind you.

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