CB's Pathfinder Beta -- Burnt Offerings

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Sheriff Hemlock, who'd been listening to others make their report a few paces distant, straightens and turns around when he hears Tac mention the open North Gate. Likewise, the crowd falls to a hush. Mayor Deverin's left eyebrow arches with surprise. Quiet a beat, the mayor is the first to recover herself and does so just as the sheriff is opening his mouth to speak. "The North Gate open, was it? Sheriff, you and I will need to review the duty roster for the day to see who was to've been posted at the Gate this afternoon and evening." Mayor Deverin turns to Sheriff Hemlock, obviously seeking agreement and probably also hoping to put a quick end to public speculation. The sheriff's jaw tightens and goes white with anger, but he says nothing and only nods at the mayor. Pointing at Tac, Sheriff Hemlock intones, "We'll meet with you and your friends," and here the Sheriff gestures to Elyra, Sivan, and Talashia before continuing, "in the morning. Breakfast, here, at sunrise if you will." The gruff Shoanti sheriff's tone leaves little room for argument--it's clear the Sheriff expects his morning audience.

"The rest of you lot, call it quits for the night! Go home, bar your doors and try to sleep--we'll get the rest of this rat's snarl of a mess sorted in the light of day." Sheriff Hemlock barks at the crowd, then moves off, apparently to follow his own advice. Men mill about in front of the garrison, some grumbling, others just looking tired. The crowd seems reluctant to depart, but eventually thins until just two stragglers--half drunk by the look of their lilting walk--remain.


The dog pants with relief at the sight of the townsfolk returning to the relative safety of their homes for the night. He watches attentively as the crowd disperses, taking mental note of who amongst his friends weren't present. He'd have to check up on them latter to determine their status and so set his mind at ease. But first there remained some important issues to resolve; the guard dog wouldn't be finding any rest for some time to come. With a look back at his new found comrade in arms, the rough collie turns and silently pads off into the still night air.

[sblock=CanadienneBacon]First off are the goblins carcasses; the town seems to be littered with an indeterminate number of the little beasties. Most townsfolk seem content to let them lie where they fell for the time being. I'm guessing that Gorvi the dung-sweeper and his boys will be up early to pick them up and cart them away. Before then though my character intends to go around town to where he knows goblins were killed so as to search and loot their bodies for valuables (he's a dragon after all) and/or further clues. He'll start with those at the Bonfire (including the war chanter he killed), then those in and around the Cathedral and then moving on to those near the White Deer (including the goblin dog rider he killed). He'll also check out any other carcasses he finds lying around.

When passing by the Boneyard he'll duck inside to check up on that dang ladder. Assuming it's still there, he'll endeavor to climb up the wall somehow (taking 20 on a climb or jump check to reach the top) and then hauling the ladder up and over the wall to deposit it into the Boneyard. While there he'd also like to take a look around to try and determine the whereabouts/fate of the Boneyard's groundskeeper Naffer Vosk.

Afterwards, Taran will quietly approach the residences of his favored residents to try and determine whether they survived the attack unscathed. He'll start with the children of the Turandarok Academy, then pass by the Rusty Dragon Inn, take a detour afterwards on Tower street to check up on the venerable Sage Brodert Quink, passing by the Curious Goblin library on Main Street to check on its proprietor Chask Haladan and then finishing in the early morning with a visit to Risa's Place to see whether its namesake is alone in the taproom.

All this wandering around town also has at its base a desire to patrol the community in search of any stray goblins who may still be lurking around. If after he's all done there's still some time, Taran will curl up in a safe quiet spot to get some much needed rest before heading back to the garrison to lurk.


"It looks like they've got their hands full," says Elyra, gesturing to the mayor and the sheriff. "I think we should wait until morning to fill them in, like they said."


First Post
Tac Abor, human rogue

Tac finds himself blushing as the crowd falls to a hush. He looks wide-eyed to the sherriff as he's ordered to a morning audience, tries to answer but can't seem to manage words until well after it's clear they've been dismissed for the evening.

"It looks like they've got their hands full," says Elyra, gesturing to the mayor and the sheriff. "I think we should wait until morning to fill them in, like they said."

"Um, yes," Tac finally manages. "Yes, I suppose so. Another day drafted can't be so bad, right?" he finishes, though it's not clear how convinced he is.

In either case, the engineer is grateful to finally see his bed again, and barely divests himself of his gear before falling into a fitful sleep.


"Um, yes," Tac finally manages. "Yes, I suppose so. Another day drafted can't be so bad, right?" he finishes, though it's not clear how convinced he is.

Elyra follows her cousin out onto the street, taking note of the retreating form of the creature he calls Sandstone.

"I'm...going to check on the gate again," she says. "You head home. If I know your landlady, she'll set a watch tonight, so someone will let me in."

OOC: She wants to follow Sandstone. +6 Stealth roll (at least I think that's the right skill); also, +8 Perception, and +4 to Sense Motive (if at some point she needs to figure out Sandstone is on to her, I guess)
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First Post
After the dismissal, Talashia hurries up to the mayor and sheriff as the crowd disperses.

"There's something else you need to know, now," she says quietly, looking around to make sure there's no eavesdroppers. "The goblins took Father Tobyn's body from the cemetary, and they weren't alone. Someone was helping them. There was a ladder set against the wall that they came over."

She takes a deep breath.

"We didn't move it or disturb anything, so you may want to put some guards around there tonight. People you trust."

After a brief series of opposed rolls...

As the others make their way to a bed for the night, Sandstone takes off like a shot heading east from the garrison. Elyra follows as far as the bonfire and finds that while the fire has been put out and now only smolders with thin wisps of smoke, the dog makes his way to the fallen goblins left dead in the open green around the bonfire. Sandstone does not sniff the carcasses but instead puts his whole snout inside pockets, turning out the pockets wholesale when possible or ripping at the leather jerkins when need be. As the dog searches the carcasses, he quickly amasses a small heap of loose coins and coin purses.

Aside from the goblins' weaponry (a whip, a short sword, and a shortbow with a quiver of 20 arrows for the warchanter and 4 dogslicers for the goblin underlings), Sandstone finds 4 purses, each of which contains 10 newly minted gold coins, for a total of 40 gold. The goblins are clad in studded leather armor and while several of the underlings sport the typical milleu of fetishes hanging from their lanky hair or strapped to their wrists, Sandstone finds no other oddments or adornments of interest.

As Elyra watches the dog work his way around the goblin warchanter's body and her four goblin underlings, Sandstone stiffens as he catches sight of Elyra watching him from between buildings across the byway. Elyra realized a half a beat later that the dog has spotted her.

Pausing here because the rolls dictated that a.)Sandstone spotted Elyra and b.) Elyra realized she'd been spotted. How you two want to handle this is up to the two of you.

After the dismissal, Talashia hurries up to the mayor and sheriff as the crowd disperses.

"There's something else you need to know, now," she says quietly, looking around to make sure there's no eavesdroppers. "The goblins took Father Tobyn's body from the cemetary, and they weren't alone. Someone was helping them. There was a ladder set against the wall that they came over."

She takes a deep breath.

"We didn't move it or disturb anything, so you may want to put some guards around there tonight. People you trust."
Talashia watches as the mayor goes inside the town hall building across the street and the sheriff strides off down the byway, and chooses to haul off after the sheriff. Sheriff Hemlock turns around at Talashia's approach, and up close she can see that dark circles hang in bags under the sheriff's tired eyes. The sheriff frowns at Talashia's news that Father Tobyn's gravesite has been dug up and grunts in surprise. Scratching behind one ear while he thinks over Talashia's news, the sheriff grunts again then nods. "I'll send a team." Pausing, the sheriff looks hard at Talashia then adds, "You'll be in my office in the morning. The mayor will want to hear this from eye witnesses. Not a word to anyone else before then--town's already riled up enough as it is." Satisfied that Talashia's told him all he needs to know, the sheriff sighs and looks with no small degree of longing down the byway he'd been headed but instead turns around and heads back to the garrison, which he enters with the bang of a door.

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