Recent content by Holy Smokes

  1. Holy Smokes

    So what are the thoughts on the RPGA?

    If you have the Character Builder available for chargen, the Living Forgotten Realms character guidelines are implemented as a campaign profile. I downloaded the official RPGA documentation, but never really read it in detail; the LFR campaign option in the CB is all I need for legal LFR...
  2. Holy Smokes

    Metamorphosis Alpha using the D&D 4e rules

    This reminds me that I need to go stick the first season of Red Dwarf in my Netflix/Xbox instant watch queue... ;)
  3. Holy Smokes

    D&D 4E Greyhawk 4e: Back to the Beginning...

    Thread necromancy makes Baby Tenser cry.
  4. Holy Smokes

    Future Eberron - Post apoc world

    There's some synchronicity with Earthdawn you could crib from too...
  5. Holy Smokes

    OotS 667 up

    I thought it was interesting that twisted pair copper can apparently transmit dragon breath effects, even if severely attenuated. Unless.., the lower planes already have a fiber rollout!!! :eek:
  6. Holy Smokes

    Assault Swordmage thoughts/observation (Heroic tier)

    I'm enjoying my blinkelf assault swordnerd immensely. B-) I may retrain Frigid Blade out for Lightning Lure; when I created this character, I wanted a strong weapon-keyed at-will attack. However, after playing this guy for almost 5 levels in LFR, my basic melee attack is virtually identical...
  7. Holy Smokes

    "4E, as an anti-4E guy" (Session Two)

    I can definitely see where the closest question can create confusion. Areas and moving 1-1 are easy and intuitive, even if they are not realistic. Closest, however, can create situations where obvious 'inaccuracies' occur. Are there other classes besides ranger and warlock that run into that much?
  8. Holy Smokes

    4E, as an anti-4E guy ...

    Great thread. Regarding no consequences for bad/no tactics... Meta gaming aside (even if your character would use superior tactics from a roleplaying perspective) there can be a tendancy to over-focus on optimizing your every act in combat, sometimes to a ridiculous degree. I often see this...
  9. Holy Smokes

    Neverwinter Nights MMO Rumour

    There is room for smaller, or more specialized/differentiated MMOs. EVE Online and LotR seem to be doing fine; Warhammer Online also looks like it has some legs, and may escape the burnout fates of Tabula Rasa and Conan.
  10. Holy Smokes

    WotC just mailed out VILLAGE OF HOMMLET mine

    1. Its a pretty dark twilight landscape of the village rooftops and upper stories, credited to Rob Alexander. 2. 24 pages, B&W interior booklet. Card stock cover (color outside, B&W inside) with an excellent map of Hommlet and complete 3 story layout of the inn. Plus a color foldout encounter...
  11. Holy Smokes

    Character Builder on a flash drive?

    Here's another vote for iplay4e: CB + iPod Touch + free wifi + iplay4e = smooth gaming. Everything I need to take with me tonight to play AGLA1-1 fits in my dice bag. Much love for iplay4e! :cool:
  12. Holy Smokes

    MM2 Excerpt: Heroslayer Hydra

    Mechanically, the simplest way to grant special damage that avoids head regeneration would be a separate damage track. Both tracks would count towards bloodied/death status, but the special track would not count versus Regenerating Heads. A modest pain in the ass for the DM, but it is a solo...
  13. Holy Smokes

    What "classic" races are left? -- Forked Thread: PH3 Playtest Race: Wilden

    I think hybrids are exactly the way to do racial classes.
  14. Holy Smokes

    GTS 2009 D&D Seminar - the Rouse discusses D&D

    Speaking of which, somebody really needs to grab a license from Double Fine Productions for Brütal Legend. This game cries out for the 4E D&D treatment; Tim Shafer's metal mythology setting is incredible with awesome-sauce poured on top. The sub-cultural overlaps are too synchronous to ignore...
  15. Holy Smokes

    Arcane Power- Wizards Stretched Thin

    Must.. update.. character.. builder...!