• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. W

    D&D 5E My Thoughts on the new Starter Set

    Got my hands on it yesterday early, so I've had a while to flip through it. Thought I would hold off posting here to not ruin anyone else's joy/surprise/horror as they flip through it. I love it. But then I've been pretty positive about this edition when I started playing it (post final...
  2. W

    Fan Made Blank Character Sheet Based on Starter Set

    I have just uploaded Fan Made Blank Character Sheet Based on Starter Set to the downloads area. All rights to Wizards/Hasbro, etc. Just blanked out the sheet from the pregen preview. Enjoy, -Wraith You can find the file here in the downloads section. Please use this thread for comments.
  3. W

    Fan Made Blank Character Sheet Based on Starter Set

    Hey all, I whipped up these for anyone, who like me wants a blank character sheet based on the latest preview. Enjoy. (All rights are and copyrights, legal mumbo jumbo etc are Wizards of the Coast, or Hasbro or whomever, I just hacked out the extra words so we can play with it until the new...
  4. W

    Keep on the Shadowfells, XP/Quests and the new Economy Article (minor spoilers)

    So, I'm running Keep on the Shadowfells at my FLGS (Dragon's Lair, Austin, Tx) this Saturday for my regular group. We made characters and got people together in a town in my campaign setting (which I will be replacing Winterhaven with). Anyways... as I'm reading through the adventure I see...
  5. W

    Wraith's Whispers of Araellia

    Greetings all. This will be the home of my new story hour. After a month’s preparation we started our first 4th edition game last weekend. The game will run approximately every other weekend. It is set in a PoL style campaign setting of my own design. We are starting with the PHB Lite as our...
  6. W

    Really nasty crit, or bad ruling?

    I was NPCing a Frenzied Berserker Grimlock Barbarian Fighter last game session. He was using a Great Axe. I rolled a crit. Str 34 (strength bonus to damage +18) Power Attacking for Max: 14 points = Damage of +42 due to Improved Power Attack from Frenzied Berserker. +2 keen great axe (2d6+2...
  7. W

    Orc Warlord Prerequisites...

    Fixing the Orc Warlord Okay so the Orc Warlord (Races of Faerun) has the following Prerequisites: BAB: +5 (okay, so its one of the many, five level prestige classes that you can take starting at 6th level... cool) Race: Orc or half-orc (duh...) Alignment: Any nongood (makes sense...
  8. W

    Angry at players...

    In a thread in the rules forum someone said: Which got me to thinking. You see, right now I am a little ticked off at my players. Two sessions ago they managed to sneak past a fairly dangerous encounter. They used Arcane Eye, saw a dragon horde and lots of moving shadows. They were in an area...
  9. W

    Delver destroying gear...

    From the SRD on Delvers: "An opponent’s armor and clothing dissolve and become useless immediately unless the wearer succeeds on a DC 22 Reflex save." What is 'clothing'? Does it include magic boots worn? Bracers? Gloves? Or just torso worn clothes (like shirts and tunics and vests). Magic...
  10. W


    Can a firebrand spell be used to hit a large or larger creature more than once? I first ruled no. Two fights with large creatures later I'm think, no way. Thoughts?
  11. W

    Clerics with Access to Permenancy

    So Mystrian clerics can gain access to the Permenancy spell (through the domain spells I believe). So what can they cast permenancy on? Just the spells listed in the spell? Similar spells? A player of mine wants to use his cleric to cast a permenant detect evil on himself, argueing that its...
  12. W

    Wraith's Whispers - The Heroes of Tethyamar Revealed!

    If you go to here you can see the current character sheets for the players in my story hour. Enjoy!
  13. W

    MoP Rejection Letters are going out.

    The 500+ aspiring authors that all sent in to WotC with submissions for the Maiden of Pain book have started to receive rejection letters. One lucky author will soon know that they are getting a book deal, if they don't know already. To any ENworlders out there that threw their submission in...
  14. W

    Shades and Daylight Spells

    One of my players is a Shade Monk. We are trying to figure out how the following rules interact. From Races of Faerun: "All shades have the following powers when within shadows or darkness. In well-lit surroundings (daylight or the radius of a daylight spell) none of these powers function."...
  15. W

    Planar Ally, aka ARRRGH!

    Okay, so what defines a task. I felt it was a reasonable task to ask a planar ally to assist in the destruction of an evil temple (good cleric caster). It will take hours, so the appropriate money changes hands and the party wades in. 11-12th level party, 6 players EL 12-14 encounters...
  16. W

    Underdark Overview, aka Return of Drow Weaponry

    Got my hands on Underdark (finally) and since I haven't seen much other than the official word here is a quick run down since I flipped through it once. Chptr 1: Races The Imaskari are interesting, but other than that the races here are fairly much what you expect. Drow, duergar, etc... plus a...
  17. W

    Alignment and a Prisoner...

    The party is currently destroying the inhabitants of a temple of Kiaransalee, the drow goddess of the undead. While doing so they find a priestess of Lolth chained to a wall. What do they do with her? What is within their alignment? The party includes a paladin (LG of course), wizard (LN)...
  18. W

    Buying Magic Items in FR Campaign

    Hey all, I know that the idea of purchasing magic items turns the stomach of some DMs. What I am looking for is how this topic should be handled in an FR campaign. In the FRCS it talks about four ways to get magic items are through adventuring, temples, purchase, or the Red Wizards. Magic of...
  19. W

    Double Weapons and Weapon Finesse

    Weapon Finesse works on light weapons. Double weapons are treated like a single handed weapon and a light weapon for the purposes of two weapon attack penalties. Can a double weapon be finessed? Just the off hand part? Neither?
  20. W

    Wizardly Tactical Advice Wanted - My players keep out

    Advice welcome. I'll try to keep this post fairly to the point. Setting: Drow Outpost in City of the Spider Queen is the home to a school of mages known as the Inverted Tower. In the school are four arcane guards (F2/W5), two students (W10), a head student (W11), the school master...