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  1. B

    D&D 3e & 3.5e Is Not Really An RPG

    Personally I'd say it's primary focus is that of a board/strategy game. 3.5 seemed to enhance that feel because of the things like spell rang templates it added. An expansive board/strategy game, but nonetheless. It's really the setting books, such as Forgotten Realms, that concentrate mostly...
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    He Says Nobody Can Beat His Tower

    His his deal: He claims nobody can beat his tower. I don't have any info on the interior but here is the exterior: First of all there's no way of entering the tower except through the top. Now what so special about the top? He has it guarded by 20 Imps each armed with a Wand OF Magic...
  3. B

    Spear Of The Loghin?

    What happened to the game? I haven't seent he thread in a week now.
  4. B

    Blockader, Red Moon, Rot Grub.

    Here are three characters I've created. The first is Blockader, my namesake, and the first character I created for Mutants and Masterminds RPG.
  5. B

    Spear Of The loghin? Where Is The Thread?

    I'm sorry i wasn't able to post yesterday as I had a wierd "too many connections error" on the page and couldn't access the page ast all. I'm able to today and I come to check on it, and am unable to find it. I would appreciate it if one of the players could bumb it for me if it's still there.
  6. B

    No Multi-class Option Idea

    Instead of allowing multi-classing, why not create main classes that would combine features of different classes? For example, instead of a Sorcerer-Fighter 1/1, why not create a class that combines their class features? What would be the merits and strengths of this idea?
  7. B

    Automatic Languages?

    When it says "Automatic Languages" in the player races description, does that mean they get those languages for free?
  8. B

    Finding Prestige Classes?

    Personally I'm not big of a fan of multi classing and will onlye do if I feel it's needed, such as we really need a Rogue or other class. I like prestige classes, but somehow it bothers me that they're just as easy to multiclass go if the conditions are right. Therefore I've come up with the...
  9. B

    [OT] If Dr. Seuss Wrote Horror.

    This is what it might be like if Dr. Seus wrote horror instead of children's books: How could one forget about a hearse? Not to mention the curse. And some songs have way too much verse. Which of course would cause the corpse to flee the hearse. Which would lead further to the spreading of the...
  10. B

    Damage Reduction vs Fast Healing

    Which do you think is the superior ability? Personally I believe it to be fast healing. Because even though you have damage reduction, you still don't have a natural healing ability beyond the norm of the race. And damage reduction in many cases can be overcome by the right weapon. Which also...
  11. B

    [OT] Some Interesting Trivia: The Shot Glass

    How did the shot glass come to be called that? It originates from the old west and from Tombstone. It seems that a single bullet cost twelve and a half cents, and a drink of whiskey was the exact same price. So the bartender would trade a drink for a bullet and then sell the bullet to someone...
  12. B

    Yahooooo!!!! It's Back! It's Back!

  13. B

    Questions To Consider

    These questions might help to round out your character better: 1. You and your friends are relaxing in the Inn and having a few drinks. While walking past your table the barmaid trips, spilling beer and stew all over you. The patrons all have a good laugh at your expense. The embarrassed...
  14. B

    This Man Is Reading Way Too Much Into X2. "It's all about homosexuality."

    Here is one man's review of X-Men 2; X-Men United. Personally I think he's reading way way way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much into the movie, and have nothing but incredibly poor attitudes towards him for doing so. The article: Amid action, 'X2' offers quiet message of struggle One need only look...
  15. B

    I Believe There Are No Bad Roleplaying Games

    Any RPGs are made up of two to three parts: The system, or game mechanics. The setting, such as being located in Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk. Adventures. To that end, there are no bad RPGS. There is enough settings out there now thanks to a virtual explosin of d20 stuff out there to suit...
  16. B

    Real World Issues In A Fantasy Setting?

    Do you have countries or groups in your settings that reflects upon real world issues? For example, do you have a country that's run by a matriarchy with extreme views on men? Or the corollary, a patriarchy with extreme views on women? Do you r churches get involved into politics and attempt...
  17. B

    The PC Becomes A Familliar

    There is a spell out there somewhere I beleive, but can't remember ther exact name that allows Arcane Casters to summon their familliars. Now imagine if a dragon casts that and it summons a PC to be the dragon's familliar. How could this be handled though? What kind of benefits would the...
  18. B

    An Unusual Situation?

    There is a spell out there somewhere I beleive, but can't remember ther exact name that allows Arcane Casters to summon their familliars. Now imagine if a dragon casts that and it summons a PC to be the dragon's familliar. How could this be handled though? What kind of benefits would the...
  19. B

    No support for the Sorcerer?

    Does it seem l;ike to you that there's not a lot of support for the Sorcerer class? Does it seem alarming that there's a few Prestige classes out that that's designed to kill Arcane Casters more than there is Sorcerer prestige classes?
  20. B

    OT: X-Men 2 and The Hulk Trailer (Mild spoilers)

    I thouroughly enjoyed the X-Men 2 movie and firmly believe that it surpassed the first one. I firmly believe that number 3 will feature The Phoenix. The clues were in there. The destruction of the dam is the biggest clue. The only person who's powerful enough to do that is Magneto. And he didn't...