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  1. B

    Ideas for a Swashbuckly Montage

    I was taken by the idea that Gabe from Penny Arcade had of making each game have a "hook", and tonight I'm trying one out. My players are all Swordsmen in a 7th Sea game, trying to take a Ussuran (Russian) mob boss in a fantasy version of Venice. They're almost through with him, so tonight I'm...
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    Sony Vaio notebook help... runs slow

    I have a Sony Vaio notebook that's having some problems. When it starts, it runs slow (taking 30+ minutes to get to the login screen). The first time I started it (working on it for a friend), it gave me a cmos checksum error, but that hasn't reappeared. I'm not that proficient with laptops...
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    Setting up a network with two wireless routers

    Is it possible to use a wireless router (namely, the BEFW11S4) to connect to another wireless network, without using a wireless card? I bought a wireless router that has 4 Lan ports on the back, and then found out that my roommate already has a router. The quick answer is just to buy a...
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    Wizards are supposed to be rich, right?

    I'm curious. What kinds of ways can a wizard/sorcerer use to increase his wealth? In the game I'm playing, I'm short on cash, and trying to think of ways to sell my spells for profit. I've tried loading up supplies from Sharn, and Teleporting to a dwarven town on the other side of the...
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    Spell system based off of Book of Nine Swords - now with first revision

    Ok, I realize that the boards are swamped with new magic systems right now, but here it goes. I'm trying to change the D&D spell system to something closer to the Book of Nine Swords. I've got the cleric and the first 2 spell levels down, so if anyone can take a look and give me some advice...
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    Looking for a spell: Greater Magic Weapon, Mass

    Is there a spell or combo of spells that would allow a Sublime Chord to Magic Weapon all the party's weapons with one spell?
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    Bard song question...

    Does it take a standard action each round to perform Inspire Courage? Ignoring the 5 rounds it continues afterwards, can you sing in one round, and continue singing and attack in round two?
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    WinXP and Vista Dual boot questions

    So I'm wanting to tinker around with the Vista beta. I'm wanting to install it as a dual boot, so I can choose which one to log into each time I turn on the PC. Right now I have one hard drive, that has two partitions. C is 10 gigs, with about 2 free, that I keep my WinXP installation on. D...
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    What happens when a psicrystal dies?

    Is there any effects for losing a psicrystal, such as the effects for losing a familiar? Also, if you lose your crystal through it's death, how do you rebind one? I couldn't find this in the srd or XPH, so any help would be appreciated.
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    Craft Undead as a Feat?

    A comment on the Witchfire thread got me thinking about creating undead through the expenditure of xp and gp, just like an item creation feat. Has anyone done any work on a feat like this? If not, what do you think a good baseline to start would be? Test feat 1 Create Basic Undead...
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    [PCGEN] Adding a new class

    I've tried searching around, but I can't find a webpage that'll tell me how to add a new prestige class into pcgen. Anyone have a link to a tutorial or somesuch that'll tell me how to add in a new class? (Chameleon, if anyone's interested) Thanks a bunch.
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    Where's the weirdest place you've ever found YOUR name?

    So, I'm wondering, have you ever seen your name on something that had nothing to do with you? Pop can, billboard, etc.? First off, I'm Skyler Slifer. Most of my friends call me "Sky". A pretty rare name, if I do say so myself. Well, a friends little daughter got a Yu-gi-oh card as a door...
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    [Eberron] Adventuring in the Realm of the Dead

    Ok, my group is heading to the realm of the dead to rescue a pc's father. Anyone have any ideas as to what kind of encounters would be in there? The pc's father died in the Mourning, so I was thinking that they would have to make their way through a twisted reflection of the real world...
  14. B

    I need help with politics!

    I need some advice that will help me run a political style adventure. Right now, the players own an inn in Sharn, have the ear of the Keeper of the Flame (Eberron), and have control of a thieves' guild in Sharn. Plots I'm working on right now... Warforged "bandits" are ransacking the...
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    Help with retrieving files from an old hard drive...

    So, my motherboard fried itself, and while I'm waiting for my new computer to get put together, I have a laptop from a rental store. I'm wondering, is there any way to get the files from my hard drive in my tower onto my hard drive on the laptop? Thanks for the help...
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    New game, need some ideas... Looong.

    Just started a new Eberron game tonight, and it started off pretty good. For the first time in a couple of years, I really feel the players are really into the game. I just figured I'd hit up the good people of ENworld for some plot ideas. First, the cast of Characters (all second level)...
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    Magic Item Saving Throws

    I know, I must be completely blind, but I can't find any info on magic items making saves in the SRD. So, I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the relevant info could be found. The exact situation that I'm asking about is in regards to Shatter. How is the saving throw bonus...
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    Cleave and Charge Question

    If you cleave on a charge attack, is it still charging? Just got this weird image of a knight with all the mounted feats riding in, poking 6 or 7 goblins with his lance (all for x3 damage), and then riding off with Ride-by Attack. On a related note, if a horse is large, and takes up four...
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    Down with the negativity! Tell me what you like about 3E.

    Well, we have another pet peeve thread, so I figured we might as well have a thread where everyone says what they like about third edition/3.5. Ya' know, just keeping it positive... My likes? The ability system makes small differences in scores mean something. More customization through...
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    Creating a campaign setting

    So, I got this itch to create a new campaign setting. I'm not gonna be running a game for a while, but I'd like to have something set up when I do. Here are some guidelines for what I'm looking for. 1. It has to allow pretty much any race/class/etc. that's out there, so it has to be mostly...