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Search results

  1. C

    Sources of Gaming material in Vancouver / Seattle

    It looks like I'll be spending some time in Vancouver, BC and Seattle, WA in August or September, and I was wondering what game stores and bookshops people would recommend? I'm particularly interested in any 'used' or 'second hand' bookstores or gameshops that have a shelf of old material -...
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    How many Scrolls can you Scribe in one day?

    If you have the Scribe Scroll feat, you can prepare scrolls for future use. The description for the feat nicely informs us: However, I don't think I've ever seen anything in the rules or the FAQ that addresses whether you can prepare multiple scrolls in one day or not per the RAW. Anyone...
  3. C

    UA Action Points - what happens to unused points?

    In the UA rules for action points (reproduced at http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/actionPoints.htm) under Acquiring Action Points it specifies: However, it doesn't mention what happens to unused points from the previous level. In the Eberron Campaign Setting's rules for action...
  4. C

    Raging and Wildshape

    I can't see any reason that a barbarian druid couldn't wild shape while raging - any rules or FAQ answers I may have overlooked?
  5. C

    Greyhawk: Doomgrinder? Uh oh.

    http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=lg/lgmp/20071003a As a Greyhawk fan, I've got a bad feeling about this. It may be nothing... but why would the Doomgrinder's hands be advancing towards midnight?
  6. C

    How long are your weekly rpg sessions?

    My primary rpg group is currently discussing our scheduling, and discussion elsewhere mentioning a weekly 7 hour session got me wondering what the average duration for a weekly rpg session might be across the EN World community?
  7. C

    Magic Item Compendium - Missing Gauntlets?

    Am I missing something, or are there some gauntlets missing descriptions in the Magic Item Compendium? In the weapons section, there are illustrations for both a 'Gauntlet of Gruumsh' and ' Storm Gauntlets' ... but there's no accompanying text, nor is there a mention in the armour section...
  8. C

    Hamilton NZ - Adventurers sought for Age of Worms campaign

    ADVENTURERS SOUGHT for Age of Worms D&D campaign! Due to a player departing overseas, our existing tabletop roleplaying group is looking for new players to join us, currently playing through the Paizo published Age of Worms campaign (3.5E D&D) - In the rough-and-tumble mining town of Diamond...
  9. C

    How do 'good' characters do 'good' deeds in your campaign?

    How do 'good' characters do 'good' deeds in your campaign? 'Evil' deeds are easy to spot - but 'good' deeds per the alignment section of the SRD seem far harder for your average 'adventurer' to achieve?
  10. C

    Why do you play D&D?

    A friend and fellow CoC roleplayer asked last night: "Why do people play D&D?" and while I have my own reasons, I got to wondering why others do. So, if you're currently playing D&D, why? (I recall a similar thread a while back, but a quick search didn't yield anything, hope its ok to start a...
  11. C

    Cauldron - any player resources available?

    Hi All, My D&D group are looking at playing one of the Dungeon Adventure Paths, and I've been trying to give them material in the form of player resources to review to help decide which - there's the player guide for Savage Tide, and I found a good one for Age of Worms, but I'm not having any...
  12. C

    When can you draw a weapon as part of a regular move?

    Until you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, drawing a weapon is a move action. Once you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. But... what counts as a regular move? Over the last couple of years I've seen weapons...
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    Mearls redesigns the Ogre Mage

    In Monster Makeover - The Ogre Mage, Mike Mearls gives the Designer Eye for the Monster Guy makeover to the Ogre Mage:
  14. C

    Rebuked undead: Can the rebuker attack with impunity?

    During our weekly game, a player whose character could channel negative energy attempted to rebuke some undead - there was then a discussion as to whether the character could attack the rebuked (and in awe) undead with impunity, or whether that character attacking would have the same result as a...
  15. C

    FLGS List for London & England

    Is there a good list of FLGS in London and England anywere on the web that anyone knows of? Failing that, any recommendations of 'must-visit' stores? Particularly ones with decent stashes of OOP material?
  16. C

    Taking 10 and Craft checks

    D20 Modern allows the use of Taking 10 with respect to Craft checks. Is there anything in the 3.0 or 3.5 published works that discusses this? I had a look in the FAQs (3.0 and 3.5) and couldn't see anything - and couldn't find anything that says yay or nay in the core rules... anyone know of...
  17. C

    Writing Scrolls into Spellbooks and other activities

    Per the SRD, "Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook Once a wizard understands a new spell, she can record it into her spellbook. Time: The process takes 24 hours, regardless of the spell’s level." I have a player whose character wants to write some spells off scrolls into their spellbook...
  18. C

    Cohorts and Followers: What do you or your players use them for?

    One of my players (I'm currently DM'ing in my D&D group) asked this morning about the number of followers he should have after gaining a new level - given that the character's followers and the cohort seem to mostly do things like looking after the party's horses or looking after the party's...
  19. C

    Do your players expect discounts for party made magic items?

    [Apologies in advance if this is in the wrong forum] When players in your D&D group get (or look to get) magic items made for their characters by other characters (PCs) in the party - do the players expect and get discounted prices for those items or do they pay full market price? One of my...
  20. C

    Treasure Division - Book value or Sale Value?

    During treasure divisions, in determining equal shares of the total share - do you use the book value of magic items (etc) or the sale value (typically half in D&D)?