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  1. Cowpie Zombie

    Is it just me, or are the Munchkin card games rather lame?

    Been playing a lot of Munchkin lately, including the original, Star Munchkin, Munchkin Bites, and (most recently) Munchkin Cthulhu. In the past few years our group has probably played a total of 20 or 30 multi-game Munchkin sessions, so I'm not just saying what I'm about to say based on a quick...
  2. Cowpie Zombie

    D&D 4E UPDATE on 4e

    Sorry for not posting this sooner; sorry for all the unanswered questions raised in my previous post about 4e. Okay, here's what I know so far: 1. 4e will be CCG-based, but still use dice for some resolution mechanics. 2. 4e will NOT be "compatible" with Magic: the Gathering. My FLGS owner got...
  3. Cowpie Zombie

    Some interesting news about 4th edition

    My FLGS owner, who is a close friend of mine, was told by a source at WotC that 4th edition will be integrated with Magic: the Gathering. He was vague on *how* this would be done, as 4th edition is still very much in the preliminary stages. But the terms "feat cards", "spell cards" and "power...
  4. Cowpie Zombie

    Point us to some good d20 Modern sites

    So the other day I type in "GURPS" on my google and spend close to an hour browsing through tons and tons of ultra-cool fan sites. Granted, GURPS has been around close to 20 years...but can anyone recommend at least a few cool d20 Modern fan sites for GM inspiration?
  5. Cowpie Zombie

    Sell me on OGL Cybernet

  6. Cowpie Zombie

    Mongoose Pocket D20 Modern book

    Anyone interested in this? http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/detail.php?qsID=383&qsSeries=Core
  7. Cowpie Zombie

    GURPS Lite: Alice's Twisted Adventures

    Hey all. I'm curious if anyone out there is interested in a PBP game using GURPS Lite called "Alice's Twisted Adventures". This will be a slightly twisted horror/adventure game in which the PCs will be 50-point children (they don't hvae to be named Alice, though :D ) who get sucked through...
  8. Cowpie Zombie

    DARK*MATTER: Midnight at Milwood Morgue

    Milwood, England. Wednesday, December 2, 2004. 8:56 p.m. You make a mental note: never come to England in the winter. The rain has been pouring for what seems like weeks. Maybe if you were in London it would be a bit more bearable, but here you are in Milwood, a depressing backwater town...
  9. Cowpie Zombie

    Dark*Matter PBP recruiting now...

    Hey dudes. If any of you are interested, my Dark*Matter PBP is ready to go; I'm just beginning recruiting. Head over to "Talk the Talk" and look for the "Midnight at Milwood Morgue" thread.
  10. Cowpie Zombie

    [OOC thread] Midnight at Milwood Morgue [D20 Modern: Dark*Matter]

    MIDNIGHT AT MILWOOD MORGUE A PBP adventure for Dark*Matter [D20 Modern] The town of Milwood, England, is like any long-forgotten post-Industrial backwater: empty streets, ancient buildings, rusted cars, rotting asphalt. The people here stare blankly at strangers, their faces drawn and...
  11. Cowpie Zombie

    Dark*Matter write-in campaign (should I bother?)

    I just visited the old "official" Dark*Matter web page at WotC: http://www.wizards.com/darkmatter/Welcome.asp It just made me long for more Dark*Matter and made me even less satisfied with the short (albeit very well made) "Shades of Grey" feature in Dungeon. I'm wondering if it's actually...
  12. Cowpie Zombie

    Hey! That's not what an ape is!

    So I'm flipping through my d20 Modern core book and I read the "Ape" entry under the "Friends and Foes" chapter. There we are told that "Apes are powerful omnivores that resemble gorillas but are far more aggressive; they kill and eat anything they can catch." I said to myself: "Hmmmm....that...
  13. Cowpie Zombie

    Counters trump miniatures, baby!

    One subject I almost never hear anyone talk about is cardboard counters. But man, do I love them. For $20 or so you get a pack of hundreds of counters of every conceivable character, monster, style, etc. For the budget conscious these are an invaluable resource; for those who use miniatures...
  14. Cowpie Zombie

    Call of Cthulhu d20 out of print?

    I know WotC has lost the license for Call of Cthulhu which, as I understand it, requires them to remove all CoC material from their website and forbids any new material. But does this also mean that the d20 Call of Cthulhu game is now out of print? Or does WotC still produce it?
  15. Cowpie Zombie

    Hey, this ain't MY Modern!

    What's up with this cover? I found it surfing randomly the other day. Is it the European edition of D20 Modern? Anyone know?
  16. Cowpie Zombie

    I'm kissing D&D good-bye: here's why

    Because D&D is obviously Satanic, I simply can't play it anymore. So I'm kissing it good-bye. Just kidding. :p Here's the real reason. Oh, where to begin? Well, I'll give you the short version: I've been playing RPGs since 1981, when, as a 10-year-old schmuck in Grade 6 (or "Sixth Grade"...
  17. Cowpie Zombie

    Why did TSR dump Alternity?

    You know, spending all this time poring over the new Dark*Matter: Shades of Grey has me wondering why TSR dumped Alternity in the first place. Looking at my FLGS I'm struck by the sheer number of Alternity stuff that TSR actually released and the high quality of it. Did the game not sell? Or...
  18. Cowpie Zombie

    Mage and Acolyte in Dark*Matter?

    Dudes, I'm thinking of starting up a PBP for Dark*Matter: Shades of Grey. I've already decided to allow the Battle Mind and Telepath Advanced Classes; now I'm trying to decide if I want to let in the Mage and Acolyte. PRO: Very cool classes, kewl powers for players (who says psions have all...
  19. Cowpie Zombie

    Should I buy the Modern Player's Companion?

    Just flipping through Green Ronin's Modern Player's Companion at my FLGS the other day and was quite impressed at first glance. I'm wondering if its worth the cost, however. On the one hand, I love the idea of expanding my d20 Modern resources; on the other hand, I'm leary about shelling out...
  20. Cowpie Zombie

    D20 Future: excuse me while I drool

    Have you guys seen the cover art for D20 Future yet? It's up on amazon.com. Man, I'm already drooling. What do we know about it other than the blurb on Amazon?