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Search results

  1. V

    Druid: Staff or Totem

    I am making my first druid (in any edition) and can't figure out whether a staff or totem is the best way to go for an implement. I can probably figure it out after spending a while with the books/compendium, but I figure some more knowledgeable people than myself have already considered all...
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    It's official...

    ...WotC hates the Feylock. Hates it.
  3. V

    Tac-Tiles: Gone for good?

    I guess I know the answer to this since a google search turned up nothing, but have Tac-Tiles gone the way of the Specialty Priest? Does anyone know if another company stepped in and produced a similar product?
  4. V

    How does the monster recharge mechanic work?

    Many monster powers have a 'recharge' value, usually 4-6 or 5-6. I understand that these numbers are the target numbers of a d6 roll (i.e., a recharge value of 5-6 means that if you roll a 5 or 6 on a d6 the power recharges and can be used again that encounter). My question is how often do you...
  5. V

    Anyone know how concealment works?

    I have seen a couple of references to 'concealment' in the 4e lite rules being posted. For example, being invisible grants 'conceal 11 against attackers that cannot see it.' The warlock summary also mentions concealment: Shadow Walk (move 3+ squares away on your turn, gain concealment until...
  6. V

    Alternate Grappling Rules?

    I think that the core 3.5 grappling rules are unwieldy and slow the game down unnecessarily. Does anyone know of any good alternate rules for grappling, either from a 3rd party publisher or from an available set of house rules?
  7. V

    Ptolus: Secrets of the Delver's Guild purchasing issues?

    This morning I received an email coupon for "Secrets of the Delver's Guild" due to having pre-ordered Ptolus. However, DTRPG won't seem to let me add it to my cart. Has anyone run into this problem? Do you think it is something they are aware of and are remedying even as I type?
  8. V

    Good rules for burning buildings?

    Does anyone know where I can find good rules for what happens when I send a party into a burning building? I know where to find heat dangers, catching on fire and smoke inhalation, but not things like roofs/floors collapsing, searching for survivors, rate of fire spreading, etc. Cityworks...
  9. V

    Superior masterwork items for a low magic world?

    A while back I posted looking for advice about various aspects of a low-magic-item world. (BTW, thanks for all the advice!) Among all the postings were a couple of suggestions that the world should have superior masterwork items, especially weapons. Does anyone use improved masterwork items in...
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    Alternate alignment systems?

    I just came from the alignment poll/thread and it got me thinking: What are the published (unpublished?) alternate alignment systems or variations on the core alighment rules? I have been DMing 3.x for over 10 years and in all that time I have never used alignment...until now. Discarding...
  11. V

    Need advice: What is a good creature for a campaign climax?

    I am looking for advice about how to end my campaign. It is a modified Eberron campaign, and under the Mournland is an evil that could destroy the world much as it has destroyed the Mournland. And this evil creature is...and that is where I lose it. It can't be one of the Lords of Dust...
  12. V

    Any advice on non-spell-slot magic systems?

    Let me start out by saying that I have multiple spell-point or skill-based magic systems. I have Elements of Magic, the Mythic Earth revised Elements of Magic, TrueSorcery and the systems introduced in Unearthed Arcana. So I actually feel a little embarrassed to be seeking advice since I feel...
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    Gaming group in SF seeks one (or two) more

    We are a group of gamers who have been playing together for a while (3 years for the New Guy, 9 years for the others). There are 4 of us and we were thinking of adding a 5th (6th?). The player we had lined up bailed on us on the day of character creation. We are 5 guys (but welcome any women...
  14. V

    Any advice on running a low-magic-item campaign?

    I am currently designing a campaign in which I would like to (significantly) lower the availability of magic items. It is going to have a moderate level of 'magic', but much of what will be available is going to be non-standard: incarnum, truename, binding, etc. The only spellcasters are...
  15. V

    Game in SF Looking for Player(s)

    D&D game in San Francisco is looking for a player or two to fill some recent gaps to the roster. Very detailed homebrew world with unique race and class possibilities; other than that pretty standard 3.5 rules. Extremely heavy role-playing campaign with a focus on intrigue and PC-PC...
  16. V

    How big is your gaming group?

    I am currently DMing two different gaming groups, each of which has 6 players (for 7 total including me). Now one of these groups appears about to grow to 8 players (9 total). I can't think of any reason to discourage this except for the fact that people don't seem to have groups that big...
  17. V

    Campaign newsletter: advice?

    I picked up the Roleplaying Tips compilation some time ago (in the heady rush of my new computer and DSL) but I never looked at it until this weekend. I have been DMing the same group for about 8 years now and didn't feel like I needed any advice on how to keep the game going. Recently I...
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    CA, San Francisco: Join an established game and/or help me start a new one

    I realize that this might sound a little ambitious, but I am hoping to both add a player to our regular game and possibly start a new one in/near SF. Our ongoing game meets Sunday nights, usually from 6-10 or so but we do like to start earlier when possible. We also play the occasional Monday...
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    CA, SF: regular group has an opening for new player

    Longtime group of gamers recently lost a valued comrade to the vagaries of employment. Since we had gotten used to a pretty big group (6 players + DM) I thought I would put out the call for one more to bring us back to max. We play on Sunday nights starting at 6 (earlier when we can). We...
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    Homage to Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever and author Stephen Donaldson

    I received the first book of the Final Chronicles of Thomas Covenant today and wrote this little 'Ode to the Unbeliever' in honor of it and the author Stephen R. Donaldson. It is to the tune of the old Spiderman theme song and contains some spoilers relevant to the first 2 Chronicles of Thomas...