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  1. W

    [Gamma World] Homebrewed Origins

    I've written up some additional origins you can add to your game. Here's what's included in the .pdf hosted on Google docs: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B8GzjdmsCOkXYjkxZDEyZDgtZjQ5MS00OGQyLTg3NTYtMzg5ZDk0Yjk2MmQ1&hl=en&authkey=CP3E5vsB Amoeboid (Dex...
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    Flavorful Generics [Part 1: The Warrior]

    I'm reworking the generic classes from Unearthed Arcana for an upcoming campaign, and I thought I'd get some public critique before I finish them. I'm starting with my revised version of the warrior class. There are three things to note: First, I plan on using the combat stunt mechanics from...
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    Tips for running an episodic campaign?

    Recently, I've putting together some ideas for a game I'd like to run. While I'd love to run a continuous, drawn-out campaign, I know that the schedules for myself and my group of potential players are scattered at best. Because of this, I'm thinking of running a more episodic game, where each...
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    What supplemental material would you like to see in the core books?

    If WotC published a "revised" 3.5 PHB, what optional material from other supplements would you like to see added? What, if any, core material would you be willing to cut if space was limited when bringing in new material? Alternatively, would you purchase a "best of" book that took the best...
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    Using pre-Columbian South American cultures for campaign background

    I'm thinking about trying something a little bit different for my next game and was considering using South American Indian cultures like the Mayans, Incas, and Oltecs as the starting point for my setting. I'm planning on doing some research online and at my local library (I haven't studied...
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    [True20] Some alternate magic ideas

    Here are some feats I'm considering using for a more low-magic True20 game. This alternative would only use the Expert and Warrior roles, since the powers I'm changing around are now accessible through skills and feats alone. Empath You gain access to the Heart Reading power using your Sense...
  7. W

    Free Lesser Metamagic for Sorcerers?

    I know a lot of people have attempted to add some flavor and/or a little more oomph to the Sorcerer. Here's an idea I had recently and wanted to bounce off of some people: What if the Sorcerer gained the ability to use any Metamagic feat, but at an additional cost of +1 spell level to use it...
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    [AU/AE] Some new Talents and Ceremonial Feats

    Here are some feats I'm working on for a AU game set in a pseudo-ancient China setting: This is a feat I made as an alternative to the standard Leadership feat. I think it's a cool idea to have a way for characters to bind guardian statues. The stats for the clay warrior are based off a...
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    Unearthed Arcana Unearthed: Variant Classes

    Here are some variant AU classes I'm working on. All of these are additions, not replacements for the original classes they're based on. I'd like to get some feedback. Thoughts?
  10. W

    Kobold + Half-dragon template

    If I wanted to create a character that was a Kobold with the Half-Dragon template, would you consider the overall race to still be EL +3 or would the Kobold's negative net stat modifiers lower the result down to a +2? If I eliminated or reduced the damage of the breath weapon, how would that...
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    [MnM] Skill Variant: Backgrounds

    Here's a rough, new idea I've had over the past week while thinking about the skill system in MnM. BACKGROUNDS Instead of buying individual skills, players select a background that fits character. Normal backgrounds grant a skill bonus of +1 per level for anything the character attempts...
  12. W

    [3.0] Need suggestions for building a Rogue/Psion

    I'm finally getting to play in a DnD campaign for the first time in a while! My character is starting as a Rogue 1 / Psion 1 and he's the member of a well-to-do trading house in the DM's campaign world. I'm picturing him as kind of a pulpish troubleshooter / charming rogue type guy. My DM is...
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    [AU/AE] Pirates of the Emerald Isles!

    Far away from the land of Giants and Dragons lies a land of fast ships and daring swashbucklers. Golden and magical treasures are ripe for the plundering, as long as you're brave enough to find them among bloodthirsty pirates, devilishly charming mermaids, and terrorizing monsters of the deep...
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    [UA] Actual gameplay experience with the generic classes?

    I've thought about using these classes in a new game, but I was wondering how they actually play out in a campaign. Anyone have experience using this option in their game?
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    [AU/AE] Spell Cards and other play aids?

    I'd really like some printable and sortable spell cards for Arcana Unearthed, especially since I think it would help out some of my newer players, but I haven't seen anything remotely like this online. The closest thing I've found are some blank spell cards by The Other Game Company, which I...
  16. W

    Quick rules lighter idea

    Here's a quick idea I had while working on some house rules for a new camaign where I'll likely have players who are completely new to RPGs. In order to keep the amount of rules exceptions from specialized feats down, switch the levels where you get feats for character level with ability score...
  17. W

    Toned down generic spellcaster for low-magic game

    This class is for a campaign without a lot of magic items for the characters. It combines ideas from the new Blue Rose game by Green Ronin, recharge magic from UA, and some ideas of my own. The other two classes are the generic Warrior and Expert classes from UA with a few very minor tweaks...
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    Replacing Concentration skill with Will save

    This frees up a skill for spellcasters, but in the new game I'm planning my only spellcaster is a toned down version of the generic spellcaster class from UA. I'm trying to simplify the skill list a bit, which likely includes combining the pairs of hide/move silently and listen/spot. Thoughts?
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    Grim Tales for Planescape?

    I've heard a lot of good things about Grim Tales, but since my local game shop doesn't carry it, I've been wanting to do extra research on it before investing my hard-earned cash on it. From the reviews I've read, it seems like it could be used to run a Planescape game fairly easily. Instead...
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    Optional rule: Heroic Feats

    Here's an option I was thinking about using for a new game. I wanted to make feats seem more useful without handing out more than normal. I figured a simple way to do this would be to increase the benefits of each feat. Most feats with a bonus would now give double the normal bonus. In cases...