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  1. T

    2E Class Creation Rules

    I’m just writing in response to a thread started by Mercurius. In it he mentioned the 2E character class creation rules as a thing ‘lost’ in 3E and 4E. Others seem to think those rules were way underpowered. This is NOT an attack on those people, but an honest question of how our views were...
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    Custom Campaign - G&G Classless (sort of)

    After a layoff of a few years due to grad school and marriage, I'm trying to get back into the hobby. A few friends and I have been occasionally play testing a set of campaign rules based on Grim & Gritty. I would love to hear your thoughts on this system and anything similar you might have...
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    Help vs. Scrying

    Hello all. I'm DMing a relatively low-magic, gritty-feeling campaign in Greyhawk's Bandit Kingdoms. We've currently played over 30 sessions, and I'm running into a problem. I want as best I can to play the party's foes "realistically," in a setting where *most* of the NPCs are evil, including...
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    Monk Grappling

    Hello all. One of my players is a monk with the improved grapple chain. I'm not sure exactly how good he is at it. It seems like sometime in the past I saw someone (Hypersmurf?) on these boards point to rules that say that grappling in many ways is not the 'same' as unarmed attacks; any help...
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    Throwing Munchkins?

    Greetings all. I've been DMing a campaign for two years now and we're around 18th level. Trust me, this is the lowest-powered 18th level campaign you've ever seen, or probably close to it - highest caster level is 8th and the highest attribute anybody has is a 22. Anyway, because of the...
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    Grim & Gritty House Rules

    Are Ken Hood's G&G rules open content? Either way, would it be legal / appropriate for me to put my campaign's version up for discussion? If so, would anyone be interested in seeing them? Our basic modifications include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) 30 life points rather than...
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    Charlotte, NC - Looking for a Game?

    The Request: We’re looking for one or two new players for a Greyhawk campaign. One of our current four players is moving to Atlanta, and we like having four or five in our group. Group Basics: Our current group is four people in our late 20s. We welcome gamers of all ages and female...
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    Maybe I'm Being Stupid...

    Hello all. I'm designing an NPC to fight our party and want to make sure that he CANNOT do something. Here's the idea: He casts haste on himself before combat. At some point during the fight he casts true strike. He then uses his extra partial action to move into position and uses...
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    EXP - What's Your Method?

    I'm curious how many people pay close attention to ELs of opponents, average party level, and number of characters when it's time to give experience. Our group never has, and it seems like it would be a pain - further, it would seem to undervalue the sessions where there is little or no combat...
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    Improved Toughness - Help?

    I've a bunch of money invested in 3.0 stuff and am just now getting around to 3.5. I bought the Complete Warrior's Guide and have a question. Can you take Improved Toughness multiple times / does it stack? I have a player who's been investing in dwarf's toughess, giant's toughness, etc., and...
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    Improving Monk Damage

    Greetings all. I'm playing a 5th level monk / 5th level tattooed monk and would appreciate some advice. It's a fairly low-magic campaign. I chose to go high-dex with him, but am becoming frustrated with his inability to do much damage in combat. For what it's worth, the other party members...
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    Grappling - I think this is easy?

    If I understand 3.0 grappling correctly: General rules: • Trying provokes an AOO – if AOO works, grapple fails. • Make a touch attack to initiate the grapple. • Make opposed attack rolls on BAB + STR + size modifier. If successful, opponent is held. • While grappling, you lose DEX bonuses...
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    Shield Block Feat - Your Thoughts?

    Greetings all. I've gotten such great feedback from you guys in the past that I thought I'd run a new house rule by you. The Situation: I have two fighters in the party I'm DMing, with roughly equivalent BAB and strength bonuses. One of them uses a greatsword (we'll call him GS), one a...
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    Charlotte, NC - Established Group Looking for Gamer

    The Request: We’re looking for one (or maybe two) new player for a Greyhawk campaign in Charlotte, NC. We currently have three players involved and feel that increasing that number to four (or maybe five) would liven up sessions. Group Basics: Our sessions are on weeknights from 7pm-11pm...
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    Home-Grown Critical Effect Rules

    Hello all. Since I got so much helpful/supportive commentary on my last thread (Skill Master Prestige Class), I thought I'd share some critical effect rules I'm using in my campaign. About my campaign: this campaign is quite gritty and low-magic, so these rules are likely more harsh in my...
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    Skill Master Prestige Class - Comments?

    In the campaign I’m currently running, the party rogue wants to expand his role into more of a scholarly / professorial role. He and I have worked together to make a prestige class in which he can maximize certain skills and, through teaching others, his cohorts and followers. The class below...
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    Vs. the Slavers

    Okay, here is the start of a (potential) new story hour. Let me know what you think! I'm not exactly a writer, as will be made clear shortly. First, I'll give a little background. CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW Our playing group is a relatively small one in Charlotte, North Carolina, with three core...