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  1. anest1s

    Homebrew class, True Mage (need opinions about balance)

    Hello everyone, long time no see :) So an other guy made this class, the True Mage, and while I find it balanced the DM is not so sure. So what do you think about it? (The DM told me to ask in a forum) The class is about a wizard who can cast druid + cleric spells too. Thanks for reading.
  2. anest1s

    Divine Spellcraft vs Arcane Spellcraft

    Is a Wizard able to identify a cure light wounds cast by a cleric? My DM thinks not, because it is irrelevant how many ranks he has on spellcraft, it doesn't make sense to know what the spell is. He tells it only makes sense to know what you need to counterspell it (school etc), but not the...
  3. anest1s

    Sense Motive vs Bluff

    Something I find strange: If the players roll sense motive, and I tell them that "he sounds honest" then they are not sure whether they failed their check, or the NPC is telling the truth. If I tell one of them "you think maybe he is hiding something" and I tell the others "he sounds honest to...
  4. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 Help with melee-necromancer build 3.5

    Here is what I have so far. Cleric Vaggelis Campaign :: (Read-Only) - Myth-Weavers We need someone to be on the front line (other players are sorc. psion and ranged rogue). I re-start lvl 8, everyone else is lvl 9. There is a house rule that says that all the craft magic items feats are...
  5. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 [D&D 3.5] Winged creature taking off question

    Here is my question: If I have a land speed of 40ft. and a fly speed of 100ft. with poor maneuverability, how I take off? With that in mind, my DM suggests that I need to move on a straight line for 50ft. on land using my fly speed (so it will be easier to calculate how much movement I have...
  6. anest1s

    I want to tell you something...but I won't.

    Sometimes the players are missing something that the DM thinks its obvious. He asks them to roll a Wisdom/Intelligence check, and if they roll above lets say 5, or 10 he tells them the obvious thing. It gets weird for the DM if they all roll below 5. Then if it is something so obvious that...
  7. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 Detect Thoughts question [3.5e]

    Here it goes. The question is: Will someone targeted by the Detect Thoughts supernatural ability of a doppeganger, feel the magical attack like he would if it was a spell, or not? By the wording it looks like it wouldn't; but I am not sure if its true, since (su) abilities are magical too.
  8. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 [D&D 3.5] Thread of Endless NPCs

    You need lots of NPCs and you can only make few? You want to check some ideas about random NPCs? Maybe you would like to see how someone else would stat your own NPC concept? Or maybe you have to show the world how awesome your NPCs are?! This is the place to post! Lets make a big...
  9. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Succubus Lichfiend Cr Madness

    Ok here it goes. A succubus lich-fiend with 3 cleric/2 paladin/1 Mystic Wanderer (Magic of Faerun) will be CR 7+3+2=12? It will have an AC of 30-something and saves of +25-something, and some crazy lich abilities with equally high save. Somehow I think I am doing something wrong. Will the...
  10. anest1s

    Cursed Artifacts/Items

    Well I was thinking....why not? Everyone who has a cool idea about something cursed, post it! Zethros, the Soul Harverster This Greatswords blade is made from a strange metal, black in color and cold at touch. The air around it freezes, forming a very thin layer of white mist. Sometimes...
  11. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 [D&D 3.5] Going for an exotic improved familiar

    I am DMing for some time now in a group of 2 players. They are both level 5, -A ranger/fighter (he likes to have many animals following him- he wants to be the king of all wild creatures...only the chaotic evil version of it) -A wizard (he likes enchantment spells...and he uses his powers for...
  12. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5e] Item Pricing Help

    I want to give an item which will give the wearer the opportunity to cast enchantment (charm etc) spells without allowing the target to feel the magical attack on a successful Will Save. [lets name it effect 1] (for more info page 177 PH, "Succeeding on a Saving Throw") The item will probably...
  13. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 City Building

    I was wondering, do you have any good advice on city building? I think DMG has many holes... For example, ok you roll for power center, you roll for wizards, etc...then how you know how many wizards are inside the Wizards Guild, and how many of them secretly work for the Thieves Guild? Or...
  14. anest1s

    Searching for Animal Companion based Prestige Class (for Ranger)

    One of my players in my campaign, wants to take a prestige class, which will give him better animal companion, or wild shape something, or something like that. His theme is that he wants to become the king of all animals. He is also a bit barbaric. The problem is, that there aren't any...
  15. anest1s

    Encounter ideas

    I was thinking about making a table for random encounters what may happen to my players...and then I thought that I don't like random so much. And that if I let encounters be actually random, the game would be less realistic. (What may happen in one town, may not be possible in the very next...
  16. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 D&D 3.5 Charm and other spells question

    I was wondering, if Wizard A casts to target B a Charm spell (Like Charm Person) or a Compulsion (like Suggestion): -Is there any way so that target B can pretend that the charm worked? -If the spell has verbal components (or somatic or whatever) and the target B knows that a spell (not what...
  17. anest1s

    D&D 3E/3.5 Creating D&D 3.5 Campaign

    Recently, I started to plan a campaign which I intent to DM sooner or later. I was thinking to plan as much as possible before I actually start playing it. I have never done this before, and even though I have read the rules and guidelines of DMG I still think there are parts I do wrong (or I...
  18. anest1s

    Failed username...

    Well hello... I started filling the form...like I always do, bottom to top..and well...lets just say that I didn't notice I failed my name :blush: Can I change it somehow now? Or I'll have to live with it? :)