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Search results

  1. Drunken Master

    Goodman rebuttal

    Right now, at my FLGS, the tables are full. I'm actually not there because those tables are full. And it's NOT because of Free RPG Day or anything, because for whatever reason, this store's not participating. But dudes are showing up to play, and they're playing 4E. A week ago I tried to sign...
  2. Drunken Master

    Magic item creation for a lower magic setting.

    As a player in this campaign - who plays a wizard! - this sounds fine to me. The 1day/item level creation time is fine. But I can pretty much guarantee that I won't be creating any items beyond my wizard's level. I don't want to risk the failure chance, and the mighty Valchymax doesn't...
  3. Drunken Master

    What PC races are in your 4E group!

    I'm DM-ing a Forgotten Realms game. My players are: • Human paladin of Torm • Human two-weapon ranger • Eladrin orb wizard • Half-dragon warlord (homebrew race, see below) In my 3.5E FR campaign, my wife played a cleric of Sune who had a daughter with a gold dragon. Fast forward 100-ish...
  4. Drunken Master

    Holy Symbols: are they God-specific? Can they be altered?

    I think it's perfectly reasonable that a cleric can channel the power of his deity to re-shape a holy symbol through prayer and ritual (at zero cost to the cleric). Alternatively, perhaps the deity's symbol can manifest (with a sweet divine light show, naturally) over a generic medallion-type...
  5. Drunken Master

    Deathlock Wights & Reanimating

    An encounter power, of course, can only be used once per encounter. In between encounters, if the monster rested for 5 minutes, sure, the power can reset. I don't think being destroyed (even temporarily) counts as "resting".
  6. Drunken Master

    D&D 3E/3.5 4E Ruined My Love For 3.5

    Yep. me too. I was at D&D XP, and I have played 4 or 5 sessions of 3.5 since. Every one has been a chore. The ones I DMed, I kept telling my players (who have NOT played 4E), "Oh, man, in 4th Edition, this would be sooooo much easier..." every time it was applicable - which was A LOT. I loved...
  7. Drunken Master

    [BDP] Animal Archives: DinoFiles I - Raptor Pack released!

    EVERY monster, you say? Since the Dracoraptor's creature type is "Dragon", doesn't it have d12 Hit Dice? ;)
  8. Drunken Master

    Would you allow this paladin in your game? (new fiction added 11/11/08)

    I had to vote "No" because paladins are not allowed to do anything fun... unless you classify killing evil guys as "fun", and then they've got that one thing at least. Also, being a such fatalistic downer would likely irritate his god enough to strip him of paladinhood. I know if I were the...
  9. Drunken Master

    Truely Scarriest Horror Movies Ever?

    Jaws & The Shining! I guess I was too old (like 21 or so) when I say The Exorcist for the first time; I was disappointed, it wasn't scary to me at all.
  10. Drunken Master

    Meanest DMing Moment

    the first time i ever had a chance to use a beholder against a party, i paralyzed and then petrified the party's barbarian in i think the first round. there was another combat going on around the corner, so the party took off that way to deal with the easier threat. the beholder didn't feel like...
  11. Drunken Master

    Moving to Northern Virginia...

    I'm moving to Northern Virginia in a week, and I'll be looking for people to game with, but probably not til after the holidays. I'll be back and forth between Sterling and Woodbridge, so pretty much anywhere in the northern VA/DC area would be cool. I'm looking for a D&D 3.5 Forgotten Realms...
  12. Drunken Master

    Everyone, Tell us about your games, please!

    1.) How many players in your group? 4-6 2.) Do you DM? used to about half the time; haven't in about 4 months though. 3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many? 1 guy regularly DMs; another dude sometimes does 1-shots. 4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group? all dudes...
  13. Drunken Master

    Good assassins?

    when i think of a 'good assassin', as i've tried to get my DM to let me take the class, i always use the example of john cusack's character in Gross Pointe Blank, or Leon in The Professional. or even garth ennis's comic book character Hitman. although i guess they're probably all Neutral, but...
  14. Drunken Master

    The "What NPC should Blackdirge do next" poll

    my problem with the dretch is that i think the story's too big for the boards here. i mean, i imagine the path from lowly demon to demon lord takes hundreds or maybe even thousands of years! like, we'll end up getting one or two pivotal events for each form of demon he becomes, and that's...
  15. Drunken Master

    The "What NPC should Blackdirge do next" poll

    my vote is for the medusa bard. i've always been a big fan of medusas, and i'd like to see how ol' blackdirge handles a good character. the minotaur or half-dragon lizardman would be my alternate choices. i don't know about the dretch thing... i'm just not that into it. but, the popular vote...
  16. Drunken Master

    Drug addiction, possible spoiler.

    from lords of darkness: the effect of the drug itself is treated like a poison - neutralize poison, for example, would stop the drug's current effects, but not restore any ability damage. restoration or lesser restoration is needed to heal any ability score damage. if you're addicted to the...
  17. Drunken Master

    Retention of Paladin and Monk multiclass restrictions in 3.5ed

    damn, dude... last i checked this was just a game. are beatings, verbal or otherwise, really necessary?
  18. Drunken Master

    Retention of Paladin and Monk multiclass restrictions in 3.5ed

    i don't know what all the fuss is aboot - if you don't like the restrictions, simply don't use 'em. there's no need to insult the design team, man. they're only trying to make this game we love a little better and easier to run, and they seem to be taking a lot of undeserved heat for it...
  19. Drunken Master

    Drug addiction, possible spoiler.

    tekkil's no good. you gotta kick that junk. the good stuff is kammarth! no major negative side effects, and the addiction is low (DC 10 Will save)! primary effect: expeditious retreat for 1d4+1 minutes secondary effect: +2 alchemical bonus to Dex for the duration of primary effect. stacks w/...
  20. Drunken Master

    What is the "Best. Ravenloft module. Ever?"

    i have zero ravenloft experience except for this: i was gonna run a ravenloft adventure where the villain was a rakshasa, and it seemed really cool (i've always dug rakshasas), but we never got around to playing it. it had a nifty india/jungle thing going on. if my old 2e stuff wasn't in my...