[Adventure] BH1: Merryl's Rescue (DM: Velmont, Judge: renau1g)

Mal Malenkirk

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[sblock=OOC]Taking twenty probably would take a good hour or two and yield a 27 (28) for Charina and 34 for Derien. Either should be good enough.[/sblock]

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Bell seems slightly disappointed in not being able to explore the mausoleum but shrugs and complies. "If we split up it may be easier. . . and more dramatic. Everyone pick a buddy." She scans the group, purposefully scanning past Martelai. "I pick Rock!" She then begins looking for clues.
Rock responds with an enthusiastic noise that can best be described as “pika!” and jumps on to Bell’s hair, as it would on Rhole. It pulls out a tiny stone spyglass and scans around from the top of her head. Seeing as how the spyglass holds no actual glass, you’re not really sure whether the lenses are just absent or solid stone as well (and neither option seems to make a difference for Rock’s usefulness).

“Well, splitting up is a pretty dead certain way of running into trouble. Let’s do it!”

Rhole walks from one companion to the next, striking a chord on his rolled-out sideburn hair-strings as if he would "tune" them like an instrument. At Martelai there’s a distinctive change in pitch and Rhole points a dramatic finger in his face.

“I choose you, Blue Mage! ... Oh, wait...”

Rhole listens to his hair-strings and chimes them again. The pitch is off.

“Sorry, my mistake!”

The bard pulls out his lute-like instrument and hooks up his goatee to it properly. A quick test later, and Rhole ends up with a high chord at Ikni.

“The Great Ultra-Intense Thundering Audio Ripper chooses you, Ikniqpalagaq!”

Perception 25 (as a familiar, Rock also uses this check)


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Derien tries to gather up Martelai and Charina by eye. "That leaves the three of us. Let's stick together - something about this setup bothers me."[sblock=OOC]Yep, taking 20 gives me a Perception result of 34. I'm looking for traces of where our target and his contact have gone to.[/sblock]


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As the group is starting to look closely each inch of the mausoleum and his surrounding, Rhole, followed by Ikni, decide to start a bit farther. They get out of the mausoleum and look in the direction the corridor is heading. Even with night that have come, they quickly find a small piece of clothes near a tombstone. Rhole recognize it, it was owned by the dockworker. As he search the surrounding, he finds on the tombstone a small hidden lever. Pushing it reveals a trap door that lead to another corridor, that one is dark and without any source of light.

As he warns the people of his finding, the group gather around it. A quick inspection of the stairs show that there is a spell bound to the area. From Bell analysis, an alarm ritual have been laid on the stairs, but no trap can found near there that could be trigger by the ritual, as it is often seen.


"So, they will know we are coming. That is good; we will meet them face to face in honorable combat. We have wasted enough time skulking about," Ikni declares. She glances warily at the surrounding shadows again, suggesting that perhaps her discomfort is less from inactivity than from wandering through the graveyard.


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"Bum, bum, buuuhhhhhhhhhm." Bell adds at the end of her explanation of things. "Let's throw a stick down there and see what happens."
From Bell's hair-top, Rock flings its tiny stone spyglass down the stairs. However, the throw falls short and it only bumps down the first three steps before shattering, barely making any noise.

The imp looks saddened, its ears hanging down with dashed expectations.


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As the stone fall on the warded stairs, nothing happen: no noise ca be heard, no trap trigger. From Bell's knowledge, some alarm can be use to warn the ritual and only him would be aware the alarm ritual would have been trigger. The ritual can also be less sensible as the piece of glass was tiny.

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