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BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.0--10/20/06--Arc 3


As fantastic as seeing the Pegasus go down fighting was, my favorite was watching Galactica in freefall over New Caprica. For a split second I thought, "The Galactica can LAND?" Then the ships drop and the FTL. WOOHOO!

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That episode was incredible, one of the best they've ever done.

Galactica's inter-atmospheric jump and seeing it crashing to the ground and jumping at the last moment.

Pegasus to the rescue, and going down fighting.

Roslin looking to Colonial One and telling the resistance she's going to her ship, and her sitting back at the desk and taking charge. She's come so far from being the awkward schoolteacher in way over her head, she now is the leader of humanity.

Gaeta pulling the gun on Baltar (my girlfriend openly cheered at that moment).

Starbuck realizing the child wasn't hers.

Tigh having to poison his wife for betraying the resistance, while she cries and says she did it all for him.

Truth Seeker

Everyone....while you watched this, I was at work, with a friend on the phone, listening to him while he watched it.

His words..."Oh Gee, I just wet myself"...(dealing with Galactus' free fall and and then jump out) :D

Special Effects are handled by the same people who worked on the Firefly series, I think. And they did wonders...


Indeed, an excellent episode and I think the best of their "mini-conclusions" on the various mythos arcs they have shown over the past 38 episodes. Whether it was the conclusion to the Caprica/Kobol story arc, Pegasus, and now this one - clearly the best of the "crescendo episodes" so far.

Regrettably in some ways, we are now back more or less where we started. Here's what has changed:

  • Anders and Kara married;
  • Lee and Duwala married;
  • Helo and Sharon married?
  • Baltar gone from the fleet as a traitor;
  • Hera in the Cylon's hands;
  • Ellen Tigh dead;
  • Pegasus destroyed;
  • Cylon "peace" experiment a failure;
  • Human population in the 30k range?
But apart from all that - what's next? :p

1. Presidential power struggle in the offing with Zarek and Roslin duking it out at Thunderdome?

2. New Caprica Police and the Collaborators to be resolved?


The whole Kara~Casey thing though - saw that coming a mile off.

My question from last week is resolved: Baltar is to go off with the Cylons. Our window on the Cylons world. I guess he will still claim to be the rightful President and Roslin...

Roslin is still a school teacher. She may sit down in "her chair" but it isn't her chair. It's Baltar's or Zarek's - but not hers.

I did think it interesting to see Six-in-his-head and CapricaSix appear in the same scene with Baltar. The approach so far has been to suggest that would not happen.
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Like everyone else, I loved that episode.
Unlike shows like Lost, BSG has never let me down. And I was worried it would turn into junk after last season's finale (that worry went away a few weeks ago).

Now I'm just sad that there's only 8 or 9 episodes before the season is over.

And as for comparing BSG to B5, while B5 paved the way for a show like BSG, BSG is by far a better show.


First Post
lrsach01 said:
As fantastic as seeing the Pegasus go down fighting was, my favorite was watching Galactica in freefall over New Caprica. For a split second I thought, "The Galactica can LAND?" Then the ships drop and the FTL. WOOHOO!

To me, that was just about the most breathtaking moment in the whole episode. I watched that one scene at least 4 times on the DVR.


DungeonmasterCal said:

To me, that was just about the most breathtaking moment in the whole episode. I watched that one scene at least 4 times on the DVR.
Maybe it's just the geek in me, but it was excellent work how they "filled the vacuum" when Galactica jumped out causing stuff to jump up to the sky.


First Post
BlueBlackRed said:
Maybe it's just the geek in me, but it was excellent work how they "filled the vacuum" when Galactica jumped out causing stuff to jump up to the sky.

And how when they left, there was a vacuum effect. Very fine eye to detail.

One of the best episodes ever, though I still think I like "Downloaded" more.

I don't think that Tigh killed Ellen, I think he just drugged her and left her there for the escape, leaving her on New Caprica.

Also, I love the fact that Adama gets all the praise, and Tigh gets none, except from Adama. Very fitting. I think Dark Tigh has been the best thing to come out of the settlement, excepting maybe Depressed Baltar.

I am a little miffed at the way the plan went. I would think Adama would have had escape pods ready, in case the plan worked, so they could get back and still sacrifice the Galactica and save the Pegasus, which is by far the most battle ready ship. Likewise, Lee should have got in, pulled his Han Solo, and then jumped out again, bought a little more time. It kind of seemed like a plot contrievance, since the show is named Battlestar Galactica.

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