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BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--3/25/07--Arc 20 (Season Conclusion)

I remain skeptical about that… Moore said Kara was dead and now she’s back. Both can probably accurately say they never lied, per ce, but they were certainly deceptive. So I am reserving judgment on the nature of the return of Starbuck and the others being Cylons. For one thing, people have known Tigh has been around for years and years.

Though if Tigh is indeed a Cylon, I am betting the Battlestar Potempkin that William Adama is the last of the Final Five.
Maybe Kara was dead, and she was revived. (Hey, Buffy died two times and returned! ;) ). Maybe she is a Cylon (now at least) and was resurrected. Though I wouldn't discount the possibility that Moore just deceived his audience a bit, to keep the show interesting and surprising. (I wouldn't blame him for that. It's entertainment, not politics. :) )

Maybe the humaniform cylons are older then we believed. Maybe the first of them had to be born just like normal humans. Maybe they were kids or young adults whose brains where modified (a "software update" from human 1.0 to cylon 1.0?) to make them Cylons - because being cylon is more then just being in a artificial body - it is a mind set, or a unique metaphysical trait? (Who knows - maybe Baltar is actually becoming the 13th Cylon - he has the Cylon ability to project, which might be part of the Cylon "mind set"..)

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The Grumpy Celt

Mustrum_Ridcully said:
Maybe Kara was dead, and she was revived...

That was what I meant by saying Katie and Ron had not expressly lied but had been deceptive. I think there is a similar not lying but being deceptive going on with the revelation of four of the Final Five. I just don't know it really going. I don't think any of us will for months, at least until reliable spoilers start floating around or November or December.

I do think Kara is back and is not just in Lee's head.

I do not think there was a "Ship of Light hanging 'round the nebula.

I think the BSG mix of Watchtower was nifty.

But I refuse to form solid opinions of Kara and the revelations about the secret Cylons for months.

Sir Brennen

The Grumpy Celt said:
But I refuse to form solid opinions of Kara and the revelations about the secret Cylons for months.
No! No! The Internet is about dogmatically expressed opinion in the absence of fact! You must explicitly and unequivocally start forming baseless theories now!

C'mon! You must be dogmatic! You even changed your avatar into a dog :p

The Grumpy Celt

Sir Brennen said:
You must be dogmatic! You even changed your avatar into a dog :p

(Grumpy jumps up and starts shaking his fist)

Laura had Baltar kidnapped! And by the 12 Lords of Kobol, if Tigh is a Cylon, then so is Adama!

…And I think the uniforms are too blue! I demand an apology for Black Market! There must be more mostly nude scenes from Kara… and even Lee!

(It is a pick of a puppy that belongs to my sister – I thought if I looked cute I might be more board play).

Mark Hope

Joker said:
Anyone else notice that Keira's Viper was freakin' immaculate?
Yeah, I was wondering about that. I've become quite a fan of the "head-cylons and head-Baltar really are Beings of Light" idea. It seems pretty likely to me that Starbuck has become involved with them as well.

And I think it's a stinky poo hole of an idea to make us wait until 2008 to see the next season, Pegasus movie or no Pegasus movie. Stupid bloody linear time.


First Post
Whisperfoot said:
Scifi make a huge mistake regarding the ratings of their flagship series? Never! It wasn't severely long gaps between installments that was ultimately the ratings death of Farscape.

Anyway, here are my thoughts.

The final five are unknown to the cylons themselves. I've suspected for a while that the reason they don't reveal themselves is because they don't hold with what the other seven models are doing. They're essentially traitors and have been holding their cards close while they wait for the right time to reveal themselves. That time, for whatever reason, is now. I think those cylons in the nebula are the base ships and other resources belonging to the final five, and I think we might see them join the Galactica in the next season.

I thought it was kind of odd how when they went to the Eye of Jupiter, they didn't really learn anything new. That whole thing was completely pointless unless it served some larger purpose that wasn't readily apparent. Instead, I think it was a trigger event for Kara, letting her know that it was about time for her to leave the fleet. She "dies," which was when she was resurrected aboard one of the cylon ships, and they send her off to go see Earth for herself. I think the final five are the equivalent to the ship of lights from the original series. They'll be there as a force for good, who will shepherd their way not only to Earth, but to either a lasting peace or the ultimate destruction of the cylons.

The Grumpy Celt

Joker said:
Anyone else notice that Keira's Viper was freakin' immaculate?

Considering the Ship Of Light Aliens apparently killed her, washing and waxing her ride was the least they could do.

Actually, I think it interesting she not only had a Viper, but one that is the same model - possibly the same one - that supposedly got blown apart. So, what did happen back their?



So, I have been thinking a bit about where things are going to go with the show.

A few theories (and I may well be very wrong):

1) Cylon is the term for those who believe in a single, monotheistic deity. It has nothing to do with mechanical or biological ideas. The mechanical cylons were designated as such when created and when the human form models began exploring concepts of divinity and a monotheistic god the connection was made.

Consider that we know Tyrol had a father who was a priest, but he rejected his father and religion. Best to call him an atheist or lapsed believer in the 12 Lords of Kobol for most of the series. We also know that Tigh is not a religious man, as evidenced by many conversations with Adama about the President's religious ideas in the late 1st and early 2nd seasons. We don't know as much about Anders or Tory, but perhaps they are in the same boat. They do seem to be pragmatic individuals (especially Tory's focus on political realities and vote rigging instead of faith in the electorate when Baltar was elected).

They become "cylons" in the episode by having a religious awakening, foreshadowed by the music. The music representing their inner journey towards a more spiritual state of being. We certainly do see more focus and dedicate to duty and values by the end of the episode than we have seen for quite a long time in some of them. Tigh is the best example here with his self pity and drinking, Tyrol to a lesser extent with his personal conflicts around family life and being back in space after resigning, Tory in the one episode example of poor performance to the president [very little, and poor lead up in my opinion], and Anders obviously has been working through issues related to Kara since the love quadrangle developed and possibly even before that. Her death caused change in his life (pilot candidate right after), but was that simple compensation rather than any real dedication or belief?

So the four revealed in the episode can be cylons, without being mechanical or even human form copies like 6.

2) Of course, as mentioned above, Anders could be the one seen by D'Anna in the Temple of the Five. She did try to kill him once and that would be something to apologize for. If he is a cylon of the human form type it would make sense. Reconciling the rest would be harder to do (Tigh being the toughest in my book, Tyrol the second hardest).

3) The Beings of Light will factor in some how, but I suspect that in a manner we are totally not expecting. I do not expect it to mirror the original series, except in the most general of details.

4) I suspect the cylons in the nebula are real, and of the regular mechanical and organic varieties. The cylons in the series have been shown to be quite smart. I am sure they figured out the refinery ship trick. In fact, with the superior jump capability of the cylons they likely could jump to several systems ahead of the colonials and some of them (the Cavills likely) could figure out the symbolism of the nebula insignia.

Cheers :)

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