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Carrion Crown AP (The Deadwatchers) - IC

Fangor the Fierce

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Bella takes the question as a challenge, with a determined look at Valanar. "No harm in trying!"

She then sits with Ven, concentrating and working on a few spells that might just help her this day. Knowing that information was key, she decided on a pair of spells that might work well together. (Charm Person, Ill Omen) When she is done, she turns to Valaran with what can only be described as a mischievous smile. "This should be fun!"

Walking back to the council building, she is in high spirits, as she nears the man who prevented her access the day before. With mock surprise, she confronts the man.

"Now, don't tell me you already forgot about me! I am sure you thought about me while I was gone, right? If not, then I dare say, I would be grief stricken twice this week!" (EvilEye for -2 to Saving Throws, DC 15 Will Save to shorten it to only 1 Round. Rolling now to see results for next action. Save failed, lasts for 7 rounds!)

Seeing the quivering eye movement, Bella knows her hex has taken hold on the unfortunate man. As she smiles, she nears the man, stating, "You know, toying with a grief stricken woman is not such a lucky thing to do!" (Casting Ill Omen. No Save, and will last for 1 Full Round to give Aristocrat 1 round of bad luck, has to roll twice on next dice roll and take lesser of the two results.)

"You would allow me to enter today, right? No tough man routine this time, right? I am sure that you don't have a problem with that, do you? If so, then perhaps a round of drinks, my treat, tonight will clear that right up!" (Charm Person, DC 15 Will Save to negate with -2 Penalty. HE FAILED! WE ENTER!!)

As the Aristocrat gives way to her entrance, she turns to Valaran, who is asking for entrance, and simply motions him through. "Looks like we owe this man a few drinks tonight, if you want to thank him for his generosity. That is of course, after we finish our work here."

[sblock=Actions]Ok, had to think this through on her abilities and spells. She's QUITE the charmer, if put to the task! Evil Eye for the penalties to foes, followed by Ill Omen to make sure they get a chance to make them fail ever more, then a Charm Person to see how the results fare. If given the time to talk, she might just be worth a shot at diplomacy more often... but then again, she'd rather not have to deal with the snobs.

Regarding Ill Omen. Not sure if Ill Omen would actually last until the Charm Person check would have to be done, as I would cast it at end of Bella's 'actions' last round and then Charm Person to start off with on this round. Just something to keep in mind next time, but at first level, not sure on the timing. I only rolled once on the save for the Charm Person, as I was unsure on ruling. I would think I would not get the benefit of Ill Omen, so I left it up to the dice gods. I was lucky! Otherwise, it would have been your ruling on whether or not the Aristocrat would have to make another roll. Hopefully level 2 is around the corner and this is a moot point!

Bella Round1 - Evil Eye
Bella Round 2 - Move action to go up to guard, standard action to cast ill Omen
Bella Round 3 - Cast Charm Person, await results (no move action)[/sblock]
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Valanar is quite impressed and as they enter the town hall he quietly compliments Bella on her manipulation of the man and the arcane, "Could barely tell that was the same person as yesterday. You had him twisting and turning through the entire range of human emotions. Fear, dread, lust, greed -- well I guess those aren't all emotions but my point was you hit all the right notes with that man. I daresay you could charm the pants off a bugbear if you had to."

"Remind me to keep an eye on you, lest I fall for one of those tricks" he quips - half jokingly and half full of serious intent.


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Piedra is in an upbeat mood as he sets off to see if he can find his old friend. Typically he does not notice the people whispering, although in one case where a mother is too obvious about rushing her child off, he sticks his tongue out at them. This caused the child to start crying and hugging its mothers leg. Undaunted by the failure of his attempt to be friendly, Piedra keeps going. Eventually he gets to his friend usual hangout and his good mood proves to be justified as his ex-gang are all there. They have obviously just got back to town and are just starting on some serious drinking. Piedra quickly joins them but unfortunately for them they have forgotten their previous attempts at trying to drink a dwarf under the table. By early afternoon, Piedra's friends are all asleep while all that Piedra has is a slight buzz and everything they know about Harrowstone prison.

Leaving his friends to their slumber, Piedra sets off to buy a healer's kit. He decides that the best bet is the schoolhouse/magic shop that Kendra had mentioned. What with the buzz caused by the alcohol and the information his friend had provided, even the shopkeeper overcharging him doesn't dampen his mood and he sings to himself as he walks back to Lorrimor House.

[sblock=OOC]HM. I am assuming that Piedra can purchase a healer's kit. Let me know if this is not the case and I will update accordingly. Also, what was Piedra's share of the bar bill.[/sblock]
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Elthos ate his breakfast in silence. When Valanar spoke, he shook his head and said "I will be guarding our other researcher. It is safer to walk to streets with at least one person who is fight capable, so we can defend ourselves. We do not want another incident on our hands."

Leaving with Triessa and heading to the The Unfurling Scroll, Elthos notices right away the shift in attitutde. He sighs heavily. Is this what it is going to be like the next month? Being stared at and gawked at by passers buy? Is there nothing to be done to improve relations with these people? However, he did decide to leave his scimitar at Kendra's, if only to look less scary. He still had his dagger ready should a fight break out.

Arriving at the library, Elthos is surprised to hear that you had to pay to get into the library. He can feel the eyes of the shop keeper glaring at the both of them. He knows that while he could pay, he probably does not know enough about Harrowstone to get anywhere.

Looking at Triessa, he says "I can wait out here if you wish, or I can come in with you to help. Up to you."


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Meanwhile, at the Unfurled Scroll, Triessa makes as unobtrusive an entrance as she can. Her cloak's hood is pulled forward, hiding the details of her face though that does little to ease the town's growing mistrust. For a moment she browses the small storefront, then makes her way to the counter.

"Good morning," she says softly. "My name is Triessa Elrich...I've heard rumors since I arrived of a place near here that is haunted. A former prison called Harrowstone. I'm something of a dabbler in the occult, and I'm curious about this place. Is there anyone here who is an 'expert' in such matters I could speak with?"


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Let's see...

Sure can buy a Healer's kit Priced at 55gp (do to trust score) and will roll your rumor and post it today. Bar share is 1gp (unless your buying the good stuff?)

Since you made your attempt Shayuri I'm guessing you spent the 10gp. Sorry you got a bad roll but wish to RP out an event since you and Elthos are near the "schoolhouse".

What else? Oh will update the info in the RG soon, and then recap the day once I am done with the event.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Elthos spends the day sitting in a chair while Triessa fruitlessly pours over the books, manuscripts, and scrolls. He watches as s group of children enter the establishment and head to "class" in the back room. Listening to the lecture he finds it at least gives him something to do while he waits.

Soon class is over and shortly after that Triessa stops her research clearly upset at finding nothing new. The two exit The Unfurling Scroll ready to head back to the Lorrimor House (Elthos is more than a little hungry), to see what the others have found out. Outside a group of five girls are playing a rope skipping game, each taking turns jumping in the center, then taking a turn spinning the rope and then returning to wait for their turn to jump.

Each girl sings a short verus as she jumps in the center of the swinging rope and the lyrics give the two people pause. They stand and watch as they routine is repeated, just to make sure they have heard correctly...

<To a slow tune of Rain, Rain Go Away>

"Put her body on the bed.
-Take a knife and lop off her head.
Watch the blood come out the pipe.
-Feeds the stirge, so nice and ripe.
Drops of red so sparkly bright.
-Splatters spell her name just right.
With a hammer killed his wife.
-Now he wants to claim your life.
Tricksy father tells a lie.
-Listen close or you will die.


They repeat the eerie song again as the two watch on.


First Post
(OOC - sorry, yes...paying the 10gp :))

Triessa stares at the children, mouth agape; appalled at the casual horror they're singing about.

"What a terrible song," she mutters to Elthos. "I always thought children should sing about...nice things. Happy things. What kind of a place is this?"


First Post
Elthos shook his head in despair at Triessa's words. "You are absolutely correct. A better question is how they know such a song? 5 different ways to murder someone sounds creepy enough."

Elthos considers talking to the girls, but realizes that anything he says will probably get ignored. He did not have a way with words that Val had. Making a note of the skipping girls, he takes one last look around before turning back to Triessa and saying "Come, my stomach has been rumbling now for some time. We have more important mysteries to figure out now than this song right now. Let us head back?"

Turning away from the skipping girls, he leads Triessa back to the house.

OCC: I have a funny feeling I know why there are 5 murders depicted, but as Elthos does not know about the new Harrowstone info, he can't act on it. Yet...


Thy wounds are healed!
Well the group has survived another day in the town of Ravengro. As they meet in the Professor's library to trade stories about the days events Kendra sits quietly listening on as she mends some of her fathers old clothes using a minor cantrip.

Valanar and Bella come back with more news about Harrowstone. <can read in RG> It seems to them both that maybe one of these five prisoners might be worth investigating as possible people The Whispering Way was after. The question is who had records on the prisoners?

"Well the prison must have,"
Kendra says not looking up. "You know after the fire it was said that the spirits of those who died took to haunting the building. This was told by those who went to collect what they could of the records and such kept there. But they never got very far and said they were chased out by the ghosts of the Harrowstone inmates. Whatever records they had there might still be there." She pauses and looks at a newly mended shirt. "It was probably what my father was searching for."

"Well I have it from the ghost hunters here about that Harrowstone isn't haunted," Piedra says from his comfortable chair. "They say that it is all just stories. Oh the ruins are still dangerous but, what folk think are ghost are only nasty vermin that live there now." <rumor collected>

[sblock=OOC] The Professor mentioned that there were ghost and they had chased him off because he was ill prepared. Don't forget he mentioned supplies at The Restlands and if the group wishes there is still enough time in this day to go either north (to The Restlands) or south (to Harrowstone) before dark. [/sblock]

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