DRAGON Magazine monster index!


Creature Cataloguer
This is a compiled index of monsters that have appeared in Dragon Magazine, up through issue #250. It may not be complete, but you will find that not very much is missing from it. :)

1 - Bulette (Creature Features, Gary Gygax). The bulette later appeared in every edition's Monster Manual.

2 - Remorhaz (Creature Features, no author given). The remorhaz later appeared in every edition's Monster Manual.

4 - Mihalli, Vriyagga (Double Creature Features, M.A.R. Barker)[These creatures are actually for Tekumel, not D&D].

5 - Ankheg (Featured Creature, Erol Otus). The ankheg later appeared in every edition's Monster Manual.

6 - Death Angel (Feaured Creature, John Sullivan)

7 - Prowler (Feaured Creature, no author given). The prowler later appeared in Dragon #37.

8 - Name that Monster! (artwork only; winners appear in Dragon #14)(Featured Creature, Erol Otus)

10 - Random Monsters (Random Monsters, Paul Montgomery Crabaugh)

12 - Byakhee, deep ones, great race, Old Ones, mi-go, shaggoth (the fungi from Yuggoth, the abominable snow men) (The Lovecraftian Mythos In D&D, Rob Kuntz). These creatures all later appeared in the d20 Call of Cthulu book, with conversion notes to D&D.

13 - Nasthrapur (demon)(D&D Option: Demon Generation, Jon Pickens)
13 - Kappa, oni, tengu, yuki-onna (The Japanese Mythos, Jerome Arkenberg). All these creatures later appeared in 3rd edition in Oriental Adventures.

14 - Cursed Crimson Crawler (Winners of the 1st Name That Monster Contest", Thomas & Edward McCloud)
14 - Jarnkung (Winners of the 1st Name That Monster Contest", Conrad Froehlich). The jarnkung later appeared in Dragon #37.
14 - Ulik (Winners of the 1st Name That Monster Contest", Ann Corlon)

16 - Humbaba, scorpion men (Near-Eastern Mythos, Jerome Arkenberg). A humbaba later appears in Dragon #334.

17 - Archangel of mercy, angel of healing, angel of wrath, seraphim (Messengers of God: Angels in Dungeons and Dragons, Stephen H. Dorneman)

20 - Amaku (guardian spirits), Tuna-of-the-Eternal-Waters, Vahine-hae (Mythos of Polynesia in Dungeons & Dragons, Jerome Arkenberg)

23 - No specific creatures, but important article (From the Sorcerer's Scroll: Random Generation of Creatures from the Lower Planes, Gary Gygax)
23 - Bed of spikes, green death, mine, orca, sea centipede, sea dragon, sea griffon, water dagger, water grabber (Water Adventures on the Starship Warden, Carl Hurah)[technically for Metamorphosis Alpha, but in D&D stat format]

24 - T'ien Lung, Shen Lung, Li Lung, Pan Lung, Lung Wang, Yu Lung (Chinese Dragons, David Sweet) The Chinese dragons later appeared in the Fiend Folio. These dragons later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC3, and later in the 3rd edition in Oriental Adventures.

26 - Lower soul, lost soul, vampire-spectre, sea bonze, Celestial stag, goat demon (Chinese Undead, David Sweet)
26 - Barghest (Dragon's Bestiary, E. Gary Gygax) The barghest later appeared in the 1E Monster Manual II, the 2nd edition in the Planescape campaign setting boxed set, and the 3rd Edition Monster Manual.

27 - Horast (Dragon's Bestiary, Mary Lynn Skirvin)

28 - Satan, Belial, Astaroth (The Politics of Hell)
28 - Slinger (Dragon's Bestiary, Jake Jacquet)

29 - Whiz-bang beetle (Dragon's Bestiary, John Hageman)
29 - Adaro, agunua, dogai, figonas, ghosts (variants), hatuibwari, koevasi, marsalai, ndengei, ogre (variant), origoruso, porpoise girls, sky maidens (Mythos of Oceania In Dungeons & Dragons, Jerome Arkenberg)

30 - Curst (Dragon's Bestiary, Ed Greenwood) The curst later appeared in the 2nd edition in FRE1 Shadowdale, and then later in City of Splendors and in the Monstrous Compendium Annual 2. The curst later appeared in the 3rd edition as a template in Monsters of Faerûn.

31 - Ukuyatangi (Jungle Hydra)(Dragon's Bestiary)

32 - Scorpiorc, koasp, antold, woblin, skag (Leomund's Tiny Hut, Len Lakofka)
32 - Crawling claw (Dragon's Bestiary, Ed Greenwood) The crawling claw later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC3 and FRE1 Shadowdale, and later in the 2E Monstrous Manual, and in the 3rd edition in Monsters of Faerûn.

33 - Frosts (Dragon's Bestiary, Roger Moore) The frosts later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC11.

34 - Vilkonnar, Kailiff [variant vilkonnar] (Dragon's Bestiary, Charles Carson)

35 - Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, Angels of the Ninth Order (Angels, William Fawcett)

36 - Krolli (Dragon's Bestiary, Todd Lockwood)

37 - Neutral dragons (crystal, topaz, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, Sardior the Ruby dragon) (That's Not In the Monster Manual!, Arthur W. Collins) With the exception of Sardior, the neutral dragons later appeared as the gem dragons in the 2nd edition in MC14 and later in the Monstrous Manual. They later appeared in the 3rd edition in Monster Manual II. Sarior received a conversion to 3E online.
37 - Prowler, jarkung, elemental demons, the Oracle (aka the Stalker) (The Pit of the Oracle, Stephen Sullivan). The elemental demons in this article differ from those in Dragon Compendium, Vol 1.
37 - Vulturehounds (Dragon's Bestiary, Chris Chalmers and Dan Pollak). The vulturehound later appeared in the Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium.

38 - Brown dragon, yellow dragon, orange dragon, Tiamat, Bahamut (Leomund's Tiny Hut, Lenard Lekofka) Tiamat and Bahamut are first given diety status here, and appeared previously in the Monster Manual. They later appeared as the first 3rd edition creatures in Dragon 272, then in the Manual of the Planes, and Dieties and Demigods.
38 - The flolite (Dragon's Bestiary, Kevin Readman)

39 - Groundsquid (Dragon's Bestiary, Larry DiTillio)

40 - Werelion, wereleapord, werejaguar, weresabre, weredire, wereram, wereweasel, weresloth, werebadger, werebison, (The Other Were? Right Here!, Roger E. Moore)
40 - Fire-eye lizard, flitte, wingless wonder, huntsmen (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The wingless wonder later appeared in the 2nd edition in Menzoberranzan.

41 - The Silkie, tomb tapper (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The tomb tapper later appeared in the 2nd edition in FR13 Anarouch and later in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3. The tomb tapper later appeared in the 3rd edition in Monsters of Faerûn and later in Lost Empires of Faerûn.
41 - Marquins (The Halls of Beol-Dur, module by Dave Luther, Jon Naatz, Dave Niessen, Mark Schultz)

42 - Saraphs, the Appolyon, asperim, Hacamuli (Demons, Devils, and Spirits, Tom Moldvay)
42 - Selm "Prince of Possessors", kuei, pisachas, asuras (A New Evil... The Possessors, Arn Ashleigh Parker)
42 - Quatsch, necroton, well spirit, sandbats, swampbats, (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)

43 - Amazon, tolwar, lythlyx (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The lythlyx later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1.

44 - Koodjanuk, cryoserpent, ice golem (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)
44 - Orc-kobold, Orc-goblin, Orc-gnoll, Orc-bugbear, Orc-hobgoblin, Orc-ogre (Half-orcs in a variety of styles, Roger Moore)

45 - Skyzorr'n, sand lizard, dust devil (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)

46 - Gaund (Dragon's Bestiary, Ed Greenwood) The gaund later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC11.

47 - Wirchler, aruchai, Phoenix, Fury, mapmaker, flard, sugo (Creatures From Elsewhere, Patrick Amory). (The phoenix and fury differ from the versions presented in Dieties and Demigods.)

48 - Water-horse, golden ammonite, sea demon, (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The golden ammonite later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC11 and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4. The sea demon later appeared in the 2nd edition in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4.

49 - Nogra (Dragon's Bestiary, Loren Kruse)

50 - Kzinti (Kzinti, Robert Plamondon)
50 - Giant vampire frog (Dragon's Bestiary, Alan Fomorin)

51 - The winged folk (Al Karak Elam) (The Winged Folk, William Lenox) The winged folk later appeared in the 2nd edition as the Avariel in the Complete Book of Elves, and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 2. In 3E, the avariel appear in Races of Faerûn.
51 - Dark dwellers, piranha bats (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)

52 - Rhaumbusun, pelins (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The rhaumbusun later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC3.

53 - Guardians (The Garden of Nefaron)
53 - Argas, oculon, narra (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)
53 - Triffids (The Ways of the Triffids, Mark Nuiver)

54 - Boggart, stroan, incubus, (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)
54 - The Jabberwock (Beware the Jabberwock, Mark Nuiver) A similar creature by the same name appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3. The boggart appeared in 3rd edition on WOTC's website.

55 - Allosaurus, deinonychus, teratosaurus, therezinosaurus, tyrannosaurus rex, apatosaurus, brachiosaurus, diplodocus, plateosaurus, anatosaurus, iguanadon, parasaurolophus, ankylosarusus, triceratops, stegosaurus, pteranodon (A Book Even T. Rex Would Like, Chris Henderson) These dinos appeared in many places, and I'm not going to track them all down. :)
55 - Devil spider, surchur, dyll, poltergeist (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)

56 - Shroom, colfel, gem vars (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)

57 - Phooka (The Wandering Trees, Michael Malone)

58 - Sull, beguiler, Magenta's cat (Dragon's Bestiary, Ed Greenwood and Roger Moore) The sull later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC3, and the beguiler appeared in MC11. The beguiler appears in 3E in Shining South.
58 - Rapper (The Gods of the Dwarves, Roger Moore)
58 - Geryon, Echidna, the Nemeian Lion, the Monster of Geryoneo, the Blatant Beast (The Blood of Medusa, Michael Parkinson) This Geryon is not the same as the one from the Monster Manual.

59 - Bleeder, stymphalian birds, spriggan (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The spriggan later appeared in Monster Manual II, in the 2nd edition in MC5 and the Monstrous Manual, and in 3rd edition in Fiend Folio. The bleeder later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Ruins of Undermountain boxed set as the Death-Kiss, and in the 3rd edition in Monsters of Faerûn. It also has been updated to 3.5 in Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1.
59 - Demonic Knights of Doom (The Great Kingdom and the Knights of Doom, Rob Kuntz)

60 - Pooka (Pooka, Michael Fountain)

61 - Firetail, light worm, umbrae, tybor (Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The firetail later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC11 and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3.
61 - Gan-da-yah, ga-hon-ga, oh-do-was (Jo-ga-oh: Little People of the Iriqouis, Conrad Froehlich)

62 - Faerie dragon, steel dragon, grey dragon (Our Annual Full-Blown Dragon Section, various contributors). A steel dragon appeared in 3rd edition on WOTC's site in Monster Mayhem and later in Dragons of Faerûn. The faerie dragon appears in 3E in Draconomicon.

63 - Astral deva, movanic deva, monadic deva (Featured Creatures, E. Gary Gygax) The devas later appeared in the Monster Manual II, and later appeared as aasimon in the 2nd edition in MC8, and then in the first Planescape Monstrous Compendium. The astral deva later appeared in the 3rd edition in the Monster Manual, while the monadic and movanic devas appeared in the Fiend Folio.
63 - Shoosuva (The Humanoids: Goals and Gods of the Kobolds, Goblins, Hobgoblins, & Gnolls, Roger Moore)
63 - Chagmat ( warrior and cleric ) (Chagmat, Larry DiTillio)

64 - Planetar, solar (Featured Creatures, E. Gary Gygax) These celestials later appeared in the Monster Manual II, and later appeared as aasimon in the 2nd edition in MC8, and then in the first Planescape Monstrous Compendium. They both later appeared in the 3rd edition in the Monster Manual as angels.

65 - Baku, Phoenix (Featured Creatures, E. Gary Gygax) These creatures later appeared in the Monster Manual II. The phoenix later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC8, and then in the Monstrous Manual, and later appeared in the 3rd edition in Monster Manual II. The baku later appeared in 2nd edition in the Psionic's Handbook, and then later in the first Planescape Monstrous Compendium.
65 - Yellow dragon, orange dragon, purple dragon (The Missing Dragons, Richard Alan Lloyd) These dragons appeared later in the 2nd edition in issue 248.

66 - Jann, dao, marid (Featured Creatures, E. Gary Gygax) These genies later appeared in the Monster Manual II, and appeared later in the 2nd edition in the first two Monstrous Compendiums (dao in 1, jann and marid in 2) and then later in the Monstrous Manual. The jann later appeared in the 3rd edition in the Monster Manual.
66 - Euparkeria, compsognathus, miniature animals, vulture, carnivorous flying squirrel, hawk/falcon, animal skeletons (Leomund's Tiny Hut, Lenard Lekofka) These creatures all appeared later in the Monster Manual II (wherein the miniature animals are called minimals). They all wound up in 2nd edition, but I don't feel like looking up where they wound up. The vulture appears in 3E in Sandstorm.

67 - Barrel spider, boleadore spider, net-throwing/fishing spider, crab spider, daddy longlegs, jumping spider, raft/swamp spider, spitting spider, trap-door/purse spider, whip spider, wolf spider (Souping Up the Spider, Gregg Chamberlain)
67 - Grugach, valley elf, cooshee (Featured Creatures, E. Gary Gygax) These elves and the cooshee later appeared in the Monster Manual II. The grugach and valley elf later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC5. The cooshee later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Complete Book of Elves, and in the 3rd Edition in Races of the Wild.

68 - Ascomoid, basidirond, phycomid, (Featured Creatures, E. Gary Gygax) These fungus monsters later appeared in the Monster Manual II. The ascomoid and phycomid later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC2 and then later in the Monstrous Manual. The phycomid appears in the 3rd edition in Dragon #337. The ascomoid appears in the 3rd edition in Dungeonscape.
68 - Koalinth, marine vodyanoi, fresh water sea hag, mottled purple worm (What's That in the Water?, Mark S. Harcourt)

69 - Time elemental (The Dieties and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk, E. Gary Gygax) The time elemental later appeared in the Monster Manual II. The time elemental later appeared in the 2nd edition as the time dimensional in Chronomancer and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3.
69 - Ustilagor, zygom (Featured Creatures, E. Gary Gygax) These fungus monsters later appeared in the Monster Manual II. The zygom later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC5. The ustilagor later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Monstrous Manual, and in the 3rd edition in Dragon #337.

70 - Werejaguar (Mechica, Gali Sanchez)

74 - Arack, scintillating dragon, night dragon (Landragons, Ronald Hall)
74 - Electrum dragon (The Electrum Dragon, Ed Greenwood) The electrum dragon later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1.

75 - Abishai, Amon, Bael, bearded devil, Belial, Bitru, Glasya, Hutijin, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Moloch, spined devil, Titivilus, (From the Sorceror's Stone: New Denizens of Devildom, E. Gary Gygax) With the exception of Bitru, all of these devils appeared in the Monster Manual II. The abishai, bearded devil (barbazu), and spined devil (spinagon) later appeared as baatezu in the 2nd edition in MC8, and then in the first Planescape Monstrous Compendium. The barbazu later appeared in the 3rd edition in the Monster Manual, and the abishai appeared in Monsters of Faerûn.
75 - Amduscias, Malphas, Nergal, Bist, Caim, Lilis, Arioch, Biffant, Merodach, Alocer, Focalor, Caarcrinolaas, Melchon, Naome, Chamo, Balan, Bathym, Gaziel, Cozbi, Gorson, Herodias, Agares, Machalas, (The Nine Hells Part I, Ed Greenwood)

76 - Lilith, Tartach, Bileth, Baftis, Neabaz, Barbatos, Abigor, Zepar, Baalphegor, Bele, Adonides, Barbas, Bifrons, Bensozia, Adramalech, Phongor, Buer, Bune, Morax, Rimmon, Zagum (The Nine Hells Part II, Ed Greenwood)

77 - The Devil of the Tarot (Tarot of Many Things, Michael J. Lowrey)

78 - Deryni (The Deryni, Arthur Collins)

79 - Gremlins (Blame It On the Gremlins, Gregg Chamberlain) I don't believe these are the same gremlins we all know and love... or are they?

83 - Baba Yaga (The Dancing Hut, Roger E. Moore)

84 - Rakshasa knight, rakshasa lord, Ravanna "King of Rakshasas" [lesser god](Never the Same Thing Twice, Scott Bennie)

86 - Galadur, telperan, glissan, baltir, tabur, orrek, quark, nalg, durocib, haudhla, veeru (Familiars With a Special Use, Stephen Inniss)

89 - Amitok, Killer Beetle (Aratha), Bohun Tree, Cantobele, Corkie, Explodestool, Fachan, Flailtail, Glasspane Horror, Giant Horseshoe Crab, Ihagnim, Millikan, Peltast, Giant Pitcher Plant, Seastar, Scallion, Giant Shrike, Sind, Star Leviathan, Giant Venus Fly-Trap, Vurgen, Killer Whale (Creature Catalog, various authors). The glasspane horror appears in 3E in Dragon Compendium Volume One.

90 - Sinister, night hunter, werebat, hundar, gloomwing, azmyth (Bats That Do More Than Bite, Ed Greenwood) The sinister, night hunter, werebat, and azymth later appeared in the 2nd edition in Drow of the Underdark and MC11. The gloomwing and hundar later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC11 (the hundar became the hendar). The night hunter, sinister, and werebat appeared in the 3rd edition in Monsters of Faerûn.

91 - Armaros, Azazel, Cahor, Dagon, Duskur, Kochibel, Malarea, Nisroch, Rumjal, Gargoth (Nine Hells Revisited, Ed Greenwood) Gargoth appeared in the 2nd edition as Gargauth (a demigod) in Powers and Pantheons.
91 - Goristro (Major Demon) (The Goristro Revealed, E. Gary Gygax) The goristro later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Planes of Chaos boxed set, and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3, and in the 3rd edition in the Manual of the Planes.

92 - Scalmagadrion (Pages From the Mages, Ed Greenwood) The Scalamgadrion later appeared in the 2nd edition in Pages From the Mages and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3. It appears in the 3rd Edition in Magic of Faerûn.

94 - Thessalmera (The Ecology of the Chimera, Ed Greenwood) The thessalmera later appeared in the 2nd edition as one of the thessalmonsters in MC3.
94 - Belabra, giant betta, bhaergala, phase dragon, ekrat, fireball fly, firestar, flamewing, hurgeon, giant lightning bug, lillend, orgautha, rekeihs, rummele, urisk, viltch, great wyrm, xaver (Creature Catalog II, various contributors) The belabra, bhaergala, and firestar later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC3 and the firestar appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4. The xaver later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1. The lillend later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Planes of Chaos boxed set, and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3.

95 - Chimpanzee, giganopithecus, gorilla, orangutan (The Many Shapes of Apes, Stephen Inniss)

101 - Alcor, avari, automaton, bogeyman, burbur, creeping pit, dracones, forchoreai, gargorian, gu'armori, hamadryad, hawkdragon, lhiannan shee, mantimera, metal mimic, orpsu, pilfer vine, righteous clay, sea giant, tener, thendar, tundra beast, wind thrower, yale (Creature Catalog III, various contributors) The burbur later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC3 and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3. The hamadryad and lhiannan shee later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC11 and the hamadryad appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3. The orpsu later appeared in the 2nd edition in FR13 Anauroch and in MC11.

102 - Bushdog, coyote, dhole, dingo, feral dog, fox, hunting dog, jackal, wolf, dire wolf (A Collection of Canines, Stephen Inniss). In 3E, the jackal appears in Sandstorm, the wolf and dire wolf appear in the Monster Manual.
102 - Huntsman (Valley of the Earth Mother, Lise Breakey)

103 - Domestic dog (A Dozen Domestic Dogs, Stephen Inniss)

106 - Maedar (The Ecology of the Maedar, Ed Greenwood)

108 - Pernicon (The Pernicon: A New Version, John Nephew) The original version of the pernicon originally appeared in the Fiend Folio.
108 - Volheller, tren (differs from Serpent Kingdoms creature), river crocodile, rivertree (The Plants of Biurndon, Eric W. Pass).

110 - Dracolich "Night Dragon" (The Cult of the Dragon, Ed Greenwood) The ever-popular dracolich has made several appearances since its initial one. :) The latest 3E appearance is the Draconomicon.
110 - Angur-Boda, Egder, Grid, Hati Hrodvitnisson and Skoll, Nidhogg, the Tempests, Utgard-Loki, Vafthrudnir (For Better Or Norse: I, Joel McGraw)

111 - Peridinium, gonyaulax, ceratium, noctiluca, paramecium, amoeba, elphidium, globigerina, dictyostelium (Microscopic Monsters, Kent Colbath)

112 - Aetosaur, Ankylosaur, Carnosaur, Ceratopsian, Marine Chelonian, Coelurosaur, Crocodilian, Deinonychus, Cyndont, Dicynodont, Ichthyosaur, Mosasaurus, Nothosaurus, Labyrinthodont, Ormthopod, Ornithomimosaur, Phytosaur, Placodont, Plesiosaurus, Pterosaurus, Pliosaur, Prosauropod, Proteosuchian, Pseudosuchian, Rhynchosaur, Sauropod, Scelidosaur, Stegosaurus (Dinosaurs: Mesozoic Monsters From the Mightiest to the Weakest, Stephen Inniss)

115 - King cobra, black mamba, gaboon viper, rattlesnake, flying snake, sea snake, rock python, ram python, boa constrictor, anaconda, ringed snake, saw-edged scaled snake (Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth, Ray Hamel and David Hage)

116 - Brain coral, sea centaur, giant clam, giant grouper, morana, giant porcupine fish, electric ray, sawfish/sawshark, giant sea anemone, sea titan, undine, weed giant (The Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The brain coral, giant clam, giant grouper, morana, giant porcupine fish, electric ray, and giant sea anemone later appeared in the 2nd edition in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4.

117 - Gith dogs, Xotzcoyotl (Hounds of Space and Darkness, Stephen Inniss)

118 - Opilionid, spider cat, phoenix spider, polar spider, giant bolas spider (The Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)

119 - Anuchu, giant capybara, wild halfling, leshy, luposphinx, musical spirit, sashalus, wendigo, whispering pines, wood giant, wood golem (Dragon's Bestiary: A Walk Through the Woods, various contributors) The wood giant later appeared in the 2nd edition in both MC5 and the Monstrous Manual as the Voadkyn.
119 - Uldra (The Uldra, Calle Lindstrand)

122 - Chepekwe, silwane-manzi, chemosit, dingonek, nzefu-loi, getiet, utuchekulu, tyerkow, nunda, ngojama, unthlatu, ingogo (Gaming the Dark Continent, Roger E. Moore)

125 - Radiance quasi-elemental, steam quasi-elemental, mineral quasi-elemental (Plane Speaking: The (Positive) Quasi-Elementals!, Jeff Grubb) The positive quasi-elementals (along with the lightning variety from Monster Manual II) later appeared in the 2nd edition in Planescape Monstrous Compendium III.

126 - Dracula (Vlad Tepes), vrykolakas, baobhan sith, ch'ing shih (Hearts of Darkness, Tom Moldvay)

127 - Xador's fluid, quagmire (The Dragon's Bestiary: Slimy, Gross, and Yucky, various contributors)

128 - Ash quasi-elemental, vacuum quasi-elemental, dust quasi-elemental, salt quasi-elemental (Plane Speaking: The (Negative) Quasi-Elementals!, Jeff Grubb) The negative quasi-elementals later appeared in the 2nd edition in Planescape Monstrous Compendium III.

129 - Shiverbug, iceling, snowfury, frigidarch (The Dragon's Bestiary: Colder Than Ice, Dean Shomshak)

131 - Greater aboleth, noble aboleth, ruler aboleth, grand aboleth (The Ecology of the Aboleth, Brandon Grist)

133 - Neries, diopatra, vanadis, eurythoe, glycera, sabella, terebella, pectineria (The Dragon's Bestiary, Kent Colbath)

134 - Dragotha (Lords & Legends, William Simpson). Dragoth aappears in the 3rd Edition in Dungeon #134 as part of the Age of Worms adventure path.
134 - Aquatic dragon, icthyodrake, astral dragon, weredragon, fang dragon, sand dragon, stone dragon (The Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The weredragon later appeared in the 2nd edition in The Halls of the High King and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3, and appeared in the 3rd edition as the song dragon in Monsters of Faerûn. The fang dragon later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1, and appeared in the 3rd edition in Monsters of Faerûn. The sand dragon appears in the 3rd edition in Sandstorm.

135 - Tibbit "cat-were" (The Dragon's Bestiary, Scott Bennie). The tibbit was updated to 3.5 in Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1.

137 - Antelope, bison, giraffe, hart, musk-ox, okapi, seals, tapir, walrus (What's For Lunch?, David Howery). The seal and walrus appear in the 3rd edition in Frostburn.
137 - Alticamelus, ambelodon, arsinotherium, astrapotherium, short-faced bear, giant bison, cattle (auroch), deinotherium, gigantopithecus, glyptodon, macrauchenia, moropus, sivatherium, ground sloth, uintatherium (Into the Age of Mammals, David Howery). The glyptodon appears in the 3rd edition in Frostburn.

138 - Bloody bones, skleros, dry bones, gem eyes, shock bones, galley beggar, walking dead, hungry dead, colossus, le grand zombi, ghula, baka, gelloudes, spirit-ghoul, black annis, wendigo, callicantzari (The Ungrateful Dead, Tom Moldvay)

139 - Searechter (The Ecology of the Spectator, Dougal Demokopoliss)
139 - Lock lurker, lybbarde, metalmaster, serplar, thylacine (The Dragon's Bestiary, Ed Greenwood) The thylacine later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC3. The lock lurker later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar and the second Forgotten Realms campaign set, and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1. The metalmaster later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1.

140 - Glyptar, magebane, quezzer, scythetail, xantravar (The Dragon's Bestiary, Ed Greenwood) The glyptar later appeared in the 2nd edition with the maedar in MC3 and in the Monstrous Manual. The magebane and xantravar later appeared in the 2nd edition in the Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1.

141 - Black troll, caiveh, cynamolgus, diurge, jor, rock troll (The Dragon's Bestiary: Nonhuman creatures - With Human Form, various contributors)

146 - Cobra dragon, obsidian dragon, gray dragon, rainbow dragon, draken, minidragon (The Dragon's Bestiary: All Dragons Great and Small, various contributors)
146 - Crystal drake, demon drake, faerie drake, shadow drake (Dragons are Wizards Best Friends, David E. Cates)

149 - Av, bahtel, kiita, vor, wandega (The Dragon's Bestiary: Not Quite Horses - But Perhaps Better, Kurt Martin)

150 - Cessirid, embrac, kigrid, saltor (The Dragon's Bestiary, Stephen Inniss). All but the cessirid later appeared in 3rd Edition in Lords of Madness.

151 - Wang-liang (The Dragon's Bestiary, Sylvia Li) The wang-liang later appeared in the 2nd edition in MC6, and later in the 3rd edition in Oriental Adventures.
151 - Sch’theraqpasstt (Major Demon), histachii (The Ecology of the Yuan-Ti, David Wellman). The histachii appeared as the broodguard template in 3rd edition in Monsters of Faerûn, and later Savage Species, and even later Ghostwalk, and finally Serpent Kingdoms. Sch’theraqpasstt is mentioned in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss.
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Creature Cataloguer
2nd edition starts here!

156 - Desert behir, jungle behir (The Ecology of the Behir, Tony Jones)
156 - Blink Wooly Mammoth, Death Sheep, Paper Dragon, Pink Dragon, Gello Monster, Tin Golem, Killer Spruce, Man-Drake, Pigeontoad, Tickler, Unicow, Werelagomorph (Not Necessarily the Monstrous Compendium, Various Authors)
156 - Heldannic Knights (Voyage of the Princess Ark, Bruce Heard)

158 - Gorynych, common dragonet (The Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors) The gorynych later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1, and in 3.5 in Lost Empires of Faerun.
158 - Bug-a-boo, prikolic, ragnhilder, red cap (Also Known As... the Orc, Ethan Ham)
158 - Pearl dragon, jade dragon, jacinth dragon (That's Not In the Monstrous Compendium!, Aaron McGruder) These neutral dragons later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1.

159 - Andeloid, infernite, metagolem (The Dragon's Bestiary: The Call of Wildspace, various contributors) The metagolem later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1.

161 - Vulcanian Sloth (Voyage of the Princess Ark, Bruce Heard)

162 - Skotos, sluagh, ghost-stone (Out of the Shadows, Tom Moldvay)
162 - Spiritus anime, ankou (The Dragon's Bestiary, Spike Y. Jones). The spiritus anime appeared in third edition in Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1.

163 - Spell weaver (The Dragon's Bestiary, Ed O'Connell) The spell weaver later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1, and later appeared in the 3rd edition in Monster Manual II.
163 - Dzalmaus dragon, manni, morin, sand cat (A Hoard For the Horde, David "Zeb" Cook) The manni, morin, and sand cat later appeared in MC11. The dzalmus later appeared in 3rd edition in Dragon #349.

164 - Iron cobra, giant iron cobra (The Mechanics of the Iron Cobra, Spike Y. Jones) The normal iron cobra first appeared in the 1st edition Fiend Folio, and later appeared in the 2nd edition Fiend Folio Monstrous Compendium, and in the 3rd edition Fiend Folio.

165 - Giant archerfish, giant damselfish (The Dragon's Bestiary, Tim Malto)

167 - Agriotherium, amphycion, anancus, andrewsarchus, giant camel, dwarf elephant, eucladoceros, giant hippopotmaus, megalania, metridiochoerus, pelorovis, sarkastodon (Back to the Age of Mammals, David Howery)
167 - Giant bladderwort, giant butterwort, giant rainbow plant, giant waterwheel plant, sword grass, clubthorn, bloodflower, helborn (The Dragon's Bestiary, Gregg Chamberlain)

170 - Mantidrake, dracimera, wyvern drake (Crossing Dragons With Everything, Gregory W. Detwiler)
170 - Nickel dragon, tungsten dragon, cobalt dragon, chromium dragon, iron dragon, Gruaghlothor (The Dragon's Bestiary, Jason M. Walker). The ferrous dragons later appeared in 3rd edition in Dragon #356.

172 - Biclops, averx, cushion fungus (The Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)

173 - Athasian dwarf, Athasian half-giant, Athasian elf, Athasian halfling, Mul, Athasian thri-kreen (The Monstrous Side of the Dark Sun World, Timothy B. Brown and William W. Connors). These Athasian races all appeared in the 3rd edition in Dragon #319.

174 - Shadow asp, fenhound, psionic lich (Out of the Mists, William W. Connors) These creatures all later appeared in Ravenloft MC3, and the psionic lich appeared again in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1. The shadow asp appears in the 3rd edition Fiend Folio.
174 - Dread wolf, vampiric wolf, stone wolf (Cry Wolf!, Tim Malto) These wolves later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1.
174 - Glomus, shard, spined shard, chamrol, energy pod, trilling crysmal, Crystalle (The Dragon's Bestiary, Matthew P. Hargenrader)

176 - Giant opabinia, electric agnath, eurypterid, armored predatory fish, eogyrinus, eryops, cyclotosaurus, cacops, giant platyhystrix, estemennosuchus, early therapsids, giant therapsid, erythrosuchus (Playing in the Paleozoic, Greogory W. Detwiler)

180 - Battering ram, gorse, quakedancer (The Dragon's Bestiary, Spike Y. Jones) The gorse later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3.

182 - Forest linnorm, land linnorm, sea linnorm, frost linnorm, dread linnorm, (The Viking's Dragons, Jean Rabe) The linnorms later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1. The dread linnorm later appeared in the 3rd edition in Monster Manual II.
182 - Swamp wyrm, lindworm (The Dragon's Bestiary: Some of the Uglier Branches of the Dragons' Family Tree, Gregory W. Detwiler)

183 - Flame linnorm, gray linnorm, rain linnorm, Corpse Tearer, Midgard linnorm (The Viking's Dragons, Jean Rabe) The linnorms later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1. The gray linnorm and Corpse Tearer linnorm later appeared in the 3rd edition in Monster Manual II.

184 - Undead hulk (Magic With an Evil Bite, Jason M. Walker)

185 - Baazrag, heavy crodlu, drik, jalath'gak, ruktoi, watroach (Mastered Yet Untamed, Timothy B. Brown). The baazrag and heavy crodlu appear in 3rd edition in Dungeon #110.

186 - Cariad ysbryd, memento mori, tymher-haid (The Dragon's Bestiary, Spike Y. Jones)

187 - Deinosuchus, kronosaurus, shonisaurus, velociraptor (Deadlier Dinosaurs, David Howery)
187 - Dakon (The Ecology of the Dakon, Nick Parenti) The dakon originally appeared in the 1st edition Fiend Folio. It appears in third edition in Living Greyhawk Journal #5.
187 - Kruel, pardal (The Dragon's Bestiary, various contributors)

190 - Deep-dwelling octopus, giant tube worm, giant clam, dragon fish (Deep Beneath the Waves, Bryan K. Bernstein)
190 - Super otter, merhorse, (Monsters of the Deep, Gregory W. Detwiler) There are more monsters buried within the text of this article.
190 - Alicorn, bay unicorn, black unicorn, brown unicorn, cunnequine, faerie unicorn, gray unicorn, palomino unicorn, pinto unicorn, sea unicorn, unisus, zebracorn (Unique Unicorns, Michael John Wybo II) The black unicorn in this article is not the same creature as the one from the Forgotten Realms setting (which last appeared in Monsters of Faerûn).

191 - Faerie phiz, asrai (The Dragon's Bestiary, Richard A. Hunt) The asrai later appeared in the Planes of Chaos boxed set.

192 - Sa'ir (The Ecology (Love-Life) of the Lamia, Spike Y. Jones)

193 - Brain golem, hammer golem, spiderstone golem (Live Statues and Stone Men: Golems of the Underdark, John Power) These golems later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1. In 3rd edition, the brain golem appears in the Fiend Folio, while the spiderstone golem appears in City of the Spider Queen.
193 - Giant nautilus, abyss ants, incarnates (The Dragon's Bestiary, Randy Maxwell) The giant nautilus and abyss ants both later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1. Incarnates later appeared in the first Planescape Monstrous Compendium. Abyss ants appears as abyssal ant swarm in the 3rd edition Fiend Folio.

196 - Friendly Fungus, Stelurge (3 Wizards Too Many, Ed Greenwood).

197 - Banelar, flameskull, foulwing, whipsting (The Dragon's Bestiary, Ed Greenwood) The foulwing later appeared in the Menzoberranzan boxed set, and all four of these monsters later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 1. The banelar appeared in the 3rd edition in Monsters of Faerûn and later as banelar naga in Serpent Kingdoms. The foulwing appeared in the 3rd edition in the City of the Spider Queen web enhancement and later in Lost Empires of Faerûn. The flameskull appeared in the 3rd edition in Lost Empires of Faerûn.

198 - Skullrider, goop ghoul (The False Undead, Jonathan Richards)
198 - Ka, angreden, king-wight, wraith-king, vartha (Beyond the Grave, Tom Moldvay)
198 - Zakharan kraken (Campaign Journal: Scimitars Against the Dark, Wolfgang Baur)
198 - Kamigoroshi (Soul-Swords & Spirit-Slayers, Spike Y. Jones)

199 - Calopus, monoceros, sea orc, sea bishop, serra, yale, bestiary dragon (Opening the Book of Beasts, David Howery)
199 - Trollhound, phaze troll, gray troll, stone troll, fire troll (The Dragon's Bestiary: Those Terrible Trolls, Alec Baclawski)

204 - Opabinia, yohoia, marrella, odontogriphus, leanchoilia, amiskwia, hallucigenia, cave hallucigenia, acidic hallucigenia, sanctacaris, wiwaxia, ottoia, anomalocaris (Creatures That Time Forgot, Gregory W. Detwiler)

205 - Undead dragon slayer (Dragon Slayers, Bill Slavicsek) The undead dragon slayer later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3.

206 - Bramble, dobie, faerie fiddler (The Dragon's Bestiary: The good, the bad and the clumsy, Spike Y. Jones) The dobie later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 2, and the bramble and faerie fiddler later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3.
206 - Fiend knight (Fiend Knights and Dark Artifacts: The Magic of the Great Kingdom, Carl Sargent)

209 - The Brass Minotaur, Phantom Flyer, The Burning Man (The Dragon's Bestiary: The Golem Workshop, Don Webb) Phantom Flyer and Burning Man later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 2. The Brass Minotaur later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4, and appeared in the 3rd edition as the brass golem in Monster Manual II.

210 - Ekimmu, casurua, keres, charuntes, dark lord, (Too Evil To Die, Tom Moldvay) The ekimmu, casurua, and ker later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 2. The casurura appears in third edition in Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1.

213 - Shade (The Demiplane of Shadow, Edward Bonny) The shade originally appeared in the 1st edition Monster Manual II. The shade later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4. In the 3rd Edition, it appears in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Races of Faerûn, and Player's Guide to Faerûn Monster Update. It also frequently posts around these parts. ;)

214 - Kercpa (The Dragon's Bestiary, Norman Abrahamsen) The kercpa later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4.
214 - Arctic owlbear, winged owlbear (The Ecology of the Owlbear, Jonathan M. Richards) These owlbears later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3.

221 - Ssendam, Ygorl, Chourst, Rennbuu (The Dragon's Bestiary: Lords of Chaos, Edward Bonny) Ssendam and Ygorl originally appeared in the 1st edition Fiend Folio.

223 - Spouter, archer, stone lion, grandfather plaque (The Dragon's Bestiary: Four Guardian Gargoyles, John Baichtal) These four gargoyles later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 3. The grandfather plaque appears in Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1.
223 - Choldrith (Chitine Priestess) (The Ecology of the Chitine, Belinda G. Ashley) The choldrith later appeared in the 3rd edition in Monsters of Faerûn.

224 - Vaati (Wind Dukes) (A History of the Rod of Seven Parts, Skip Williams) The vaati were first mentioned in the 2nd edition Dungeon Master's Guide. The vaati later appeared in The Rod of Seven Parts and in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4. They appear in 3rd edition in the Oriental Adventures web enhancement.

227 - Bainligor, giant scarab beetle, carapace, darkness elemental, fireweed, glouras, whispering moths, blue ring octopus, vampire squid, albino wyrm (The Dragon's Bestiary: Monsters of the Underdark, Wolfgang Baur) The bainligor, carapace, and albino wyrm later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4. The gloura appears in the third edition in Underdark.

230 - Zakhur Lifesbane the Guardian (Fire in the Five Peaks, Ed Stark)

233 - Tanar'ri living fortresses (Fiendish Fortresses, Monte Cook)

234 - Dragon zombies, dragon skeletons, ghoul and ghast dragons, wight dragons, wraith dragons, mummy dragons, spectre dragons, ghost dragons, vampire dragons (The Draconomicon, Jamie Nossal)
234 - Spike skeletons, acid zombies, dust skeletons, quick zombies, absorbing zombies, defiling skeletons (The Dragon's Bestiary: The Necromancer's Armory, Rudy Thauberger) The skeleton variants later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4 (wherein the defiling skeleton is referred to as the obsidian skeleton).

235 - Octo-jelly, hide, gulper, angler fish, viperfish, death minnow (The Dragon's Bestiary: Monsters of the Lower Deep, Gregory D. Detwiler) The octo-jelly, gulper, angler fish, viperfish, and death minnow all later appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual 4.

236 - Morg, Saestra Karanok, Saed - Beast Cheiftain of Veldorn (Children of the Night: Vampires of the Forgotten Realms Setting, Paul Culotta) These are unique individual vampires.

237 - Bushmaster, fer-de-lance, gaboon, black mamba, boomslang, cobra, gila monster, rough-skinned newt, poisonous frogs, neotropical toad (The Dragon's Bestiary: Venomous!, Kevin Melka)

238 - Necromantic sludge, plague moth, albino crocodile, water cat, lich's blood (The Dragon's Bestiary: The Spawn of the Sewers, John Biachtal)
238 - Bog mummy, ice mummy (The Dragon's Bestiary: the Other Mummies, Richard Pengelly and Brian Walton)

239 - Boggart, clurichaun, wicked leprechaun, leshy (The Dragon's Bestiary, Brian Corvello) These boggarts are not the same as the ones from Monster Manual II, nor are these leshies the same as the ones from issue 119.
239 - Desert stirge, jungle stirge (The Ecology of the Stirge, Tim Richardson)

242 - Talisman servants (caravan, gladiator, mystran) (The Dragon's Bestiary: Talisman Servants, Bruce Schmidt)
242 - Infiltrator mongrelman (The Ecology of the Mongrelman, Jonathan M. Richards)

243 - Equar (trothspire, gildmane, favonian, lithitchil, menthric, potherrounce, banecourser, rosinante, charnalbalk) (Destriers of the Planes, Steve Berman)
243 - Armadillephant, dragonfly turtle, duckbunny, moat cat, spider-horse, venom dog (The Dragon's Bestiary: Magical Crossbreeds, Jonathan M. Richards)

244 - Fainil, telvar, ashiera, masgai (Warriors of the Wind, Michael Lambert)
244 - Xakhun spider (Xakhun Airship, Roger Raupp, with Chris Perkins and Jesse Decker)

246 - Daemon warrior, fire dragon, chaos wight (The Dragon's Bestiary: Chaos Creatures, Gregory W. Detwiler)

247 - Archer frog, ghoul frog, leech toad, spined toad (Dragon's Bestiary: The Anurans, Jonathan M. Richards)

248 - Yellow (salt) dragon, orange (sodium) dragon, purple (energy) dragon (The Return of the Missing Dragons, Richard Alan Lloyd) These dragons were orginally printed in Dragon Magazine #65, and should not be confused with other similarly named dragons.
248 - Amphitere, lesser cetus, dragonet, gargouille, hai riyo, peluda, sirrush, (Dragon's Bestiary: Dragon-kin, Gregory W. Detwiler)
248 - Vore Lekiniskiy "Master Fire Worm" (The Dragon of Vstaive Peak, Ed Stark)
248 - Grotesque (Ecology of a Spell Contest, Eric Morton)

249 - Knight terror (Seeds of Evil, James Wyatt)

250 - Black slime, giant clownfish, giant diving beetle, sea cow (Dragon's Bestiary: Aquatic Creatures, Jonathan Richards)

(post Dragon Archive CD-rom):

251 - Bloodstinger, boneslither, marble pudding, shadow panther (Dragon's Bestiary: Missing Links, Jonathan M. Richards)

252 - Demonic sawfly, living hair, web-spectre, death linen (Dragon's Bestiary: Formidable Visitants, Michael D. Winkle)

254 - Barrowe, cairn, frostmourn, firegaunt, spectral cloud, temperament (Dragon's Bestiary: Giants From the Grave, Gregory W. Detwiler)

255 - Nyraala golem, tzakandi ceremorph, mozgriken ceremorph (The New Illthid Arsenal, Christopher M. Schwartz)

256 - Earth giants, cave lords, desolation giants, half-giants (The Lost Giants of Krynn, Richard "Ricko" Dakan)
256 - Plague sidhe, plague spreader, parthoris gorgon, g'grokon (Heretic II: Creatures of Parthoris, Daniell Freed)

258 - Walker, walker [strong variant], ore recovery walker, drifter, flitter, dasher, render (Mage vs. Machine, Bruce R. Cordell)

259 - Blood pudding, skullcap ivy, worry-wart, powerslug (Dragon's Bestiary: Symbiotes and Parasites, Jonathan M. Richards)

260 - An-Ur the Wandering Death, Dhrakoth the Corruptor, Mordukhavar the Reaver, Medrinia, Xathanon, Vanathor the Golden Harpist (Spawn of Tiamat, Children of Bahamut, Keith Francis Strohm)
260 - Vandalraug [battle drake], kavainus [ghost drake], arsalon [hive drake], retchenbeast [muck drake], silislithis [sea drake], rivislithis [river drake], fumarandi [smoke drake] (Greater Drakes and Riders, Johnathan M. Richards)

261 - Gloom raven, greater shadow (Wizards of Dusk & Gloom, Tony Nixon)
261 - Ghôl, Fetch, Barrier Wight, Trow (Myth: Foes of Murthemne, Peter Whitley

262 - Gronk, grillig, sohmien, trelon (Creatures of Torment, Chris Avellone)

265 - Beljuril dragon, lacunae ghost, living lahar (Earthstokers, Jennifer Tittle Stack)

266 - Black swanmay, laridian, red falcon, thebestyn (Feathered Friends and Foes, James Wyatt)
266 - Badger hengeyokai, dolphin hengeyokai, falcon hengeyokai, frog hengeyokai, lizard hengeyokai, lynx hengeyokai, octopus hengeyokai, otter hengeyokai, owl hengeyokai, panda hengeyokai, turtle hengeyokai, weasel hengeyokai (Humanimals, Johnathan M. Richards)
266 - Giant werebear [polarwere], giant werebat [shadkyn] (Giant Lycanthropes, Brian P. Hudson)

267 - Diopsid, sapromneme [fungal ghost], zygodact (Denizens of the Underdark, Johnathan M. Richards). The diopsid appeared in third edition in Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1.
267 - Tunnelmouth dweller, stalking catfish, glitterworm (Designing Dungeon Monsters, Gregory W. Detwiler)

268 - Agrutha, brute crocodilian, master crocodilian, varanid, geckonid, tokay, iguanid, rock iguanid, island iguanid (THe Lizard Folk, Michael Kuciak)
268 - Beliarh, infernal avenger (The Devil's Disciples, Johnny L. Wilson)

269 - Yyllethyn [elven horse], elven riding horse, elven war horse, crayghe [elven hawk], byut [fey deer], pennig [halfling pony], halfling riding pony, halfling war pony, twill [pocket rat], stoght [forest gnome fisher], brak twan [dwarven tunnel hound], guttar [dwarven ox] (Demihuman Pets, Jack Pitsker)

269 - Url-Shekk the 3-headed beast, rust spitters (Lese Majesty, Johnny L. Wilson)

270 - Roller, burrower, phaser, propagator, arcanosheen, (Revenge of the Sheens, Bruce R. Cordell)
270 - Power tree (this was the winning entry to the "Design a Sheen" contest, by Samuel Wright)
270 - Brazen bull (Armor of the Abyssal Lords, Paul Fraser)
270 - Blackroot marauder, dirtwraith [sargusian fungus], hound of Kyuss, murdakus (Minions of Iuz, James Jacobs). The blackroot marauder appeared in third edition in Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1.

271 - Visceraith ("Beastly Research" Winners, Richard Sanders)
271 - Soul mask ("Beastly Research" Winners, Leon Chang)
271 - Dvati ("Beastly Research" Winners, Talon Dunning). The dvati appeared in third edition in Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1.
271 - Devourer (Ecology of the Bag of Devouring, Kevin N. Haw)

272 - Crow's-nest dragon, geyser dragon, mole dragon, pavilion dragon (Diminutive Dragons, James Wyatt)

Annual #1 - Gohlbrorn, lukhorn, varkha, chromatic mold, elghonn (Predators of the Underdark, Keith Strohm)

Annual #2 - Snow spiders, crystal skeletons, tundra lizards, growlers (Arctic Monsters, Belinda G. Ashley)
Annual #2 - Altraloths: Anthraxus, Bubonix, Cerlic, Cholerix, Taba, Typhus, Xengahra (Pox of the Planes, Ed Bonny)

Annual #3 - Acid pigeon, piranha ant, polyroach, rat burglar, stone termite (Urban Pests, Johnathan M. Richards)

Annual #4 - Slime guardian, toxic snare (The Slime Wizard, Lloyd Brown III)
Annual #4 - Suzara the Scold, Boldovar the Mad, Merendil the Bloody, Melineth the Grasping, Luthax the Fiery, Xanthon the Baneful (THe Ghazneths, Troy Denning)
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Creature Cataloguer
Here is the index of monsters that have appeared in Dragon Magazine since the beginning of 3E. They don't require any conversion, but it's still nice to have this information available, isn't it? :)

272 - Bahamut, Tiamat (Bahamut and Tiamat, Skip Williams). Both later appeared in Manual of the Planes and Deities and Demigods.

274 - Grimorian, raknakle, skerath, skittermaw (Beasts of the Pomarj, James Jacobs)

276 - Sheet ghoul, sheet phantom (The Ecology of the Sheet Phantom, Johnathan M. Richards)
276 - Avolakia, ciruja plant, nerephtys, riftjumper, ulgurstasta (Denizens of the Wormcrawl Fissure, James Jacobs). The avolakia and ulgurstasta later appeared in Monster Manual II.

277 - Chipmunk, groundhog, otter, small constrictor snake (Unusual Suspects, James Wyatt)
277 - Yrsillar [Lord of the Nothing], lesser dread (The Heroes of Shaow's Witness, Paul Kemp)

280 - Fox, hare, mouse, otter, raccoon, skunk, squirrel (A Little More Familiar, Stephen Kenson)
280 - Bonetree, ragewing, razortail, treeleg strangler (Invaders of the Barrier Peaks, James Jacobs)

281 - Deepling , genocid, inliving spawn, jawg, minwhelgo, verx swarm (Subterranean Scares, Joseph R. Terrazzino)

282 - Pizza slice [the works], gummi bear, lurking dorito, jolly rancher [watermelon], pepsioid (Snack Monsters, Mike Mayer)
282 - Osquip (Monster Hunters Association, Johnathan M. Richards). The osquip later appeared in Races of Faerûn.

284 - Barautha [spitting drake], ermalkankari [stone drake], mardallond [mead drake], trilligarg [chameleon drake], vallochar [web drake] (Return of the Greater Drakes, Johnathan M. Richards)

285 - Chaggrin [earth grue], harginn [fire grue], ildriss [air grue], vardigg [water grue], demonically fused elemental template, demonically fused fire elemental (Four In Darkness, Monte Cook). The grues later appeared in Complete Arcane.
285 - Breathdrinker, firetongue frog, orlythys, rukarazyll, tralusk (Spawn of Elemental Evil, James Jacobs). The beathdrinker and rukarazyll later appeared in Monster Manual II. The tralusk appeared in Monster Manual III as the stonesinger.

285 - Crested felldrake (The Empire of Ravilla, Chris Pramas). It later appeared in Monster Manual II.
285 - Living catapult (Silicon Sorcery: Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, Rick Moscatello)

286 - Dagda Mor, skull bearer, mord wraith, moor cat, mwellret, rock troll, shadowen (Creatures of the Four Lands, Brian Murphy & Chris Thomasson)
286 - Slaughterpit gnoll zombie (Ahmut's Legion, Chris Pramas)

287 - Dream element creature [template] (Dreamlands, Jeff Grubb)
287 - Bonespitter, chaoswyrd, chaos eater, teratomorph (Creatures of the Chaos Spire, James Jacobs). The teratomorph later appeared in Monster Manual II.
287 - Hammerer (The Arnies of Thalos, Chris Pramas). It later appeared in Monster Manual II.

288 - Bhaalspawn template (The Bhaalspawn, Dave Gaider & James Ohlen)

289 - Kaiju [template] (Thunder and Fire, James Jacobs)
289 - Abyssal maw (The Gnolls of Naresh, Chris Pramas). It later appeared in Monster Manual II.

290 - Leshii, rusalka, vila, vodyanoi (Red Sails: Fell and Forlorn Bestiary, Paul Leach). The rusalka and vodyanoi later appeared in Frostburn. Note that this vodyanoi is not the aquatic umber hulk.
290 - Death knight [template] (The Death Knights of Oerth, Gary Holian). It later appeared in Monster Manual II.

291 - Dire fox, fox, fox familiar (Good Things Come In Small Packages, Johnathan M. Richards & Brian Dunnell)
291 - Stone spike (People's State of Mordengard, Chris Pramas). It later appeared in Monster Manual II.
291 - Arcane gnome, river gnome (Study & Jest: The Secret Life of Gnomes, James Jacobs)

292 - Bladeback saurial, finhead saurial, flyer saurial, hornhead saurial (Lords of the Lost Vale, Sean K. Reynolds). The saurials later appeared in the Serpent Kingdoms web enhancement.
292 - Death's head tree, greenvise, myconid [junior worker, average worker, elder worker, guard, circle leader, & king], needleman, orcwort, wortling, red sundew (Bad Seeds, Ed Bonny, Steve Winter, & Skip Williams). All but the death's head tree later appeared in Monster Manual II.
292 - Blood golem of Hextor, marodin (Blood Golems of Hextor, Sean K. Reynolds). The blood golem later appeared in Fiend Folio.
292 - War Ape (Drazen's Horde, Chris Pramas)
292 - Shadow demon (Silicon Sorcery: Kohan Immortal Sovereigns, Rick Moscatello). Note that this is not the shadow demon found in Book of Vile Darkness.

293 - Thunder wolf, mist wolf, sea wolf, shard wolf, magma wolf, cloud wolf (Howls of Nature's Fury, Eric Cagle)

295 - Cataboligne demon, Gingwatzim (Eoluzim, Graegzim, Maronzim, Naranzim, Pakim (Monstrous Denizens of Oerth, Sean K. Reynolds)

296 - Cave wurm, forest wurm, grassland wurm, hill wurm, lava wurm, mountain wurm, river wurm, sand wurm, sea wurm, strom wurm, swamp wurm, tundra wurm (Wurms of the Far Reaches, Will McDermott)
296 - Thorciasid (Epic Level Countdown: Epic Monsters, Bruce Cordell). It later appeared in the Epic Level Handbook.

297 - Rabbi Loew's Golem, The Sphinx (Relics of Myth, Mike Selinker)
297 - Nether creature (template) (Silicon Sorcery: Ico, Will McDermott)
297 - Axani, chaond, dust para-genasi, ice para-genasi, magma para-genasi, ooze para-genasi, smoke para-genasi, steam para-genasi [alll planetouched races](Children of the Cosmos, Travis Stout)

298 - Aracholoth, brood mother, proxy of Lolth, spiderleg horror (The Punishments of Lolth, Eric Cagle). The spiderleg horror later appeared in Fiend Folio as the chwidencha.
298 - Tentacle Beast (Sinister Tools, Eric Cagle)

299 - Blood horse, catoblepas, glamer, shadovig, tree troll, veserab (The Horrors of Cormyr, Thomas Costa). The catoblepas later appeared in Monster Manual II.

300 - Howling dragon, pyroclastic dragon, rust dragon, Styx dragon, Tarterian dragon, half-fiendish dragon template (Hellish Fangs on Abyssal Wings, James Wyatt). All these dragons and the expansion to the half-dragon template later appeared in the Draconomicon.
300 - Ghost brute template, mummified creature, wight template, wraith template (The Risen Dead, various authors). All these later appeared in Savage Species. The ghost brute and mummified creature templates later appeared in Libris Mortis.
300 - Mummy variants (Shrouded In Death: The Ecology of the Mummy, Terry Edwards)

301 - Draconic creature template (Claw of Gold, Andy Collins). It later appeared in Draconomicon.
301 - Troll variants (Malignant Growth: The Ecology of the Troll, Paul Leach)

302 - Battle horror, glyph guardian template, minogon, old one guardian (Silicon Sorcery: Neverwinter Nights, Clifford Horowitz)
302 - Alchemical golem, mud golem, puzzle golem, rope golem, web golem (Construct of Destruction: Five New Golems, Eric Cagle).

303 - Battle intellect devourer, creator race, skeletal intellect devourer, spirit of the woods template (Lost Horrors of Neverwinter, Clifford Horowitz). The battle horror later appeared in Lost Empires of Faerûn.
303 -- Deep Barnacle (hazard)(The Undergroves, Tim Hitchcock)

304 - Changeling, crystalline cat, force of nature, green guardian, seelie court fey template, spark, unseelie fey template (Guardians of the Wild, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel). Note that this changeling differs from the changeling found in the Eberron Campaign Setting.

305 - N'gatispawn, (N'gati: The Astral Fortress, James Jacobs)
305 - Dire ferret (Scale Mail, ??)

306 - Elemental demons: air, ash, earth, fire, ice, water; hellforged devils: coal, glass, lead, obsidian, sand, spiked; battleloths: arrow, axe, crossbow, pick, spiked chain, sword (By Evil Bound, Mike Mearls). The elemental demons later appeared in Dragon Compendium, Vol 1.
306 - Slaad, gormeel (Killing Cousins, Chris Thomasson)

307 - Air element creature template, half-air elemental template (Open Skies: The Silver Strike Guild, Christopher Campbell). These templates previously appeared in Manual of the Planes.
307 - Bodak template, ghastly template, ghoulish template, scion of kyuss template (The Risen Dead II, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel)
307 - Dweomervore, splinterwaif, trap haunt template, wilora (Monsters In the Alley, James Jacobs). The dweomervore and wilora later appeared in Waterdeep. The splinterwaif later appeared in Monster Manual III.
307 - Aelfborn, shade (Shadowbane: Two New PC Races, Clifford Horowitz). This shade differs from the shade found in various other D&D sources.

308 - Ironmaw Seedling, (Demon Forests: The Ecology of the Ironmaw, Skip Williams)
308 - Mind flayer symbionts: backwatcher carapace, fastbreak carapace, hardy carapace, silent carapace, slippery carapace, strongarm carapace, mnemonicus, wriggler (Armed To the Tentacle, Penny Williams)

Beginning of 3.5e:

309 - Crawling slaughter, death hurler, golem swarm, guardian steed, wardrake (Beasts of the Battlefield, Andy Collins & Matthew Sernett)

312 - Demon, turagathshnee; demon lord, Turaglas (The Ebon Maw: Beware the Waking Hunger, Ari Marmell)

313 - Deathtouched, morif; Half-undead: fetch template (half-ghost), gheden template (half-zombie), ghul template (half-ghoul), katane template (half-vampire) (Born of Death: Half-Undead and Their Kin, Trent Troop)
313 - Nameless dragon template, ravening dragon template, riddled dragon template, spellhoarding dragon template, wandering dragon template (Dragon Psychoses, Steven Palmer Peterson)
313 - Ghost elf (Ghost Elves: Elves of the Ethereal, Kieran Turley)
313 - Elder serpent template (Faiths of Faerun: Elder Serpents of Set, Thomas M. Costa)
313 - Half-doppelganger template, half-janni template, half-minotaur template, half-nymph template, half-ogre template, half-rakshasa template, half-satyr template (Strange Bedfellows, Wade Nudson). Note that this half-ogre differs from the one presented in Savage Species.

314 - Creeping stone (Dust To Dust: Magic of the Earthborn, Ari Marmell)
314 - Fire-souled template (Brotherhood of the Burning Heart, Clifford Horowitz)
314 - Salamander larva: average, flamebrother (Searing Flames: The Ecology of the Salamander, Christopher Campbell)
314 - Snyad (Revised Psionics Preview #1: New Psionic Races, Bruce R.Cordell)

315 - Fleshvigor template (The Bloody Swords, Sean K Reynolds)
315 - Air gen, earth gen, fire gen, water gen (Return of the Sha'ir, Dean Poisso)
315 - Ka-tainted template (Sundering Ka, Ken Marable)
315 - T'liz template (Defilers of Athas, David Noonan)
315 - Tortle (Cinnabar, Red Steel, and the Red Curse, Frank Brunner)
315 - Zargon, The Devourer in the Depths (Return to the Lost City, Michael Mearls)

317 - Chaneque, cipactli, quinametin, thunder, xilob, xtabay (Beasts of the Sun: Central American Monsters, J.C. Alvarez)
317 - Eldritch archer, ice golem, jungle spider (Silicon Sorcery: Dungeons & Dragons Heroes, James Jacobs)
317 - Aspect of Bane (Out of Thin Air, Jesse Decker and Mike Donais)
317 - Adu'ja, golmoid, gruwaar, t'kel (Xenophilia: 4 New Exotic Races, Dean Poisso)

318 - Compsognathus, diplodocus, dimetrodon, giganotosaurus, helicoprion, liopleurodon, pachycephalosaurus, parasaurolophus, pteranodon, rhamphorhynchus, stegosaurus (Dungeons & Dinosaurs, James Jacobs)
318 - Troodon (Children of Ka, Ken Marable)
318 - Larval flayer, shadow eft (Expanded Psionics Preview #4, Bruce R. Cordell)

319 - Athasian aaracokra, Athasian dwarf, Athasian elan, Athasian elf, Athasian half-elf, Athasian halfling, Athasian human, Athasian maenad, mul, pterran (Dark Sun Races, David Noonan)
319 - Beetle buckler (Dark Sun Equipment & Rules, David Noonan)
319 - Living cloudkill (Countdown to Eberron: World Tempered By Magic, Mat Smith). It later appeared in the Eberron Campaign Setting.
319 - Ravenous template (Silicon Sorcery: Salammbo: The Eaters of Vile Things, Clifford Horowitz)

320 - Complacent humans, declining elves, exiled dwarves, techno gnomes, unsheltered halflings (Silicon Sorcery - Warcraft III Racial Transformations, Clifford Horowitz)

321 - Giant crayfish, giant gar, giant tick (Silicon Sorcery: Temple of Elemental Evil, Clifford Horowitz)
321 - Adamantine dragon, arboreal dragon, archdragon template, axial dragon, beast dragon, concordant dragon (Planar Dragons, Edward Bonny)
321 - Glimmerfolk, prismfly swarm, radiant creature template, rainbow dweller (Creatures of Brilliance, Bennet Marks)

322 - Beacon moth (Shadow's City, Phillip Larwood)
322 - Nether hound template (Faiths of Faerun: Nether Hounds of Kiaransalee, Thomas M. Costa)
322 - Darkness pseudo-elemental (Lord of Darkness, Nicholas J. Thalasinos)

323 - Cyclopeans [feral-kind, menta](Winning Races: Cyclopeans, Eric Cagle)
323 - Riding bird (Silicon Sorcery: Final Fantasy, F. Wesley Schneider)

324 - Black ice golem, icy prisoner, steaming soldier (Chilled To the Bone, Yury Pavlotsky)
324 - Quori: du'lora, hashalaq, kalaraq; eidolon, hob, spellshadow, winterling (Living Nightmares, Keith Baker)
324 - Mummy mites (Exorcising Equipment, Robert J. Hahn)
324 - Grippli (Winning Races: Grippli, Joshua Cole)

325 - Orangeseer, sandworm (how to make one from a purple worm)( A Novel Approach: Dune, Mike McArtor)
324 - Lupin (Winning Races: Lupins, Mike McArtor)

327 - Flying squirrel, giant seahorse, moose (Class Acts: Animal Allies, ????)
327 - Diaboli (Winning Races: Diaboli, Mike McArtor)

328 - Elephant seal, giant vulture, komodo dragon, moray eel, snow ape (Class Acts: Barbaric Mounts, Michael Trice)
328 - Saurian shifters (Winning Races, Nicholas J. Thalasinos)

329 - Anzu demon, aspect of Pazuzu, Pazuzu (Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Pazuzu: Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms, James Jacobs)
329 - Firedrake, Grendel, Grendel's mother (The Beasts of Beowulf, Nicholas Herold)
329 - Living fireball (Marked For Death, Matt Forbeck)

330 - Amoebic crawler, cranial encyster, kaortic hulk, nightseed, (Enter the Far Realm, Bruce R. Cordell)

331 - House brownie (A Novel Approach: The Spiderwick Chronicles, Shelly Baur)

333 - Elk (Class Acts: The Mounted Druid, William L. Christensen)
333 - Guardian Ship (A Novel Approach: Robin Hobb's World of the Farseers, Shelly Baur)
333 - Aspect of Fraz-Urb'luu, Fraz-Urb'luu, skurchur demon (Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Fraz-Urb'luu: Prince of Deception, James Jacobs)

334 - Asag, clockwork eunuch, flying monkey, humbaba, relief golem, simurgh (Dreams of Arabia: Creatures From Antiquity, Wolfgang Baur)

336 - Favored spawn of Kyuss template (The Ecology of the Spawn of Kyuss, James Jacobs)
336 - Primordial colossus (Silicon Sorcery: Shadow of the Colossus, Eric Haddock)

337 - Aspect of Zuggtmoy, basidirond, phycomid, vathugu demon, Zuggtmoy, Demon Queen of Fungi (Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Zuggtmoy, Queen of Fungi, James Jacobs)
337 - Brainstealer dragon, illithocyte, mind worm, nerve swimmers, ustilagor (Monsters of the Mind, Kevin Baase, Eric Jansing & Oliver Frank)
337 - Rakshasa rajah (overlord) (guidelines); Sul Khatesh, the Keeper of Secrets; Kashtarhak, the Voice of Chaos; Durastvran Wyrmbreaker (no stats); Mordakhesh, the Shadowsword (no stats); Korliac of the Gray Flame (no stats); Hektula, the Bloody Scribe (no stats); Thelestes, the Velvet Blade (no stats); Rak Tulkhesh, the Rage of War (no stats); Eldrantulku, the Oathbreaker (no stats); Tul Oreshka, the Truth in the Darkness (no stats); Katashka the Gatekeeper (no stats)(The Lords of Dust, Keith Baker)

338 - Imps of Ill-Humor: choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine (Imps of Ill-Humor, David Schwartz)

339 - Animus template, blindheim, carrionnete, death's head tree, dusanu, goblyn, Greyhawk dragon, maggot golem, nagpa template, phanaton, Suel lich template, xvart (Creature Catalog IV: Campaign Classics, Sean K. Reynolds)
339 - Giff, insectare, scro (Races of Spelljammer: Wanderers of Wildspace, Joshua Cole)

340 - Cauldron spawn template (The Black Cauldron, Joshua Cole)
340 - Moonlord [advanced mooncalf](Ecology of the Mooncalf, Owen K.C. Stephens)

341 - Aspect of Baphomet, Baphomet, Lord of Beasts, ankashar demon, bulezau demon (Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Baphomet, Lord of Beasts, James Jacobs)
341 - Fungus golem, junk golem, paper golem, tin golem, wax golem, wood golem (Lesser Golems: Automatons for Amatuers, Campbell Pentney)
341 - Copper asp, crystal cat, erudite owl, glass spider, mercurial spider, razor hawk, salvage rat (Forging Friends: Construct Familiars, Kieran Turley)
341 - Fine animated object (Animated Antiquities, Jeremy Hogg)
341 - Gantrenacht [advanced marut](Ecology of the Inevitable, David Noonan)

342 - No new creatures.

343 - Arcane Dragons [Hex, Tome](Creature Catalog V, Jake Manley)
343 - Chupacabra (Creature Catalog V, Nicholas Herold)
343 - Gray Shiver, Hellchain Weaver (Creature Catalog V, Nicholas Hudson)
343 - Living Wall (template), Malfera, Norker, Nuckalavee (Creature Catalog V, Sean K Reynolds)
343 - Rune Golem, White Hart (Creature Catalog V, Wolfgang Baur)
343 - Warturtle (Creature Catalog V, Nich Thorburn)
343 - Wormswarm (Worm Bound: The Secrets of Kyuss, Jesse Decker)
343 - Ettercap Brood Swarm (Ecology of the Ettercap, Leach & Brown)

344 - Planar Dragons [Astral, Chole, Elysian, Gloom] (Mike McArtor)

345 - Aspect of Kostchtchie; Kostchtchie, Prince of Wrath; Mavawhan Demon (Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Kostchtchie, James Jacobs)
345 - Sea serpents (crested, lantern, spiked) (Sea Serpents, Morgan Peer and Tracy Peer)
345 - Dekayi, elgonn, jagendar, and taga'rivvin (Underdark Animals, Ryan Nock)

346 - No new creatures.

347 - Cryonax, Imix, Ogremoch, Olhydra, Yan-C-Bin (The Lords of Elemental Evil, Kevin Baase and Eric Jansing)
347 - Ice Monolith, Magma Monolith, Ooze Monolith, Smoke Monolith, Ice Element Creature (template), Magma Element Creature (template), Ooze Element Creature (template), Smoke Element Creature (template) (Paraelemental Paragons, Eric Jansing)
347 - Lesser Elemental Weird (Ecology of the Elemental Weird, Michael Trice)

348 - The Eye, The Hand (Core Beliefs: Vecna, Sean K. Reynolds and Samuel D. Weiss)
348 - Savage Vampire (template), Shadow Vampire (template), Terror Vampire (template) (Bloodlines: Three Variant Vampires, Michael J. Montesano)
348 - Akleu, Dolgrue, Kyra, Opabinia, Xenostelid, Xorbeast (Horrors of the Daelkyr, Nicholas Herold)

349 - Dagon, Prince of the Darkened Depths; Uzollru [obyrith](Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Dagon, James Jacobs)
349 - Dzalmus [true dragon](The Hordelands, Edward Bonny, Brian Cortijo, and Laszlo Koller)

350 - Arcane-Blood Creature (template), Poisonous Creature (template), Stonebone Creature (template)(Magical Pollution, Hal Maclean and the Dragon Staff)
350 - Alchemical Undead, Corrupted Creature (template), Corrupted Treant, Toxic Ooze (Creatures of Corruption, Jake Manley and Jason Bulmahn)
350 - Azerblood, Celadrin, D'hin, Worghest (Legacies of Ancient Empires: Planetouched of Faerun, Eric L. Boyd)
350 - Copper Clockwork Horror (Ecology of the Clockwork Horror, Eric Cagle)

351 - Simpathetic (The Gatetown of Ecstasy, Todd Stewart)
351 - Inza Magdova Kulchevich: Darklord of Sithicus (The Shadow of Sithicus, James Lowder)

352 - Cactacae, Khepri, Remade (template), and Vodyanoi (People of Bas-Lag, Wolfgang Baur)
352 - Female Anophelii, Male Anophelli, Garuda, Grindylow, Handlinger, Scabmettler, Slake Moth, Weaver, and Wyrmen (Monsters of Bas-Lag, Wolfgang Baur)
352 - He-Who-Hums [kaiju yrthak] (Ecology of the Yrthak, Erik Roelofs)
352 - Charnel Custodian, Inquisitor, Skuz (Volo's Guide, Brian Cortijo)

353 - Malcanthet (demon lord), incubus (Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Malcanthet, James Jacobs)
353 - Ben-Hadar, Chan, Sunnis, Zaaman Rul (Princes of Elemental Good: The Archomentals Part II, Eric Jansing and Kevin Baase)
353 - Harmonious Choir of the Words, Sliver, Death Devil (Jerul), Umbral Gloom (Volo's Guide: Outsiders of the Forgotten Realms, Thomas M. Costa)

354 - Exiled Modron (Racial Writeup), Rogue Modron, Monodrone, Duodrone, Tridrone, Quadrone, Pentadrone (The Modrons Return, Ken Marable)

355 - Alu-Fiend (brief modification to half-fiend template)(Scale Mail, James Jacobs)
355 - Black Beast of Bedlam (Creature Catalog VI, Thomas M. Costa)
355 - Cave Fisher, Obliviax (hazard), Obliviax Mossling, Maedar (and Glyptar), Scarecrow (Creature Catalog VI, Kevin Baase and Eric Jansing)
355 - Giant Dragonfly, Seedling Roach, Springheel (Creature Catalog VI, Nicholas Herold)
355 - Dungeon Phantom, Giant Slug (Jason Bulmahn)
355 - Cannon Golem (John Flemming)
355 - Rot Giant (C. Wesley Clough)

356 - Chromium Dragon, Cobalt Dragon, Iron Dragon, Nickel Dragon, Tungsten Dragon (Ferrous Dragons, Kevin Baase and Eric Jansing)
356 - Sea Linnorm (Ecology of the Linnorm, Jacob Frazier)

357 - Demogorgon, Prince of Demons; Verakia Demon (Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Demogorgon, James Jacobs)
357 - Beastwraith, Bloodlance, Deadwood Revenant (Defiled Monsters: Nature's Revenge, Nicolas Quimby)
357 - Caustic Creeper, Rockhound, Shadestriker, Shimmerwing (Feathers and Fur, Hal Maclean)
357 - Plant Companion (Class Acts: Divine - Plant Companions, Hal Maclean)
357 - Cronus (advanced titan barbarian 20/legendary dreadnought 10) (Ecology of the Titan, Nicolas Logue)

358 - Urquirsh (Ecology of the Kaorti, James Jacobs)
358 - Chaturani (Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, King) (Checkmate, Kevin Baase and Eric Jansing)

359 - Time Dragon (Time Dragons, Mike McArtor)
359 - Demon, Manitou (loumara); Demon Lord (template); Ardat the Unavowed; Dwiergus the Chrysalis Prince; Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal; Shaktari, Queen of the Mariliths; Ugudenk the Squirming King (Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Apocrypha, James Jacobs)
359 - Strahd's Skeletal Steed (1d20 Villains, Jason Bulmahn, James Jacobs, Mike McArtor, Erik Mona, F. Wesley Schneider, Todd Stewart, and Jeremy Walker)

The print run of Dragon ends here. :(

3E Special Issues:

Annual 5 - Julajimus, kurge, rogue eidolon, rotripper (Children of Tharizdun, James Jacobs). The julajimus and rogue eidolon later appeared in Monster Manual II.
Annual 5 - Jermlaine, coin dragon (Gorgoldand's Gauntlet, Johnathan M. Richards)
Annual 5 - Larval feyr, lesser feyr, greater feyr (The Ecology of the Feyr, Kevin N. Haw). The feyr later appeared in the Monster Manual II, renamed to fihyr.

Annual 6 - Barbed tail lizardfolk, flaming tongue lizardfolk, venomous scale lizardfolk (The Black Talon Ss'ressen, Henry Lopez)
Annual 6 - Undead war elephant (Black Riders and Bone Horses, Wolfgang Baur)
Annual 6 - Deep one, spectral hunter (First Watch, Monte Cook)
Annual 6 - Black bear, brown bear, king bear, bladetusk [lanra], pecara, sand pig [gensa], wild pig, leopard, black leopard, lion, western ridgecat, maerid ridgecat, sandcat [caisid], fox, leaphorn [gaellac], longhorn [coema], soetam, sorda, shellback, constrictor snake, venomous snake, two-step snake, blacklance, mountain king snake, scarlet puffer, hooded adder, bloodsnake, king viper, sand viper (Beasts of the Wheel of Time, Owen K. C. Stephens)
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Demon Lord
Damn Boz......nice work...

BTW- sorta off-topic, but the snakes (well a version of them) will appear in the upcoming book. Basically, I have redone the generic vipers found in the MM and detailed (more or less) about 26 varieties of poisonous snakes. Now- not just stats, actually, less stats and more poison effects (such as respiratory distress from the bite, dizziness, etc....) :D


Sure, BOZ, here you go. This should plug the holes of the 2E stuff from the issues you're missing (and a few I found from issues you've already posted). So, to add to your list for issues 251-272:

256 - Plague sidhe, plague spreader, parthoris gorgon, g'grokon (Heretic II: Creatures of Parthoris, Daniell Freed)

258 - Walker, walker [strong variant], ore recovery walker, drifter, flitter, dasher, render (Mage vs. Machine, Bruce R. Cordell)

260 - Vandalraug [battle drake], kavainus [ghost drake], arsalon [hive drake], retchenbeast [muck drake], silislithis [sea drake], rivislithis [river drake], fumarandi [smoke drake] (Greater Drakes and Riders, Johnathan M. Richards)

261 - Gloom raven, greater shadow (Wizards of Dusk & Gloom, Tony Nixon)

261 - Ghôl, Fetch, Barrier Wight, Trow (Myth: Foes of Murthemne, Peter Whitley

262 - Gronk, grillig, sohmien, trelon (Creatures of Torment, Chris Avellone)

266 - Black swanmay, laridian, red falcon, thebestyn (Feathered Friends and Foes, James Wyatt)

266 - Badger hengeyokai, dolphin hengeyokai, falcon hengeyokai, frog hengeyokai, lizard hengeyokai, lynx hengeyokai, octopus hengeyokai, otter hengeyokai, owl hengeyokai, panda hengeyokai, turtle hengeyokai, weasel hengeyokai (Humanimals, Johnathan M. Richards)

266 - Giant werebear [polarwere], giant werebat [shadkyn] (Giant Lycanthropes, Brian P. Hudson)

267 - Diopsid, sapromneme [fungal ghost], zygodact (Denizens of the Underdark, Johnathan M. Richards)

267 - Tunnelmouth dweller, stalking catfish, glitterworm (Designing Dungeon Monsters, Gregory W. Detwiler)

268 - Agrutha, brute crocodilian, master crocodilian, varanid, geckonid, tokay, iguanid, rock iguanid, island iguanid (THe Lizard Folk, Michael Kuciak)

268 - Beliarh, infernal avenger (The Devil's Disciples, Johnny L. Wilson)

269 - Yyllethyn [elven horse], elven riding horse, elven war horse, crayghe [elven hawk], byut [fey deer], pennig [halfling pony], halfling riding pony, halfling war pony, twill [pocket rat], stoght [forest gnome fisher], brak twan [dwarven tunnel hound], guttar [dwarven ox] (Demihuman Pets, Jack Pitsker)

269 - Url-Shekk the 3-headed beast, rust spitters (Lese Majesty, Johnny L. Wilson)

270 - Power tree (this was the winning entry to the "Design a Sheen" contest, by Samuel Wright)

270 - Brazen bull (Armor of the Abyssal Lords, Paul Fraser)

270 - Blackroot marauder, dirtwraith [sargusian fungus], hound of Kyuss, murdakus (Minions of Iuz, James Jacobs)

271 - Visceraith ("Beastly Research" Winners, Richard Sanders)

271 - Soul mask ("Beastly Research" Winners, Leon Chang)

271 - Dvati ("Beastly Research" Winners, Talon Dunning)

271 - Devourer (Ecology of the Bag of Devouring, Kevin N. Haw)

272 - Crow's-nest dragon, geyser dragon, mole dragon, pavilion dragon (Diminutive Dragons, James Wyatt)

And that's it for the 2E stuff. I'll go dig up my 3E files and post them in a bit.



Okay, here's the 3E stuff:

272 - Bahamut, Tiamat (Bahamut and Tiamat, Skip Williams)

274 - Grimorian, raknakle, skerath, skittermaw (Beasts of the Pomarj, James Jacobs)

276 - Sheet Phantom, Sheet Ghoul (The Ecology of the Sheet Phantom, Johnathan M. Richards)

276 - Avolakia, riftjumper, nerephtys, ulgurstasta, ciruja plant (Denizens of the Wormcrawl Fissure, James Jacobs)

277 - Chipmunk, groundhog, otter, small constrictor snake (Unusual Suspects, James Wyatt)

277 - Yrsillar [Lord of the Nothing], lesser dread (The Heroes of Shaow's Witness, Paul Kemp)

Annual 5 - Julajimus, kurge, rogue eidolon, rotripper (Children of Tharizdun, James Jacobs)

Annual 5 - Jermlaine, coin dragon (Gorgoldand's Gauntlet, Johnathan M. Richards)

Annual 5 - Larval feyr, lesser feyr, greater feyr (The Ecology of the Feyr, Kevin N. Haw)

279 - Sierona [succubus NPC], Phauman [drow NPC], Vinter [drider NPC], Krad [half-fiend dragonne NPC], Berkut [fiendish stone giant NPC], Jaggedra Thul [vampiric drow half-dragon NPC] (Revenge of the Spider Queen, Monte Cook)

280 - Fox, hare, mouse, otter, raccoon, skunk, squirrel (A Little More Familiar, Stephen Kenson)

280 - Bonetree, ragewing, razortail, treeleg strangler (Invaders of the Barrier Peaks, James Jacobs)

281 - Jawg, inliving spawn, genocid, verx swarm, minwhelgo, deepling (Subterranean Scares, Joseph R. Terrazzino)

282 - Pizza slice [the works], gummi bear, lurking dorito, jolly rancher [watermelon], pepsioid (Snack Monsters, Mike Mayer)

282 - Osquip (Monster Hunters Association, Johnathan M. Richards)

284 - Kianna Firemane [half-dragon NPC], Ariskull {half-dragon NPC] (Scale & Claw, Stephen Kenson)

284 - Barautha [spitting drake], ermalkankari [stone drake], mardallond [mead drake], trilligarg [chameleon drake], vallochar [web drake] (Return of the Greater Drakes, Johnathan M. Richards)

285 - Chaggrin [earth grue], harginn [fire grue], ildriss [air grue], vardigg [water grue], demonically fused elemental, demonically fused fire elemental (Four In Darkness, Monte Cook)

285 - Breathdrinker, rukarazyll, firetongue frog, orlythys, tralusk (Spawn of Elemental Evil, James Jacobs)

285 - Crested felldrake (The Empire of Ravilla, Chris Pramas)

285 - Living catapult (Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, Rick Moscatello)

286 - Skull bearer, mord wraith, moor cat, rock troll, shadowen, mwellret (Creatures of the Four Lands, Brian Murphy & Chris Thomasson)

286 - Slaughterpit gnoll zombie (Ahmut's Legion, Chris Pramas)

287 - Dream element creature [template] (Dreamlands, Jeff Grubb)

287 - Bonespitter, chaoswyrd, chaos eater, teratomorph (Creatures of the Chaos Spire, James Jacobs)

287 - Hammerer (The Arnies of Thalos, Chris Pramas)

288 - Bhaalspawn [template] (The Bhaalspawn, Dave Gaider & James Ohlen)

289 - Kaiju [template], Sharugu [kaiju giant octopus NPC], Hote-Bakete [half-fiend kaiju centipede NPC], Gareshona [kaiju bulette NPC] (Thunder and Fire, James Jacobs)

289 - Abyssal Maw (The Gnolls of Naresh, Chris Pramas)

Annual 6 - Deep one, spectral hunter (First Watch, Monte Cook)

Annual 6 - Black bear, brown bear, king bear, bladetusk [lanra], pecara, sand pig [gensa], wild pig, leopard, black leopard, lion, western ridgecat, maerid ridgecat, sandcat [caisid], fox, leaphorn [gaellac], longhorn [coema], soetam, sorda, shellback, constrictor snake, venomous snake, two-step snake, blacklance, mountain king snake, scarlet puffer, hooded adder, bloodsnake, king viper, sand viper (Beasts of the Wheel of Time, Owen K. C. Stephens)

Annual 6 - Barbed tail lizardfolk, flaming tongue lizardfolk, venomous scale lizardfolk (The Black Talon Ss'ressen, Henry Lopez)

Annual 6 - Undead war elephant (Black Riders and Bone Horses, Wolfgang Baur)

290 - Leshii, rusalka, vila, vodyanoi (Red Sails: Fell and Forlorn Bestiary, Paul Leach)

290 - Death knight [template] (The Death Knights of Oerth, Gary Holian)

291 - Dire fox, fox, fox familiar (Good Things Come In Small Packages, Johnathan M. Richards & Brian Dunnell)

291 - Stone spike (People's State of Mordengard, Chris Pramas)

292 - Bladeback saurial, finhead saurial, flyer saurial, hornhead saurial (Lords of the Lost Vale, Sean K. Reynolds)

292 - Death's head tree, greenvise, myconid [junior worker, average worker, elder worker, guard, circle leader, & king], needleman, orcwort, wortling, red sundew (Bad Seeds, Ed Bonny, Steve Winter, & Skip Williams)

292 - Blood golem of Hextor, marodin (Blood Golems of Hextor, Sean K. Reynolds)

292 - War Ape (Drazen's Horde, Chris Pramas)

292 - Shadow demon (Kohan Immortal Sovereigns, Rick Moscatello)

293 - Thunder wolf, mist wolf, sea wolf, shard wolf, magma wolf, cloud wolf (Howls of Nature's Fury, Eric Cagle)



Creature Cataloguer
richards, once again, i thank you. you are the Greater God of Research. ;) i think you hooked me up the last time i posted this, many moons ago.


BOZ: Here you go--the creatures that appeared in Dragon Annuals #1-#4.

Annual #1 - Gohlbrorn, lukhorn, varkha, chromatic mold, elghonn (Predators of the Underdark, Keith Strohm)

Annual #2 - Snow spiders, crystal skeletons, tundra lizards, growlers (Arctic Monsters, Belinda G. Ashley)

Annual #3 - Acid pigeon, piranha ant, polyroach, rat burglar, stone termite (Urban Pests, Johnathan M. Richards)

Annual #4 - Slime guardian, toxic snare (The Slime Wizard, Lloyd Brown III)

Annual #4 - Suzara the Scold, Boldovar the Mad, Merendil the Bloody, Melineth the Grasping, Luthax the Fiery, Xanthon the Baneful (THe Ghazneths, Troy Denning)

Moulin Rogue

First Post
Could I ask a highly trivial question? Do you know which issue of Dragon roughly corresponds with the 1e Fiend Folio's release so I could get a feel for what was out right at that time? Ditto 1e MotP if possible.
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