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Drowquest [4e] OOC:


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adc15 - wizard/warlock/paladin (1st Alternate) - Paladin of who? use 3ed or older Greyhawk gods, make a case for any divine channel feat that fits the portfolio.

My immediate thought for deity for a Paladin was Lolth, since 4e and Forgotten Realms drow both seem to be dominated by Lolth. The only Divine Channel power that really seems to fit with Lolth even a little bit would be Divine Strength, which isn't even one of the feat abilities. All the existing Divine Channel feat's seem to be for a Good deity (even when they're for an unaligned deity) and involve healing yourself, healing an ally, or protecting an ally. Since Lolth isn't exactly a deity of healing and tends to be more in favor of betratal than protecting allies, none of them really make sense.

I wasn't planning on taking a Divine Channel feat at first level though if I did play a paladin, so at least for me it wouldn't be too big of a deal.

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No bards eh. Hmmmmm. I'm wondering, could I play an inspiring Warlord until March and then switch over to Bard. It may require some reimagining on the part of the character, but then it is only a month away.

[sblock=Zigni Froyfinflow]
Zigni Froyfinflow Drow Warlord

Str 18 +4
Con 12 +1
Dex 14 +2
Int 10 +0
Wis 8 -1
Cha 14 +2

Armor Class 17
Fortitude 12
Reflex 12
Will 13
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My stats are ready, but I'd like to see some ideas before writing a background... like, guys, what kind of relationships are we looking for within the team? Competitivity? Brotherhood? Envy? They want to stab each other to death? All of them?


Strong Feelings of Brotherhood are common to most mercenary companies. The mercenary company is most likely driven by the original (long-lived) founder. His favor is important, but nearly impossible to get as trainees.
Internal deaths are considered to waste the resources of the company, unless the victim is commonly seen as a liability. The company has to be protective enough of its members to take the PCs on and train them.

Yes, I will be using the stealth errata. But common sense as just as likely to serve as a guide.


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Hmmm... well I was thinking the same thing re: background. I'd imagine there'd be some competitiveness, we're drow after all, but maybe not the regular stab each other in the back, as we're not part of a House. After all, Bregan D'aerthe has survived for quite some time and Kimmuriel hasn't attempted a coup from Jarlaxle yet. If we all are playing different classes, I'd imagine the competitiveness wouldn't be as strong, because we wouldn't necesarily outshine one another, but rather work together in our specific niches.


I'm going to go with a Primal Pedator druid build for my drow. So I'll be a controller / striker hybrid (with Beast Form being used quite a bit). I'll wildshape into quite a variety of spider types as the need comes up.

I'm designing the character with the Character Builder as we speak, so I'll have it finished probably tomorrow or Monday (along with the bio).


Wow, you know, you'd think that after reading all about how you weren't allowing bards, and that you said quite clearly on page 1 that you didn't have DDI and that PHII stuff was only allowed when the book was released in March... that I'd actually remember that. I'm a moron. :)

Well if Evo and Phae are still going with fighter/pally and inspiring warlord respectively... then how about beastmaster ranger instead? Rather than wildshaping into a giant spider, I'll just have one as a pet instead. That work? And I promise not to dual-wield scimitars.

If you'd rather keep the ranger out of it altogether... I'll go with whichever defender Evo doesn't take.


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These are preliminary stats and background for my character. To improve the latter, I think a more talented and appreciated older brother would be ideal, maybe a spellcaster. Is anyone interested in a little drow bro? :)

[sblock=Djaar d'Ruthl, Drow rogue 1]
Str 9
Dex 18 (+2 Drow)
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 16 (+2 Drow)

AC 16
For 12
Ref 16
Will 13

HP: 26
Healing surges/day: 8

Init: +4
Senses: darkvision perception:16 insight:11

Languages:Common, Elven
Alignment: Unaligned
Patron Deity: Lolth

Racial features: +2 Stealth and Intimidate

Class features: Rogue tactics(Artful dodger)
Weapon talent
First strike
Sneak attack +2d8

Skills (*trained):
Acrobatics* +9
Arcana +0
Athletics -1
Bluff* +8
Diplomacy +3
Dungeoneering +1
Endurance +2
Heal +1
History +0
Insight +1
Intimidate* +8
Nature +1
Perception* +6
Religion +0
Stealth* +11
Streetwise +3
Thievery* +9

Feats: Backstabber

Basic Attack: Melee dagger +4 dmg 1d4+0
Ranged dagger +8 dmg 1d4+4 rng 5/10

Class Powers:
-at will: Piercing strike
Sky flourish

-encounter:Cloud of darkness/darkfire
King's castle

-daily: Blinding barrage

Item daily(17d):-

Backpack (2 gp)
Bedroll (1 sp)
Flint and steel (1 gp)
Pouch belt (1 gp)
Rope (1 gp)
Waterskin (1 gp)
Rations(2 days) (1 gp)
18 Daggers (20 gp)
Leather armor (25 gp)
Thieve's tool (20 gp)
30 gps

Piercing strike: dex vs ref (melee)
Deft strike: move 2 before attack (melee or ranged)

Cloud of Darkness: (minor)burst one. blocks line of sight. all creature within blinded.(except you)
Darkfire: (minor) rng 10; cha+4 vs ref; target can't benefit from invisibility or concealment;grants combat advantage to all
Fox's gambit: 1W+dex vs ref, remove mark of target, shift 4 squares

Blinding barrage:close blast 3; dex vs AC; 2w+dex to each enemy, targets blinded. (miss=half damage, no blind)[/sblock]

Djaar was born in a small House, from an unimportant soldier. From an early age, he was pushed into hard tests and study, but showed no inclination towards arcane arts of any sort. He was not particularly strong, either. Soon deemed a failure by both his family and his first instructor, he was repeteadly sent as a scout in dangerous missions during his training; and he reeteadly survived. Thus his instructor found what he shined in: he was silent, quick, and, with a dagger in his hands, deadly. Not that this did much to improve his status in the eye of his family. He was sent forth as a sacrifice every time because of his expendable talent. Djaar knew this, and despite his induced self-loathing, kept surviving each time, covered in blood and gore, never his own.
Djaar is bitter and pessimistic. He seldom laughs, and his smile is an acrid grin. Contrarily to the nature of the drows, he is not ambitious, for he knows he cannot hope to be better than a fine assassin, of which scores can be found in any Drow house. Still, he knows he has no other place than the City, and no other role than sneaking in the darkness, ever showing his back at better trained drows, and fighting to survive.

Voidrunner's Codex

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