Dungeon Adventure Path: Life's Bazaar, Pt. II

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Argent Silvermage

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"Rothgar. I have a set of Keys and some alchemical supplies for the half minute it took to open the trunk. All VERY useful things. How can you think this was a bad idea?" Sando whines.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Vorik nods, but then shakes his head. "Sure you do, but what do the keys open? If they don't unlock these doors down here, they're damn near useless to us."

Sando: Nothing happens when you put the mask and robe on, except you now look like a small gnome with rabbit ears wearing dark robes.
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First Post
Kajamba Lion said:
Carrach and Tekk: You hear and find nothing unusual. The tunnels are dirty and rough; it seems likely that they were made recently.

Carrach sneaks forward and checks the right tunnel leading to the south (only visually, as he's not moving into it at the moment). If he discovers nothing alarming, he turns to Thekk:

"Guard this junction till the rest catches up. We don't want to be hit in the flank!"

With these words Carrach moves into the tunnel going north.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Carrach: The south-leading tunnel opens up into a large room. Eight black marble pillars support the ceiling of the hall, each carved to look like gnome warriors and artisans standing on each other's shoulders. You can see a number of bright, golden lights dancing and flickering about the hall aimlessly, frequently changing direction and altitude. A pool dominates the far southern wall.

You turn to Tekk. "Guard this junction till the rest catches up. We don't want to be hit in the flank!" Having said this, you turn to the tunnel's next branch.

This branch leads north into a small room with a dozen cots and small chests. Cobwebs dominate the room and tiny spiders scurry about. Stony rubble covers the floor where the tunnel spills into the room. A sunrod lies on the floor in the middle of the room, it's golden tip casting enough light to make lurid shadows dance upon the walls.


Nodding his head as Carrach told him to wait for the others, Tekk turned back down the hallway to wait for the others to catch up.

~I wonder what is keeping them?~

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Sando shakes his head. "The whole point is that if we find something the keys open then great if not at least we have some chance with the locks."

ooc: I put the ring on as well. nothing there either?

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Vorik shrugs. "Well, you could say that if the keys match the other key we found earlier in style and design. Have you checked them against each other?"

Sando: Nothing happens when you put on the ring, either.

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