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Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 2: Vegas!


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Katrina has ducked into a corner using the hotel room phone.

"Hey sweetie"

"Yes, I'm safe."

"I love you too"


"Yes, done there"

"Well there's something more"

"Can't really go into it on the phone, it's complex and like line tapping and all."

"I may be home beriefly to change and get some supplies. Right now don't know whan that will be, I really hope you won't be at work, I miss you."

"Yeah I know"

"Don't worry I'll be safe. Tough as nails ya know."

"Yeah that's a good idea, set out some nails."

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Voda Vosa

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Cassandra smiles. "Actually...we're doing the movie caper. Uomo and I have an insider who'll get us inside the less secured area. From there we make our way down however we can. Ideally, the ass-kicking is a last resort."

She looks the team over, a little worried crinkle in her brow. "Don't think she'll be expecting this big a team...but we'll make it work. She has a thing for you Uomo, so maybe you can sweet talk her."

"Anyway, what we don't have is the detailed map and the intricate plan and the stirring montage music. All we have is a foot in the door. We're going to be making a lot of this up as we go along."
Uomo nods at Cassandra "An unfortunately accurate description of our situation. Grid here is unable to access the lab's security system from here, so our intel is limited. Although I appreciate your eagerness bambino, as Fulcrum said, our mission will rely more on secrecy and sabotage than actual hack and slash."
Katrina has ducked into a corner using the hotel room phone.
"I may be home beriefly to change and get some supplies....

"You may want to consider taking Copycat or Shadow with you cara mia, even both. The first is really fast to help you gather your things, and Shadow, well, she packs some serious strength. Besides, I'd like people to stick together whenever possible. Security, you know."

Bambino: Yongster, boy
Cara mia: My dear


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Felix did not believe he knew everything about meta physiology, however, he did get an idea of where she could be shedding mass from without any reason to notice, without her paying pain taking attention: wide eyed, he smelt the ‘water’ that Kat had started toweling off of his fur.
Felix felt the undeniable urge to take another shower, even if it was odorless, and shivered yet again, and then Frost made his comment.

Felix decided that then was in fact a Very good time to take a, especially fast, shower, and bolted back into the bathroom before slamming the door behind him, presumably by kicking it, before a torrent of activity sounded within the tiled room, clawed feet scampering about was a major theme, as was the apparent, very fast, chirping of a frustrated thing that sounded very familiar, even if it was entirely none understandable. The muffled ruckus would continue for a solid thirteen seconds before the familiar, now bone-dry, cat exited, again in a bolting fashion and as Uomo finished, with caller, cloths, a changed, simplified fur pattern and… hair? He was apparently ranting in an obscenely fast fashion; his expression gave away his frame of mind while the noise prattled on briefly.

He was, by appearances, a large cat that was starting to stood upright in clothes many sizes too large to fit; if he tried in the slightest to wiggle out of it, his t-shirt, it would drop past his shoulders and only stop at his waist due to his pants, that were very scrunched up at their waist do to his, then over worked, belt.
He took a deep breath as he stood, the breath was abrupt and quick, before he then looked at Kat and said, as slowly as he could manage at the time “IfyouDon’twanttobeusedasacushiondon’tturnintoone!” in a semi understandable fashion, while pointing; he looked at his hand, and noticed he had not changed all the way back, his expression grew more annoyed as he chirped something, before starting to shift back to his human form, and, forgetting, the caller, he barely started before he noticed the thing throttling him and he then bristly shifted back before taking it off, in a very expedient matter, the caller made not a sound despite going through the motions of jingling.

He grumbled as only a perturbed feline knew how while glaring at the thing that nearly chocked him, tail up and bushy in protest, he then blinked while shifting his jaw to the side and eyed the room. ‘…VerdammtNochMal...’ he breathed with annoyance while rolling his eyes as his tail eased lower
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Laura looks at Felix with a confused look while answering Uomo "Yeah ... sounds like a plan, best to stick together. Also thank you for the compliment." She turns to Uomo with a smile.


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Terry Quinlan, The Grid

Terry frowns.

"Wasnt' splitting up how ... Shadow ... got in trouble in the first place?" he points out. "I'm happy to wait outside, but if we need to stop for any supplies, I think this time we should all do it together on the way.

"I can take care of cameras once I'm in range, so if we have a way to keep organics from spotting us, I think between the two of us we should have a reasonable blind spot to exploit,"
Terry confirms for Enoch. "And like I said, hopefully I can get a decent hack in before we move to the lower level; I'll need to take a look at the lines once we get there."


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
The Material Girl rolls her eyes "It's not like I'm headed to a warzone, we're talking about my own apartment. I slept there yesterday. I don't think I'm gonna get into trouble. I'm just gonna go, get a change of clothes, get a bottle of water, a bag of sand, and a couple nails. My boyfriend is still there right now, if he's still there when I get there I'll give him a kiss. Might have been more depending on time, if I wasn't bringing a crowd."

Voda Vosa

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Uomo rises his eyebrows and smiles, weaving his hand at Katrina, with a "I told you" face towards Terry. "They'll be fiiiine. Shadow got into trouble because she was alone, and gambling in Vegas. Anyone would be in trouble in her situation. I trust I won't see any mistakes like that from her part in the future." Uomo said the last part dead serious, cold black eyes nailing Laura.


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Laura stares at Uomo with a bit of fear. "Yeah, won't happen again boss." She continues to stare back at Uomo.


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"Give her a break, cro-magnon brah. I'm sure she was just minding her business when that scumsucker got all evil professor X on her. And before I started gambling on my own in Vegas, my wallet was chock full of bupkis."
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"She was just going off to have a little fun, like ninety-nine percent of everyone else here," Cassandra points out. "What happened was pure coincidence. Bad circumstance. I don't think it's fair to imply that it happened because she made a mistake. Though it looks like Vegas is a pretty dangerous town sometimes, so now we know some caution is in order. Anyway, I think we should get some rest before we meet up for the job. We'll meet back here say, half an hour before the rendezvous with our insider?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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