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[LANAI] The Rod of Seven Parts: Into the Crucible


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Gerak Steelriven, dwarven Pillar of Drendd

"I s'pose we should 'ead south or somefin'. I dinnae whut way ye got 'ere frome," the dwarf says. "Less ye ken 'at way's nae good, in whut case, we go narth." He continues to struggle with the Common tongue, having rarely needed to speak it before.

"Ah den't ken if 'ere's anywhun in tha narthen room, bhut tha floor's dhun lower'n whut Ah kin see. An' th-ose drums're coamin' frome 'at way......"

After a moment's pause and a sigh, he adds "Ech, any o' ye ken tha Dwarven toong?"

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"I'm afraid not, my dwarven friend," says the halfling, "Though perhaps you can teach me when we have some free time. I'm a, well, a fast learner. I speak five tongues already."


Guest 11456

Phud : Male Half-Orc Sorcerer 1 / Barbarian 2

Phud shrugs and takes the bundle from the gnome. "Tay!" He pauses as he looks around. "Phud go dere!" As he points north and strides quickly in that direction.


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Gerak sighs again. "Weel, kint let 'im git 'urt runnin' oof by 'isself...." He makes sure his gear is secure and starts jogging after Phud, hammer and shield still in hand.


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A hint of a smile crosses Rowan's face, and then the halfling wizard quickly hurries after his companions as they head north. It wouldn't do to get left behind, he thought to himself. Plus, they would probably need his magics soon enough.

With the drums continuing to beat, the group spills forward down the 30-foot corridor onto a stone-railed balcony 30 feet above the floor of a cavernous chamber, the size of which the interlopers have yet to encounter while spelunking thus far. A 70-foot-high statue of a lobsterlike creature dominates the entire chamber. Crafted of glittering black glass-like rock, the statue's eyes glow with a bright crimson that illuminates the room with layers of flickering red shadows. A set of stone stairs leads up from a water-filled floor to a platform directly across the chamber from the balcony on which the group currently stands. This platform encircles the midsection of the lobster statue.

The balcony on which the group is posited follows the walls of the chamber three-quarters the way around the chamber. To the left and right are stairs leading both up and down. Some 30 feet up is yet another balcony that extends overhead only halfway along the left and right walls.

Frescoes of bloody sacrifices--mostly stylized kuo-toas carrying dismembered body parts--cover the walls of this large open chamber. Every one of the painted kuo-toas gracing the masonried walls faces the lobster statue.

[sblock=Gerak]Knowledge (religion) check result of 20 for Gerak. That is a statue of Blipdoolpoolp, an evil-aligned water deity. If you have resources that detail Blipdoolpoolp, please feel free to avail yourself of that information for use in-game. If you don't and are interested, please do contact me via e-mail for details.[/sblock]

When the group steps from the corridor onto the stone-balustraded balcony over looking the chamber, for half a beat all is silent within the cavern. All too soon, however, murderous whispering fills the air of the chamber, its gutteral calling an unintelligible and invisible whip in the moist air. Rowan, no stranger to conjuration spells, instantly recognizes a summoning spell when he hears one.

[sblock=Rowan]That is a variation of a planar ally spell and the statue appears to be source of the spell.[/sblock]

A door inset along the far wall to the left of the lobster statue opens and through it issues 4 of the kuo-toas spotted earlier by Rowan while he hid on the upper balcony. These 4 kuo-toas are dressed as monks, but their green-skinned bodies shimmer blue with magical imbuement. The 4 kuo-toas split into two sets of two each and on opposite sides of the now-open door on the platform.

Rowan 21
Kuo-toas 1 and 2: 18
Arden 14
MM 13
Wyleck 11
Gerak 11
Kuo-toas 3 and 4: 9
Phud 5


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"A summoning," hisses Rowan. "I do not have the power to counter it. Be alert!" His words spoken, the halfling begins his own spell, channeling soothing arcane energies over the area occupied by the four kuo-toans, gently lulling them to sleep...

I'm assuming you won't allow Rowan to use a Summon spell in an attempt to counterspell Planar Ally, right?

If this is true, Rowan will go ahead and cast Sleep

[sblock=Stats & Spells]
AC 18 (+4 mage armor, 3 hour duration)
HP 17/17

Level 0 – 4+1 Mage Hand, Detect Magic x2, Daze + Acid Splash
Level 1 – 2+1+1 Sleep, Summon Monster I, Mage Armor + Grease
Level 2 - 1+1+1 Summon Swarm x2 + Glitterdust

At Rowan's suggestion that a summoning is being performed, Wyleck frowns with worry and begins casting a spell with which Gerak is intimately familiar, though perhaps in slightly different form. Even Rowan, with his practiced background in the arcane, recognizes Wyleck's breathy whispering. Calling upon the natural world, Wyleck casts guidance and seems to gird himself for the battle ahead.


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Gerak hustles to the west, looking for a way to reach the kuo-toans and attack.

(Just double-moving 8 spaces northwest along the balcony, once it's his turn)

"A summoning," hisses Rowan. "I do not have the power to counter it. Be alert!" His words spoken, the halfling begins his own spell, channeling soothing arcane energies over the area occupied by the four kuo-toans, gently lulling them to sleep...

As Rowan begins to weave his spell, KT 1 and KT 2 join hands and begin to chant. [sblock=Gerak]Gerak quickly recognizes a divine version of lightening bolt being cast by the pair of kuo-toas. The power of the spell, while not inherently as forceful as the stand-alone arcane version, is amplified by the fact that two of the creatures seem to have linked and are casting together.[/sblock] A bare moment later, the air on the stone platform crackles with white electricity and a bolt of lightening flashes through the damp air and arcs directly through Phud, Gerak, and Arden, who all fail to dodge out of the lightening's path and each suffer 6 points of electricity damage.

Her hair standing stock on end after the blast from the bolt of lightening, Arden winces but levies her crossbow. Taking aim at KT1, Arden springs the firing mechanism and, with a twang of the bow's quivering metal string, looses a bolt. The brown-skinned gnome's aim is unerring; the bolt sinks into KT1's neck and disappears into the creature's flesh, dealing a hearty 6 points of damage even as Arden struggles to get her breath back after being struck by lightening.

An elderly, shriveled kuo-toa (MM) wearing chitin-styled plate armor steps into view beneath the lintel of the open door on the stone platform. The elderly priest chants, his croaking low and purposeful. At the end of his casting, the old kuo-toa is surrounded at his front by a flat field of multi-colored hues that ripple in the red light shed by the lobster statue.
[sblock=Rowan, Gerak, Wyleck]The old priest cast entropic shield on himself, that he might be partially shielded from ranged attacks.[/sblock]

Wyleck whistles for Yssal and, finding his animal companion directly behind himself, casts a critical eye around his companions. As Gerak hustles off to the west, Wyleck delays a beat and says, "Who's injured? I can help."

Wyleck delays to init count 4, after Phud. He'll heal whomever asks it.

Looking for a way to reach the kuo-toans and attack, Gerak hustles off to the west. The dwarf's gait is deliberate and measured.

KT3 and KT4 react to Gerak's approach by themselves snaking forward to guard the top of the stone stairs leading up to the statue. After moving a short distance, both the kuo-toas adopt a martial stance at the top of the stairs but otherwise appear to settle into a state of meditation, their hands outstretched palm up, their eyes closed.

Phud yowls in anger and pain. "Phud hurt, Phud BURN!" The half-orc steps in front of Rowan, obscuring the halfling's view but also offering impromptu bodily shield. "You make Phud not burn!" The large half-orc bouncer eyes Wyleck, who nods and complies, healing Phud for 7 points of damage.

***************************************Start of Round 2***********************************

Rowan completes his casting and, to his satisfaction, watches KT4 topple over prone, fast asleep. KT3 remains standing, seemingly inert, at the top of the stone stairway leading up to the platform.

Rowan 21
Kuo-toas 1 and 2: 18
Arden 14
MM 13
Wyleck 11
Gerak 11
Kuo-toas 3 and 4: 9
Phud 5


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