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Sultans of Smack

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Re: Re: Normal Cleric/Actual PC

reapersaurus said:
Since Greater Aspect of the Deity states that it is like the Lesser Aspect spell, and that grants a 1d4+1 enhancement bonus to CHA, I would presume tht Greater Aspect's bonuses to all the stats are an enhancement bonus as well.

That;s just a guess based on the words they've printed.

Just in case you didn't notice, Greater AotD transforms you in a Half-Celestial for one round/level, so there no way the stats bonuses could be enhancements, 'cause they're just like racial bonus (template in this case)...

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Re: Smackage = Neat

3199 pounds worth of alchemist's fire which weighs 1.25 pounds per flask =
2559 flasks

First Round:

Invisible, flying, dire bear moves 90ft. to directly above the target. It drops 2559 flasks for a flat-footed ranged touch attack at +13 (+12 BAB +1 Dex). With the target gaining only Size and Deflection bonuses to AC, this is pretty easy to hit from 20 ft. above.

The target takes 2559d6 (+ 2559 from Pyro) or 2559 points of damage on a miss.

The problem with this example (like the, "use telekinesis with two trillion shuriken"-style smackdowns) is that it is not physically possible for that many flasks to successfully hit a single Medium-sized target, particularly when you're aiming for a maximum area of about 2' by 5'.


First Post
The by the rule approach would be a standard action to drop 1 flask and a move equivilent to draw another. With quick draw you could attack up to your # of attacks per round each round.

If you go outside the rules to say you can obviously drop more flasks then you must also go outside the rules when calculating the damage.

Telekinesis has an implied maximum of 1d6/lvl to a single target which is appropriate for a 5th level spell.

Big Bertha Smackdown: Round 2

Imstead of using Flasks of Alchemist's Fire, use barrels of it effected by the Shrink Item spell.

A shrunken item weight 1/2000th of what it did originally, so you can carry the equivalent of 5118000 Flasks of Alchemist's fire

But all the shrinken flasks in a big sack, and then drop while speaking the command word as described above.

Average Damage: 23,031,000

Of course the cost for all that Alchemist's fire is 127,950,000 gp, so it won't work, but still cool.


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Re: Smackage = Neat

ConcreteBuddha said:
Invisible, flying, dire bear moves 90ft. to directly above the target. It drops 2559 flasks for a flat-footed ranged touch attack at +13 (+12 BAB +1 Dex).

Minor nit: Since your flying speed is reduced for wearing medium or heavy armour, I don't think it unreasonable to say that carrying excess weight would also slow you down.

Speed would be 60' rather than 90'.

As others have noted, you aren't making a highly precise missle attack if you just dump a large quantity of items on everyone. You can only drop two a round if you want to get your BAB and Dex bonus, anything beyond that is GM judgement.


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Its a mistake to think that putting 50 flasks in a barrel does 50x as much damage as one flask. Falling into lava does 20d6, alchemist fire won't do more damage than lava. Immersion in acid does 10d6, 50 flasks of acid hitting at once won't do 50d6, at most it will do 10d6.

Son of Kyuss

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Minor Smack - 5th level

Okay, this can gained fairly quickly in any campaign
A fifth level character with the following traits:

*5th level Half-Orc with 21 Strength, 25str w/ Rage
(assume you an rolled an 18 str, plus 1 for level 4)
*Rhino Hide

Level1 : Monte Ranger 1 - Power Attack, Combat Rexflexes
Level2: Barbarian 1 Rage /1day
Level3: Barbarian 2 Uncanny Dodge, Expert Tactician
Level4: Fighter 1 - Power Lunge, +1 strength
Level5: Fighter 2 - Cleave

Wielding any two handed weapon with 21 strength grants the character plus 7 to damage. With Rage Ability, the character's Strength is now 25, for a bonus of 7, 10 with a two-handed weapon.

When charging an opponent damage is multiplied by 2 with the power lunge ability to this puts damage to plus 20. Charging also invokes the rhino hide ability. This makes, a charge attack, Power Lunge with a greatsword: (2d6+20) x2 (rhino hide).

*average damage per charge= (7+20)x2= 54
(death check DC15 50+ damage)
*min= 44
*max= 72
*critical max = 144 (greatsword x2 critical)

If your character went before you opponent, who's dexterity is denied you get to smack again. If they drop, you get to smack the next opponent with cleave.

Not bad for a minor smack, heh?


First Post
Let's get back on topic: Kill, Kill, Kill the (Insert Enemy of Choice)

This thread is supposed to be a Smackdown thread, not a min/max thread. While I have enjoyed reading posts like Lichs are my B****** and some others, they are off topic for this already long thread.

Carpe Diem, since Jairami has listed you as part of the Board of Directors of Smackdown Productions, I call upon you to plead with all the potential Smackdown candidates for posting true, pure smackdowns. I further ask you, and the complete Board to consider a motion to start another Smackdown thread for lower level characters (10 or lower perhaps?).

I thank all posters and staff for their time and support, and eagerly await the Board's actions.

BTW, you aren't the only person to think of combining Power Critical with the Lanced, Mounted, Paladin Smack. See my post on page 7. ;) You probably missed it with this thread being so long. Just add that as a reason to ask for more smacks and less other stuff. Edited for spelling
Last edited:


First Post
Worry not. I keep an archive of all the smacks on my computer. I slice out commentary (occasionally, but not often, editing corrections from additional posts into it) and keep only the smacks.

So when this thread disappears or gets close from too many replies, it'll be born again as a lean, mean, smacking machine with the smack, the whole smack, and nothing but the smack.

Until then, enjoy basking in the light of so many horribly delicious ideas.

Back to the smack. Submissions as always welcome... (Still waiting for your glorious resurgence Carpe. :) )

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