Dungeons & Dragons

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The latest official Dungeons & Dragons' supplement is the Dungeon Master's Screen Wilderness Kit, arriving slightly after Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, but clearly timed to work with it. However, this is a general wilderness adventure supplement, not one specifically for Icewind Dale or other frozen locations.
When I spoke to Steffie De Vaan about Masks of Theros, she mentioned working with Cat Evans and Liz Gist on the project (among others). On the strength of Masks of Theros, I was excited to hear about Liz and Cat producing a new 5e project on Kickstarter, Dreadful Realms: Caverns of the Wise Minister from Ex Stasis Games. They agreed to talk about their dark fantasy setting, the extras they’re...
Bring a bit of our world's folklore into your game with today's EN5ider article all about magic items from Grimm's Fairy Tales!
It’s time to get Celtic with Epic Monsters as we unpack that mischievous shapeshifting November-harvest-fairy-blasting prankster of northwestern Europe known as the púca!
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything is the latest optional rule book for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons but this “optional” book is very likely to become a must-have for most DMs and players. In fact, it's possible that it's the single more useful 5E supplement so far, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
This is a discussion of how one decision in game design can make so much difference in how everything works. In this case we’re talking about RPGs, specifically how XP (experience points) are awarded. What are the consequences of using one method or another (or a combination)?
This week brings the release of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything and with it, the giddy anticipation of Christmas Eve for Dungeons & Dragons fans. Wizards of the Coast has kept a pretty tight grip on new player options in Fifth Edition, making any time a bunch of them roll out something of an event. I’m going through each class to pick my favorite options out of each class through my very...
Journey to lands of fantasy and the fantastic, learn your ABCs with Cthulhu, and check out the D&D adventures and boxed sets complete with maps and minis. Also, a new book of battle maps ready to use immediately on the table top and pawns to deploy in battle.
This week’s RPG crowdfunding projects and quickstarters end on or before December 10th. Due to the number of RPG campaigns rolling out right now, I’m unable to cover every one, and I hate that. As I can, I try to give the spotlight to as many as possible, whether that spotlight be coverage in this column or interviews here, d20 Radio, or High Level Games, shout outs on my social media. For all...
As tabletop gaming becomes a lifelong hobby, there are increasing levels of investment in the game as we get older. Here's mine.
EN5ider is roaring into the middle of November with a massive supplement of creatures for the end of the penultimate ZEITGEIST adventure and more than a dozen feats to maximize your multiclassing using the Masterclass Codex!
Prepare yourself for an epic post in Mythological Figures today because we’re going after an epic guy with a story as gripping and intriguing as any character posted yet: Cú Chulainn!
You can write a set of fantasy role-playing game (FRPG) rules without specifying a setting, but there’s a default or baseline setting assumed by virtually everyone when no setting is specified. Moreover, some rules (e.g. the existence of plate armor, and large horses) imply things about technology and breeding in the setting.
More third party support for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition including adventures, monsters, and even pawns as well as a converted Castle Amber module. New core rulebooks and new adventures cover fantasy (including fairy tales and mythic heroes) and sci-fi. Some of the sci-fi adventures also have elements of cosmic and/or body horror to them.
This week’s list of RPG Kickstarters and quickstarters end by December 3rd. In it, I talk about original systems, 5e adventures, historic settings, character journals, translations, and more.
Today EN5ider is asking that eternal question: what about that gigantic 300-foot tall sword in the middle of your village?

This Week in TTRPG


Conspiracy Handbook and Magister's Guide help you start a campaign... and end it!
A killer trap mentality and a dark sense of humor.
A great toolbox to build your own OSR game.
The strongest adventure for the RPG and laugh out loud funny.

Dungeons & Dragons

The new core rulebook officially goes on sale.
Swift adventurers will be rewarded—others not so much.
Penguin Random House will bring back Ravenloft in novel form next year.
Customers who pre-ordered using PayPal are receiving emails which say that their payments failed to go through.
The Black Dragon is the first to get a new WizKids miniature.
Red Dragon Egg, Displacer Kitten, Leshy, and Critical Role’s Baby Trinket

Industry News

A special TIME edition which celebrates the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons!
Brandon Sanderson has yet another world record to his name!
The job is for an experienced game designer—much like one of the people they let go a few months ago!
Fan Content Policy will be switched back to the original policy

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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