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Steal This Rule: Fighting Colossal Creatures

So, your dragon is 100+ feet long. Oh, you say you’re fighting the Midgard Serpent? The giant towers three stories above you? And YES, a MIMIC the size of a WHOLE CASTLE! What’s that you say? You can’t imagine how you slay that massive monster by stabbing its foot with your tiny little sword? Your willing suspension of disbelief is shattered by a toothpick-like spear jamming into something...

Review of The Dark Totem Part 1: The Chantry Keep by Rocks Fall Games

There’s that old adage that says “One never gets a second chance to make a first impression.” And for the most part, that adage is very true when meeting people for the first time. But the secret is that the old saying is also true when you are asking for any kind of review. So whether you’ve released a film, a novel, a painting, or a game product, you only have one chance to impress a...

Experience Point: Speaking Publicly Without Dying

I see various articles here and there about what people fear most and it seems many people report fearing “Public Speaking” more than they fear “Death”. I’m not sure how much credence to put into those studies but clearly this is something that causes people a great deal of anxiety. Millions of people have tried overcoming this fear by doing everything from signing up for Toastmasters...

Comic Book ... err... RPG News for Wednesday, 10 April, 2013

Dungeons & Dragons News Spotlight Interview: IDW Cutter by Bart Carroll -- "Dungeons & Dragons: Cutter -- the newest comic book series from IDW Publishing and Wizards of the Coast -- debuts today! We sat down with the Salvatores to get an introduction to this new series." Cutter Comic, Part 1 by Jon Schindehette -- "Cutter, the comic, is coming to stores near you this month, and Jon has...

RPG News for Tuesday, 9 April, 2013

Dungeons & Dragons News Epic Campain: Against the Cult of Chaos by Aaron Williams -- "The party has pitted themselves Against the Cult of Chaos—as an ancient evil stirs, chipping away at its prison…. In this final episode of the season: "The final sacrifices and items of power have arrived, as the wolf-spider told us they would!" Defining Our Terms by James Wyatt -- "Types, levels...

Pretty Darn Fun (a look at new PDFs)

This week we have 9 new PDFs, some brand new products and some older items; in fact, one of them hasn’t been seen print in over 30 years and never as a PDF. In addition, WotC rereleased 4 more PDF products and we have 8 more adventures for your table. The Spotlight PDF of the Week is a preview of a new game that is burying its Kickstarter goals. Duty Unto Death TableTop is a web series run...

3G: Luck of the Gods

You might remember that I’m running the Age of Worms adventure path for my tabletop group. One of the characters no longer a part of the adventure is a rogue/cleric who longed for the fame and fortune that was sure to come from thwarting Kyuss. I present to you Aden Moontears, onetime boatman in service to Prince Ellival Moonmeadow of Diamond Lake, now a cleric-in-residence in the Free City...

Game Design 104: Ability Scores

Most game designs will have ability scores in some form. They could be called: attributes, base skills, talents, or something even stranger. Some game designs don’t have any form of ability scores whatsoever. I commend whoever is writing such game designs. However, it is good to be warned that most players will expect ability scores to be in the game. Why this is so is a mystery. Many players...

Board Game Review: Acquire by Hasbro

I want to tell you today about one of the greatest games EVER made. It's one that, no matter where I am or when it is, I will happily play. It's also been around for decades and is a testament to how incredible design simply lasts. One of legendary designer Sid Sackson's vast array of games,it requires a bit of financial savvy, some level of ability to read your opponents and a little luck...

Gamehackery: Chewing Up Scenery

Last week, we talked about attention economy, about keeping your players engaged at the table, and with your game world. And I promised we would look at some ideas for creating interesting. evocative, interesting, and useful scenery for your players to interact with. So, here goes….. The Problem We've gotten out of the habit of listening to boxed text descriptions of rooms -- at least, we...

Class Warfare

Why do you play a Fighter? Why do you play a Cleric? Why do you play a multiclass Fighter/Cleric? Why do you play a Paladin? What’s the difference between a Wizard and a Sorcerer? Why an Assassin and a Thief? And is it Thief or Rogue? Warlord or Marshal or Bard or Fighter? Or Jester? The selecting of a class for your character is one of the boldest choices you can make as a player. More than...

Review of A Night in Seyvoth Manor by Darklight Interactive

From my perspective, one of the more unexpected offshoots of 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons is Fourthcore. While tournament-style adventure modules have been part of the D&D experience since the earliest days of the RPGA Tournaments, D&D 4E always seemed to stress balance both among character classes, monsters, and encounter design. But with Fourthcore, balance takes a backseat to creating a...

Experience Point: What are you doing this round?

One of the aspects of gaming that’s fun to me is getting to do big things on a small scale. Games let us traverse nations, explore caverns, create railroad empires, fight wars, and conquer the world all in the course of the evening. These are big plans. The kinds of plans which are hard to swallow in one bite or explain in one breath. Luckily, most games we play provide us with a fairly...

Do Not Pass Go

Oh boy! Oh boy! It's that time of the week, again. Yes! Board Game Night is finally here! Thank goodness. Work has been dreadful. The sort of drudgery and frustration that only Cinderella seems to understand. You've been looking forward to this all week long and tonight's the night at last! It's time to prepare. Only 30 minutes to go. Of course, you would have been prepared earlier...

Pretty Darn Fun (a look at new PDFs)

And the PDFs keep on comin'. We have the usual excellent variety of new and interesting PDFs. Along with those we have some more from Frog God Games, WotC rereleases, Adventures and even some April Fool's Day PDFs. The Spotlight: Most Interesting PDF of the Week is from a company that's long been a favorite of rpg fans and they have just released their newest book for their core line, the...

Call of the Wild

Yet another of my creations languishing in the virtual darkness for years, I present to you the Wildlord prestige class for your gaming goodness. In addition, there are two NPCs for instant implementation. Enjoy! Wildlord Wildlords are carefully selected by the forces of nature for their superior intelligence and benevolent countenance. A wildlord is able to separate the necessities of...

This Week in TTRPG


In Discworld, you no longer have to fear shenanigans ruining your game. They ARE the game!
A novel twist on the usual Mothership campaign.
Overall, the latest PHB gets a solid B from me, an evolution of D&D to date.
A great gateway for fans of the video game or the anime to see what all the tabletop fuss is about.

Dungeons & Dragons

Breezy will appear in an audio book releasing on October 24th.
Perkins moves from Game Architect to Creative Director.
Who doesn't need a snallygaster or two?
Overall, the latest PHB gets a solid B from me, an evolution of D&D to date.
Greyhawk is the example world in the new Dungeon Master's Guide.
The D&D 50th Anniversary Promotion also includes profile customization options for sale

Industry News

Perkins moves from Game Architect to Creative Director.
Chris Perkins will no longer serve as a Product Lead for official D&D books.
Tentative deal struck after three days, suspending strike
Games join Traveller as Mongoose-owned products.

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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