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Star Trek Discovery not getting any better I fear.

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*Ahem* Side bar...X-files problem was the fact that no one including Chris Cater had any idea as to where he wanted to go...https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheChrisCarterEffect

Yeah, I skipped the last few seasons of "X-Files" and didn't bother with the second of the new seasons. "Lost" was also one of the shows that suffered from this. By the third episode I already thought that I had figured out what was going on (proved to be right at the end of the series) and, with all of the crap going on circling, but not actually touching on that premise, I tired and stopped watching early in the second season.


Yeah, I skipped the last few seasons of "X-Files" and didn't bother with the second of the new seasons. "Lost" was also one of the shows that suffered from this. By the third episode I already thought that I had figured out what was going on (proved to be right at the end of the series) and, with all of the crap going on circling, but not actually touching on that premise, I tired and stopped watching early in the second season.

I gave up at the end of season 1 of lost. Star of season 3 for Prison Break.

Some shows are really only good for a season or 2.


Like what? I thought it hung together fairly well for a plot involving catching a time traveler using a Reverse Grandfather Paradox Gambit.

The identity of Burnham as Red Angel was confirmed again and again with all tests they had. And yet in the end it turned out to be someone else.
So if the biosignature matches, Burnham must be her own mother. Or a clone.

Not to mention why everyone is discussing the plan for capturing Burnham in front of her. Because that will totally work

It was in the scene where Spock comforts Burnham.

And it wasn't when Tully again bumbles into a meeting or when the whole "I don't love you anymore" plotline was on.


So if the biosignature matches, Burnham must be her own mother. Or a clone.
Or *both* Burnham and her mother use the Red Angel time-suit at different points in their timelines. It was Burnham in it when the one scan was taken. It was her mom in the trap on Essof IV.

Not to mention why everyone is discussing the plan for capturing Burnham in front of her. Because that will totally work.
The trap is a paradox. As long as Burnham is willing to die, then it works. Willingness to commit suicide, ie the Reverse Grandfather Paradox Gambit is a pretty foolproof way of defeating your future self.

And it wasn't when Tully again bumbles into a meeting or when the whole "I don't love you anymore" plotline was on.
I admit Tilly's dialogue may be an acquired taste, but the Stamets & Culber stuff is great. Especially the "Why are you so angry? That's a really good question, Paul" exchange a few episodes back.


The trap is a paradox. As long as Burnham is willing to die, then it works. Willingness to commit suicide, ie the Reverse Grandfather Paradox Gambit is a pretty foolproof way of defeating your future self.

But she and Spock only came up with that late in the episode. Meanwhile everyone was perfectly happy to let Burnham know exactly how they were going to capture her in the future.


I am the mysterious professor.
I admit Tilly's dialogue may be an acquired taste, but the Stamets & Culber stuff is great. Especially the "Why are you so angry? That's a really good question, Paul" exchange a few episodes back.
I really liked that exchange. Stamits seemed to have true pain when he asked the question. I wanted to say I felt this has been one of the better portrayals of a gay couple I've seen, but I think it's one of the better portrayals of a couple I've seen. Normally it's not my kind of thing, but I'm actually hoping to see them get back together.

As for Tilly, I love her. Her geeky awkwardness speaks to me. I stammer and ramble when I'm nervous. Talking to superiors tends to make me nervous. I get it. I think she needs to out grow it for her character to grow as she moves up in rank. She may find herself a Lt. Barclay type if she's not careful.


Meanwhile everyone was perfectly happy to let Burnham know exactly how they were going to capture her in the future.
But they didn't know *exactly* how they were going to capture the Red Angel/Future Michael.

They resolve to do it (with Burnham present), start working on some tech to facilitate capture (without Burnham), then head to Essof IV to charge up their new plot device. There really isn't a plan for capturing her. They don't even know how to track future her. The plan doesn't solidify *until* Burnham and Spock decide to use the risk of her death as bait.

I mean, weaponizing the Grandfather Paradox against future-you is pretty clever. It's never going to make perfect sense when causality-violation is on the line.
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