Mutant High Issue 3: Revelations

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Not exactly, but if you think you're the best then go for it.

"That's a good idea. It also has the advantage of Miranda being able to tell if anyone has been changed out in all of the confusion." Xi'an responds.

"Remember the computer access; one of the instructors had probably already been replaced or otherwise subverted," Temper warns. "Don't reveal too much."

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Knowing he was seriously outmatched, Spike asks the simple question...

"So what the hell do you want me for? You could have taken Professor, based on your ego, but you didn't. I'm just a student, so are the others. What's cooking in that melting pot of a helmet you wear?"

Relique du Madde

Miranda smirked at Temper, "You don't seem to thrilled. Considering who we have here, the only other viable choice would be Kitty considering that Xi'an and Pyro almost got into a rumble yesterday. Also I think everyone would have more confidence in the attack succeeding if both of Cyclops's surviving all-start students are involved in it's planning."

Miranda glanced at Pyro for a moment with a smile on her face, "Also, if Pyro is going to take part in the counter attack he'll need a blowtorch, several lighters, some matches, and maybe several flares.."


First Post
Not exactly, but if you think you're the best then go for it.

"Remember the computer access; one of the instructors had probably already been replaced or otherwise subverted," Temper warns. "Don't reveal too much."

"Is there any way to check if Professor Summers is the real one?" Serena asks quietly and looks sharply at Magneto. "Listen, remember what I said during the attack, I think Cerebro and I merged somehow, is there anyway to confirm that? The cyborg kid's secondary target was Cerebro in fact, either to shut it down or steal it."


First Post
"Is there any way to check if Professor Summers is the real one?" Serena asks quietly and looks sharply at Magneto.

"Miranda ought to be able to tell if substitution's been made since she's been at the school, the same way she did with Nightcrawler." Eric said. "But I don't think any of us know him well enough to spot an imposter, and since we don't know how they're getting the duplicates, we don't have any real way of testing someone. A true clone would have different fingerprints, but.." He trailed off.


First Post
"Miranda ought to be able to tell if substitution's been made since she's been at the school, the same way she did with Nightcrawler." Eric said. "But I don't think any of us know him well enough to spot an imposter, and since we don't know how they're getting the duplicates, we don't have any real way of testing someone. A true clone would have different fingerprints, but.." He trailed off.

"Damn." Serena groused in frustration. The combined metal bits on the table jiggled a little, skidding towards her then back, forming odd patterns, like someone using a bar magnet on a bunch of iron flakes.

Relique du Madde

Clones have different fingerprints?

"Say, um.. Eric, I know they school has scans of every student's finger prints on file, do you think they would have scans of mutant the X-men fought on file also?"


First Post
Miranda glanced at Pyro for a moment with a smile on her face, "Also, if Pyro is going to take part in the counter attack he'll need a blowtorch, several lighters, some matches, and maybe several flares.."

"Molotov cocktails are easy to make and could be used by anyone. You should be able get the supplies back at school, if they aren't here," she adds helpfully. Temper turns to Magento "Or do you have military incendiaries?"

A true clone would have different fingerprints, but.." He trailed off.
"But a true clone would take a long time to grow. Plus there's the flying vehicle and energy weapons... I always knew that technological advances were hidden or hoarded away, but I never thought that there could be this much of a difference."

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