[KK]Game 2: When Compost Attacks! (Encounter 2 pending)


First Post
Erdric exalts in his expert shooting.

[sblock]Archer's Glory. Unfortunately, nothing in the power gives you the ability to spend more AP per encounter, and I haven't seen any faq or errata stuff for it. [/sblock]

[sblock=ooc] Ah, but I haven't used an action point yet this encounter, so I can save my starting AP for next combat...[/sblock]

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Starwinds will launch a sacred flame at the electric plant granting Torment another save, then move wx4 then NW

The pure lance of Radiance slams into the heart of the plant and Starwinds harvests the victory through her holy symbols power.
Devastating Critical+ 3d6 from symbol
edit actually 1d10+3d8
+1 from previous d10 roll (3d8=15)
use the symbols daily power to gain 1 AP.
Damage 6+10+1+15 = 32
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Tharos ducks behind the tree and steps next to Torment. He raises his hands and shouts a word of power that seems to shake the ground itself. An earsplitting crack of thunder explodes in the middle of the battlefield, shattering tree branches and pushing foes back.

Minor: maintain wall of fire
Move: S, SE, E
Standard: Thunderlance. The blast is a 6x6 square with the BWD as its upper right corner. Due to arcane reach it doesn't have to be adjacent to me. Attacks vs. Reflex against BB1, BB2, Stormrage, BWD, Xak, including +1 from bless, which I've been forgetting: 32, 17, 20, 34, 23. Damage is 26 on a hit. Here are the push directions for each if it's a hit (I omit BB2, since that's a natural 1):
BB1: W, W, W, N. two of those moves enter a stormcage wall square.
BB2: n/a
Stormrage: NW, N, NW, NW. One of those moves enters a stormcage square.
BWD: NW, NW, N, N. Two of those moves enter stormcage squares, and three of them enter wall of fire squares.
Xak: none

If I understand correctly, forced movement through hazards incurs damage the same as normal movement, so I think that's 20 lightning to BB1, 10 lightning to Stormrage (which heals it, ugh), 20 lightning and 9d6+27=64http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1733292/ fire to the BWD.

After all of this, the stormcage wall disappears.


First Post
Starwinds blasts the Stormrage Shambler straight to its heart, then dodges away from the plants advancing from the east. Her holy power frees Narbel from entanglement.

Hit, Crit, 35 damage. AP gained, daily item power used.
Granted save = 20 Roll Lookup
Since Torment already got free on his own turn, I gave the save to someone else.


Tharos ignores the jolts from the Stormrage Shambler, and unleashes a deafening blast of THUNDER! His attack is aided by the nearby tiefling. The battle briar facing Xak follow his lead and flattens its branches against the ground. Other creatures, plants, and objects in the area are not so quick or lucky. They suffer damage from cacophonic blast, and are lifted off the ground by the shockwave, and the briar witch lands in the wall of fire. The stormrage shambler likes the lightning wall, however, and recharges.

[sblock]Shocked for 5.

+2 bonus from Knight Commander.
1d20+16 → [16,16] = (32) 34 BB 1: HIT
1d20+16 → [1,16] = (17) 19 BB2: MISS
1d20+16 → [4,16] = (20) 22 SR: HIT
1d20+16 → [18,16] = (34) 36 BWD: HIT
1d20+16 → [7,16] = (23) 25 Xak. HIT

The 6x6 area with the BWD as its NE corner also includes Narbel.
Roll Lookup
18 +2= 20 = HIT

BB 1: W, W, W, N. Pushing W is illegal, since it doesn't move the creature away from Tharos (because of the diagonal measuring), so BB 1 is pushed N
Stormrage: NW, N, NW, NW. The Stormrage can't move this far, because it needs to land in its own space and not on top of BB 1. So it only goes NW, N, NW
BWD: NW, NW, N, N.
Xak: none

Entering the wall of fire deals damage, but not on a per square basis.

So the Stormrage heals 10 from the stormcage, using its immediate action.
The Briar Witch takes 20 from the stormcage, and 18 from the fire wall.

Roll Lookup
Roll Lookup

The question of whether or not forcing people into walls and zones allows a save to go prone instead is academic right now, since the briar witch failed anyway, BB 1 wasn't pushed far enough, and the Stormrage eats lightning. I have the question on the rules board for help in future encounters.[/sblock]

[sblock=Status/Initiative: Round 4]

33: Glib. -29 HP. Blessed.
*Cat Burglar's Gambit on BB 2
[sblock=Powers used]Eyebite, E.
Bait and Switch, E
Elven Precision, E
Cat Burglar's Gambit, E

31: Xak. -57 HP. Blessed. 16/18 surges
*Entangle BB 2
[sblock=Powers used]Second Wind, E
Hallowed Circle, D
Channel Divinity, E
Entangling Smite, E

18: Starwinds. -0 HP. Blessed. AP=1. 8/9 surges
*Sacred Flame on Stormrage
[sblock=Powers used]Bless, Daily. Solar Wrath, E. Breath Weapon, E. Split the Sky, E.
Healing Word, 1/2, E
Holy Symbol, D
1/2 daily item powers used.

18: Tharos. -26 HP. Blessed.
[sblock=Powers used]Wall of Fire, D
Stormcage, E
Thunderblast, E

18: Briar Witch Dryad. -224 HP, bloodied. Ongoing 13 radiant. AP=0 Quarry. Cursed.
*Briar Cage Erdric

18: Battle Briar 2. -128 HP, Bloodied. Quarry. Divine Challenged. Immobilized.
*Attack Xak

18: Battle Briar 1. -64. Quarry. Cursed
*Attack Narbel

18: Shambling Mound. -40 HP. Cursed. Eyebited, Reed.
*Charge Reed

17: Erdric. -38 HP. Blessed. Briar Caged: Restrained+ongoing 5 (save ends both), has cover, caged can be destroyed (25 HP, resist 10 all)

[sblock=Powers used]Spray of Arrows, Daily. Evasive Strike, E
COmbined Fire, E
Knockdown shot, E
Archer's Glory, E[/sblock]

17: Reed. Fine. Blessed. Concealed.

[sblock=Powers used]Bewitching Whispers, encounter. Will of the Feywild, E. Otherwind Stride, E.[/sblock]

14: Narbel. -32 HP. 15/16. Blessed. Briar Caged: Restrained+ongoing 5 (save ends both), has cover, caged can be destroyed (18 HP, resist 10 all, vulnerable cold 5.)

13: Stormrage. -111 HP. Cursed.
*Double Attack Tharos

12: Torment. -21 HP. Blessed.
*Lion's Roar on Stormrage, heal Narbel

[sblock=Powers used]Shake it Off, encounter
Lion's Roar, E[/sblock]

Blessed: +1 power bonus to attacks.
[sblock=Restrained]You grant combat advantage. You’re immobilized.
You can’t be forced to move by a pull, a push, or a
You take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.[/sblock]
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First Post
The dryad witch leaves the dangerous wall of fire, and fires a briar cage at Glib. The agile rogue dodges. She finally avoids the pillar of light that was burning her.

[sblock]Burn in the wall of fire for 14. 13 ongoing radiant.
Move: E, E, SE, SE, SE, S, S
Standard: Briar Cage Glib. 20 = MISS
Roll Lookup

Save versus radiant = success
Roll Lookup[/sblock]

Xak's battle briar counterattacks unsuccessfully, but the thorns entangling the area grow into Xak and Glib.

[sblock]Thorns aura does 5 to Glib and Xak.
Attack Xak. Miss. Roll Lookup


The other, less damaged, plant advances into the midst of the group and fires of a thorn burst. Narbel and its ally are wounded and slowed by the thorns; Tharos and Torment jump over the low spray.

Move: SE, SE, S, S, SW
C Thorn Burst (standard; at-will)
Close burst 2; +17 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 1 damage, plus the target is
slowed until the end of the warthorn battlebriar’s next turn.
Roll Lookup
1d20+17; 1d20+17; 1d20+17; 2d8+1 → [17,17] = (34) Narbel: HIT
1d20+17; 1d20+17; 1d20+17; 2d8+1 → [6,17] = (23) Tharos: MISS
1d20+17; 1d20+17; 1d20+17; 2d8+1 → [4,17] = (21) Torment: MISS
1d20+17 → [14,17] = (31): SR: HIT
Roll Lookup

1d20+17; 1d20+17; 1d20+17; 2d8+1 → [7,7,1] = (15) and slow until the end of BB 1's next turn.[/sblock]

The shambling mound finally has time to use both of vine tentacles, but Torment is able to avoid its crushing embrace.

Regen 5.
Move: NW, W, W, W
Enveloping Double Attack on Torment. MISS, MISS
Roll Lookup[/sblock]

[sblock=Status/Initiative: Round 4]

33: Glib. -29 HP. Blessed.
*Cat Burglar's Gambit on BB 2
[sblock=Powers used]Eyebite, E.
Bait and Switch, E
Elven Precision, E
Cat Burglar's Gambit, E

31: Xak. -57 HP. Blessed. 16/18 surges
*Entangle BB 2
[sblock=Powers used]Second Wind, E
Hallowed Circle, D
Channel Divinity, E
Entangling Smite, E

18: Starwinds. -0 HP. Blessed. AP=1. 8/9 surges
*Sacred Flame on Stormrage
[sblock=Powers used]Bless, Daily. Solar Wrath, E. Breath Weapon, E. Split the Sky, E.
Healing Word, 1/2, E
Holy Symbol, D
1/2 daily item powers used.

18: Tharos. -26 HP. Blessed.
[sblock=Powers used]Wall of Fire, D
Stormcage, E
Thunderblast, E

18: Briar Witch Dryad. -251 HP, bloodied. AP=0 Quarry. Cursed. Concealed.
*Briar Cage Glib

18: Battle Briar 2. -128 HP, Bloodied. Quarry. Divine Challenged. Immobilized.
*Attack Xak

18: Battle Briar 1. -64. Quarry. Cursed
*Thorn Burst

18: Shambling Mound. -35 HP. Cursed. Eyebited, Reed.
*Enveloping Tendrils on Torment

17: Erdric. -38 HP. Blessed. Briar Caged: Restrained+ongoing 5 (save ends both), has cover, caged can be destroyed (25 HP, resist 10 all)

[sblock=Powers used]Spray of Arrows, Daily. Evasive Strike, E
COmbined Fire, E
Knockdown shot, E
Archer's Glory, E[/sblock]

17: Reed. Fine. Blessed. Concealed.

[sblock=Powers used]Bewitching Whispers, encounter. Will of the Feywild, E. Otherwind Stride, E.[/sblock]

14: Narbel. -47 HP. 15/16. Blessed. Slowed.

13: Stormrage. -126 HP, Bloodied. Slowed. Cursed.
*Double Attack Tharos

12: Torment. -21 HP. Blessed.
*Lion's Roar on Stormrage, heal Narbel

[sblock=Powers used]Shake it Off, encounter
Lion's Roar, E[/sblock]

Blessed: +1 power bonus to attacks.
[sblock=Restrained]You grant combat advantage. You’re immobilized.
You can’t be forced to move by a pull, a push, or a
You take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.[/sblock]
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First Post
Wincing in pain as the thorny cage bites into his flesh again, Erdric puts two arrows to his bowstring and fires them together toward the wounded battle briar. Not finished, he finds a moment of focus in the midst of the battle. His eyes narrow as he picks out the form of the witch who trapped him in the cage as she moves around the fighting. He draws his bow once more, feeling his helmet sharpen his sight, and lets loose a guided shot.

[sblock=ooc] Take 5 ongoing damage
Standard Action: twin strike vs BB2, hits AC 17 for 14, hits AC 27 for 10 those attack rolls should be 1 higher due to battlefield experience.
Minor Action: Trigger Helm of the Eagle (+2 on next attack this turn)
Move Action: I wish... :p
Action Point (recover 10 hp thanks to Torment): Hawk's Talon vs. BWD (ignores cover and concealment) at +21 (-2 cage, +1 quarry, +2 Helm of the Eagle), hits AC 35 for 30 damage
Save fails[/sblock]


First Post
Quick results for other players' targeting:

[sblock]The shots miss BB 2 (cover from the Stormrage prevents the second from hitting.

BWD is hit and dies.[/sblock]


First Post
Quick results for other players' targeting:

[sblock]The shots miss BB 2 (cover from the Stormrage prevents the second from hitting.

BWD is hit and dies.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc] Point Blank Shot allows me to ignore cover/concealment within 5 squares...[/sblock]


First Post
I forgot something else on Tharos's turn.
Honor and Glory - Adjacent allies gain a +2 bonus to hit
Going back to edit.[/sblock]

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