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TURTLEDOME!: Battle Bone (DM: KenHood, Judge: Lord S.)


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Hadarai calmly enters the door, his hand resting relaxed upon the longsword's handle, light shield loosely strapped above the forearm. The environment is making him curious. It seems all the comedy and clamour are nothing more than a facade. The place is well organized, and clearly lead seriously. Let's see who runs this place, he thinks.

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Emral leaves the group only momentarily, running over to the Chess Set vendor and looking for a portable version of the elementals Chess set. If he finds one (that won't hamper his weight allowance and can fit in one of his belt pouches) he points to it. How much?, accepting only reasonable fees, and keeping an eye on the Skull-Jesters. If the fee is more than 3gp (hefty, considering Inn accomodations) he rubs his chin. Can you keep one aside for me? I'm on in a little bit, and I gotta meet this Pinch guy.

****running back to the group*****

Emral walks in as well. Follow the leader for me, I suppose.


The half-elf tags along with the group, walking along through the mind-blowing interior of the Turtledome with his mouth open and an shocked expression on his face. As they move deeper into the gaping maw of the fantastic turtle he turns when the cry of a bird of prey reaches their ears. Finnian turns and answers with a loud whistle and then trudges along faithfully as the party moves to meet with Mr. Pinch.

Sensing the change in tone as they enter the atrium, Finnian comes alert and pushes up to the door as Hadarai and Emral walk in.

Let's get this show on the road, shall we?

[sblock=OOC]My character is linked in my sig.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Emral]The shops are closed right now, but you can see the price tags through the window.

The 'Legion of Bone' chess set has a marble base, about 1 1/2 feet square. It's a bit hefty--both in mass and price. 100 GP. Little necromantic sigils decorate the base and the pieces. It may be enchanted.

A pewter statue of the Three Storms fills about the same space as a 6" cube. Its a dramatic scene of the three elementals, floating on clouds, while performing kung fu poses. It looks to be about 3 GP.

You can come back later and buy if you wish.[/sblock]

The skull lord harrumphs as Hadarai steps past him. "The nerve of some people."

"We were going to introduce him."

"**** it."

He stomps off, back towards the elevator. The bells on his staff ring, punctuating each step he takes. He mutters as he the door closes. "I remember, back in the day, before I died, people had a thing... It's been so long since I've experienced it, I can't remember what it was called."

"Do you mean, 'manners'?"

"Yes. I think that's it."

The elevator door closes.


The doorway opens onto a balcony overlooking the coliseum. The morning sun shines through the open roof. You can see the entire stadium is carved from turtle shell in smooth, flowing curves.

You can see from the furnishings, the balcony is sort of an office. Though it has an informal air about it.

Seated in a large, but comfortable wicker chair is the Chairman of TURTLEDOME!, Mr. Aggravus Pinch. The oni, twice the height of a human, holds a newspaper. He wears a red velvet bed-robe, spectacles, and bear-skin slippers. (You can tell its bear skin, because the preserved heads of the bears decorate the top of his feet.) His hair has been teased to stand straight in the air, moving lazily in the breeze. His locks almost add another man-height to him. Beside him is a folding table with an urn of coffee and various breakfast dumplings.

"Oh, hello," he says, looking behind you with some degree of expectation.

After a moment, he raises an eyebrow, shows a hint of dissappointment. The he smiles a winning, professional smile, exposing the best parts of his polished tusks. "I am Aggravus Pinch," says he. Then, he sweeps an arm, encompassing the view, "And this is my creation, TURTLEDOME!"

He stands and bows. "Please, don't stand on formalities for my sake. Have a seat," he says gesturing at some nearby--more normal sized chairs--and then he offers some his breakfast dumplings, "Have a treat."

[sblock=Insight DC 12]You notice that the arrangement of the furniture is open. There are no desks or tables between yourself and Mr. Pinch. Also, your chairs are on a raised portion of the patio, allowing you to look eye-to-eye with the Chairman. Obviously, this is arranged to keep you at ease.[/sblock]

"Here," he says, ringing a small bell, "Let me summon one of the staff to make you more comfortable. I'm surprised that no one came in with you, and I apologize for the discourtesy."

A marilith (in black, frilly, low-cut maid's outfit) appears. She offers you a variety of snacks and drinks. [OOC: You can act this out if you wish.]

Once you are settled, Mr. Pinch eases back into his chair. He makes an expansive gesture, spreading his hands. "So, tell me. Who do you want to fight?"


Emral walks in and sits down when the seat is offered. He listens to the Oni's words, and tucks his feet up under himself, sitting cross-legged, on the chair.

As the Marilith comes passes by with the tray he looks at the (turtleshell?) cups. Sorry, I don't drink coffee. Erm, tea, Earl Grey... Hot. Please and thank you. he quickly adds the last as an afterthought, partly because of the institution's apparent preference for manners and formalities, and partly ...well, having a Marilith spit in his tea would be the least of his worries if she wasn't a magically-bound slave.

[sblock=ooc]Um, is she one of the attractive Mariliths, or the 3.x hideous variety? I've been around since 2e, so I like to check with DMs on this one. the 4e MM has long red hair, and this one has a maid's suit, so I'm hoping...

As an aside, while I really enjoy comedy with certain types of humour, especially when sitting back and joking around in my volunteer time, before I add in my franch-maid humour (if I think of anything) is everyone ok with this sort of thing? Innuendo rather than direct "woo, B**bies!" jokes, obviously. Like, say, Venture Bros. level humor?[/sblock]

Well, and thank you for the hospitality... we have discussed the Skeletons as one option. I for one have some other questions, such as the environments we would be fighting in. Before choosing opponents, obviously.
What is the Turtle? A contruct, or an actual creature? And the arena floor, does it change during battles? What would the Skeleton fight look like?
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First Post
After following the skull lord, uneventfully, up to the door, Vaunea finds herself watching the skull lord enter the elevator.

"Vaunea want song after! You make song of Vaunea's power." She watches the elevator close before turning her attention back to the door. By the point, she notices her companions are already through and decides to enter with a flash. Once again, she bursts through the doorway and comes fourth with a flourish (for a Minotaur, at least). "Vaunea want FIIIIIIGHT!"

Noticing the others sitting around to a nice cup of tea, Vaunea looks around for a corner to hold up and heads for it quietly, her eyes never leaving Mr. Pinch.


First Post
At the mention of Earl Grey tea, the marilith bristles. "Earl Grey, huh?" she says in a mock refined accent.

Smoke seeps from her ears. "I guess you'll want to stir it with that stick up your ***. ****, every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks he's a model of sophistication if he orders that ***** swill. ****, why don't you just wear a sign around your neck that says, 'I think I'm smarter than you.' ****** *****."

She slams the teacup into your hands, splashing you with the hot brew.

"And I swear to the ***** Abyss, if you ask for a scone, I will ***** shove it up your *****, you ****** ****** ****** ******."

She starts to turn away, but whirls around and shoves a finger in your face.

"******* thinks I'M a ******* slave. ******* you and the ******* high-horse that you ******* rode in on, ******* ******."

She hurls her serving tray on the floor, shattering the porcelain. Then, she vanishes in a puff of smoke.

[sblock=About Mariliths...]Yeah, she's the hot 4E version.

And she's apparently telepathic. :D[/sblock]

Well, and thank you for the hospitality... we have discussed the Skeletons as one option.
Mr. Pinch is unfazed by the marilith's reaction. "Ah, the Legion of Bone. At least, I assume that's the skeletons to whom you refer."

I for one have some other questions, such as the environments we would be fighting in.
A reasonable question, but one to which you shall not receive an answer, save that the environment in which you fight shall not be inimical to your particular biology.

What is the Turtle? A contruct, or an actual creature?
Mr. Pinch smiles, but does not respond to the question.

And the arena floor, does it change during battles?
Mr. Pinch chuckles and sips his coffee.

What would the Skeleton fight look like?
Mr. Pinch grins from ear to ear. His tusks are very large. "It usually looks like a lot of skeletons jumping on adventurers who start screaming things like, 'Oh Gods, please stop hitting me!' or 'Not in the face! Not in the face!' Quite a crowd pleaser."
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At the mention of Earl Grey tea, the marilith bristles. "Earl Grey, huh?" she says in a mock refined accent.

Smoke seeps from her ears. "I guess you'll want to stir it with that stick up your ***. ****, every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks he's a model of sophistication if he orders that ***** swill. ****, why don't you just wear a sign around your neck that says, 'I think I'm smarter than you.' ****** *****."

She slams the teacup into your hands, splashing you with the hot brew.

"And I swear to the ***** Abyss, if you ask for a scone, I will ***** shove it up your *****, you ****** ****** ****** ******."

She starts to turn away, but whirls around and shoves a finger in your face.

"******* thinks I'M a ******* slave. ******* you and the ******* high-horse that you ******* rode in on, ******* ******."

She hurls her serving tray on the floor, shattering the porcelain. Then, she vanishes in a puff of smoke.

[sblock=About Mariliths...]Yeah, she's the hot 4E version.

And she's apparently telepathic. :D[/sblock]

Emral looks blankly at her during the tirade, realizing the telepathy, and trying desperately not to think the words popping into his head.
[sblock=ooc] It's not a stick, it's a wand; I don't need a sign, it should be obvious; I'm also fireproof... oh well.[/sblock]

Instead he gives her a warm smile and a Thanks for the tea, and I hope you have a nice day:D:D

Voidrunner's Codex

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