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[D20 Modern] Paths of Legend: Shadowgate (IC)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

The doctor nods to Howie, "No, you're free to go Mr. Blaise."

OOC: Where is Howie going from here?

Connor is greeted by a med tech, "Come on in and let's get this over with shall we?"

"have fun," says howie to conner humorouslessly, "hey doc, where can i find Lt. Jameson?"

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Amy turned to Wilson, smiling slightly.

"Well alot of weird stuff have been happening recently, I'll take on board any advice I can get."

Turning back to Danny she lent back in.

"So tell me about who these people are, everything, if I'm going in there I want to be prepared, and any information you can tell about these aliens, I'd like to know." Amy paused for a second thinking. "Though, I would of thought you should tell the higher ups, they might be able to do more than I can about it."


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OOC: I'm going to slightly shift when I update this game to Wednesdays (which is today ;). So, Shayuri, if you could get a post in soon, that would be appreciated. :D


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Janice shakes Nathan's hand gently, then answers, "We happened to have a Bermudan on the initial discovery crew. The team that found the crystal in '02. Then we figured out we could off small shards without harming the crystal and we used those to find more Bermudans, like Connor."

"Riiiight...Bermudans." Nathan grins a little doofily at the handshake, then quickly shakes it off as the immediate engineering problems tug his mind away.

"So a Bermudan can find these crystals...and the crystals can find Bermudans...so either one can... Of course, we can't exactly use a modified human brain as a component so..." He looks up at Janice. "Do you have paper? And a pencil? Or a blackboard...something."

"The trick is that with the exception of those EM resonances within the crystal, there's no way to...alright, no that's not true. We just need to figure out what it's doing when it doesn't look like it's doing anything..."

He paces away as he mutters to himself, then whirls to face Janice again. "I need one of the smaller shards. Or two...maybe three, just in case. And I need a list of the Bermudans."

His watch beeps again. Nathan glances at it and his shoulders sag. "And I have to go get my physical."

(OOC - I noticed the others doing this, so I'll assume Nathan has to as well. :))


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Janice smirks, "Have fun with that."

She pauses a moment, "I didn't explain Bermudans, did I? Oops. It actually isn't a very accurate term, or even really politically correct. Its just that the crystal was randomly activating and causing disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle prior to being discovered and brought here in 2002. We figured out that the vanished cases actually appeared in other times...time travel, essentially. When they later settled down in their new time and had children, those children and their descendants have the same energy signature in their brains as the crystal and a high probability of developing psionic ability. Telekinesis, telepathy, that sort of stuff."

Janice retrieves a crystal sliver from a locked specimen case in the back of the room, "We have a very limited supply of these things so any experimentation you need to do will have to be cleared through me, be done with this single shard, and very carefully documented. Ok?"

The Mess Hall

Danny frowns, "The higher-ups won't believe me. I'm just a tech. And, I admit, it is a little far fetched. See, those aliens in the portal room, they are fairly prominently featured in that D&D game I was telling you out about. I know, I know, it sounds insane, but the creatures in the game have the ability to make darkness, just like the ones that attacked the portal room. That can't be coincidence."

Lt. Jameson's Quarters

Howie finds Lt. Jameson in one of the temporary officer quarters on the second level.

"Hey, Howie. Hell of a lot to take in, isn't it? Well, it'll probably make more sense when you watch the video you left for yourself."


The med-tech on duty shrugs, "Your ears aren't pointed enough for that." She calls back to the x-ray room, "Prep the MRI equipment for Mr. Spock here."

Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio
[sblock=The Contents of the Manilla Envelope]The envelope contained photocopies of personnel reports and mission briefs on the first trip through the Shadowgate, one year ago.

The mission personnel were...

Mission Leader, Air Force Lieutenant Peter Jameson

Army Specialist Howie Blaise

Army Specialist John Williams

Navy Petty Officer Danica Greer

Marine Corporal Thomas Morgan

Air Force Staff Sergeant Caleb Martin

Civilian scientist Doctor Zachary Logan

Each personnel file contains a picture. The report is written by Lt. Jameson.

"The initial activation of the crystal device sent us to an unexpected destination. According to Dr. Logan, we overshot our planned time period by about a thousand years.

The environment we found ourselves in was under a floating land mass of massive size. The perpetual darkness made land navigation difficult. We were attacked regularly at night by blind, humanoid creatures with primitive weapons.

We survived in this environment for more than a year, encountering other, less hostile, humanoids of several, apparently different species.

Dr. Logan was finally able to locate the shadowgate crystal to get us home but we were attacked by highly advanced creatures of unknown origin. Humanoid, black-skinned, that demonstrated the ability to create darkness.

Our team was seperated, Blaise and Morgan captured by the enemy. Rescue operation was a success and we also retrieved a human infant being held in the alien compound.

Dr. Logan reactivated the Shadowgate from our end but we again overshot our mark, this time arriving in 1984. We were forced to make contact with Dr. Logan's younger self, as well as his research assistant, Harvey Storm. Although it took a couple of months, we were finally able to travel by boat to the site where the Crystal was found in 2002 and the older Dr. Logan successfully activated the crystal to send us home.

However, the younger Dr. Logan was lost at sea. The older Dr. Logan opted to remain in 1984 with the infant we discovered in the alien compound. It should be noted that from our perspective, Dr. Logan was the scientist in charge of the expedition that discovered the Shadowgate Crystal but when we returned we learned that Harvey Storm led that expedition.

I'm not an expert in time travel, but that indicates to me that we made a change to the timeline when the younger Dr. Logan died in 1984."

Morgan included a hand-written note, "While Howie and I were held captive in the alien compound, we were tortured and interrogated. Howie was killed and replaced by some sort of shape-shifting humanoid creature. After we returned home the government forced us to undergo hypnotherapy that made us forget the entire mission. Williams committed suicide. Greer attempted suicide and is currently in a mental institution. Martin killed four people and was himself killed by police. I'm currently AWOL. I've made contact with Dr. Logan and the girl, who Dr. Logan raised as his daughter, naming her Karyn. Dr. Logan was able to reverse the hypnotherapy on me. I now remember everything. I'm going to attempt to make contact with Harvey Storm's son, Max. By my reckoning, if it weren't for the changes we made to the timeline Max wouldn't even exist...in the world we returned to, Max's mother is Michelle Storm. In the world we left, she was Michelle Logan, with no kids."[/sblock]

Harvey catches up to Max as the wing of the hospital is evacuated and a fire truck arrives, "I don't suppose you know anything about this, do you?"


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The med-tech on duty shrugs, "Your ears aren't pointed enough for that." She calls back to the x-ray room, "Prep the MRI equipment for Mr. Spock here."

Connor gave the med tech a "Live Long and Prosper" handsign; and for the first time in a very, very long time, Connor smiled genuinely. It was a small, slight thing, but it was there, nonetheless. "When I'm done here, where can I go to get this mullet buzzed off?" he asked the tech as he headed into the MRI room.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Sir," howie shakes his head in disbelief with a very pained expression on his face, " I think I am getting to know why the others have had psycotic break downs. done of this makes a bit of sense. i just found out i am 2 years oleder then i should be. This is really messed up, Ell Tee."

*S I G H *

"IF you say i sent my self a video and it might explain stuff, i guess i better see the vedio. Where may i view it sir? and will it self destruct in five seconds after it is does like in Mission Impossible as well?"
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