A Tale Of Lonely Whispers


Theodore was having a nightmare. Warsavage and his fellow knights had driven off the first wave of undead that had attacked town at dusk, but soon darkness had overtaken them. They had lit a number of bonfires out past their defensive line, fed them with dead bodies, but they were slowly sputtering out. Just beyond the light of the flames shuffling of many feet could be heard. Then a cacophonous moaning arose and the horde advanced into the dying light. Rotting, shambling corpses dressed in torn and filthy clothing of all kinds, including bloody uniforms of Lastwall worn over rent and battered armour. Suddenly the undead were upon them, and it was all Theodore could do to chop and hack apart his fallen countrymen and -women as they reached him. Friends and comrade were falling left and right, and suddenly he heard a wailing behind him. He turned, and in that moment he saw his wife stumbling towards him, sobbing tears of blood, her life pouring out from multiple mortal wounds. And in her arms was their young daughter. But as terrible as the scene was, nothing could prepare him for the horror of the realization that their daughter... had already been turned. She was clawing and biting at her mother. But as Theodore took a step closer he was tackled from behind - the horde was on him. He screamed - and the scene shifted. The ground beneath him was hard, but it was moving, bumping up and down. He was in a wagon, and they were riding hard. Warsavage struggled to get up. Behind the wagon the horde was coming, a wave of corpses stumbling over one another. He blinked and they were right behind the wagon! Clawing to get up and inside - to get at him. He tried to scream again - but there was no sound. A nearly skeletal form clawed its way over the others and into the wagon, its bony hands grasping at his fe-

Suddenly everything goes black. Warsavage frantically cast about, breathing heavily, covered in a cold sweat. Where did they go? Down past his feet there is a faint scraping sound. He pulls himself up into a sitting position and his eyes begin to make sense of the dim light. He is in a cramped room with dark walls and a stone floor. At the far end of the room is a set of iron bars, only faintly illuminated by flickering light from what is likely a torch. He can smell the burning pitch. But there is a shadowy figure clawing at the lock. What is it!? Wait... this is the prison. Theodore is in Molthune. This isn't Lastwall. Suddenly there is a click and the iron doors begin to swing inward. He can feel the fear rising again as he struggles to his feet and gets ready to defend himself.

"Not a ghost," comes the whisper of a husky, feminine-sounding voice. "Though you look like you've seen a few of those." Theodore can make out the shadowy outline of a woman now as she approaches, though he cannot quite discern her features yet. "I'm making a break for it, and I'm guessing you've had enough of the Molthune military's hospitality too. So whaddya say? Want to chance it with me, or should I let you get back to sleeping and whatever is haunting you?"

He paused a moment to collect his thoughts. Theodore had mostly tried to avoid the attention of his fellow prisoners in the time he had spent in this cell. He only rarely went out to the yard, and mostly only because they were forced to when a crew came to clean. He should probably have been thankful that authorities here were into hygiene like that - in many places they would happily throw you down a hole and wait for you to die in your own filth. There were not that many female prisoners in this jail though and if he had to guess this might be that woman he had caught looking his way once or twice. She had had a vaguely orcish look about her, though at a glance you might have thought her pallid skin was a sign of sickliness. Especially given her wiry build. That woman had had a thick mane of coarse hair too, somewhere between dirty blonde and chestnut brown, which fit with the silhouette before him.

"The guards have a schedule, and I gotta get moving," the voice comes again. "So are you staying in, or are you getting out?"

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Molthune prison

Theodore was still breathing heavily from the nightmare as he stared at the shadow in the now open doorway. Thoughts of his wife and daughter still haunted his vision, of turning and cutting them down himself, to spare them the horrors of undeath -- to spare himself the horror of remembering them that way.

Theo shook himself out of the nightmarish reverie. What was out there for him? Why should he escape? But then, what was there for him in this prison but death? Death might be welcome. But he heard his father’s voice in his head. Stop being useless! His father was a hard, ambitious man. If Theo was to die, perhaps he could get himself killed doing something useful to the world.

“I’m coming,” Theo said, his voice raspy from disuse. He pulled himself up and joined the woman at the door, trying to stare into the gloom. He had nothing but the ragged clothes on his back. If this was some sort of trap, a temptation, well, he might take some of these prison bastards with him. The guards in these places were often little more than the criminals themselves.

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler


The woman nods and turns to head back into the corridor, turning rightward in the direction of the torchlight. As you exit the cell you get a glimpse of her face, her expression one of purpose - it is indeed the orcish-looking woman. She waves you forward and the two of you begin to creep down the hallway. From this angle it is hard to make out anything more about her other than the glow of the flames in her unkept hair, but as you the light slowly gets brighter you think the back of her prison tunic has been torn open horizontally and - is that blood slowly soaking into the dusty material?

The corridor suddenly takes a sharp turn to the left as you reach the ensconced torch. "One of the guards should be just up in the room ahead," whispers the woman to you. "We need to get the jump on him else we are going to be in for a rough night. If we can get a hold of his key we can unlock the door that leads to the old garbage shute." She does not really elaborate on the plan past that point but it seems a bit self-explanatory.

As you look ahead you can indeed see that the corridor appears to open up into a better lit room ahead. And with some light at your back you get a clearer look at the tear in the back of her garb and the ugly looking gash across her back underneath. You have seen enough blood to know the wound is fresh, likely incurred during this escape attempt. But there is little time to worry about that now as you have reached the guardroom!

OOC: Roll Stealth for initiative.


Molthune prison

Theodore considered the orcish woman’s wound. That would need to be treated soon, though he didn't have the supplies. He would have to deal with that later. Right now he had to focus on getting the keys off the guard without him raising the alarm. He charged into the room at the guard.

Stealth initiative: 1D20+2 = [8]+2 = 10

Assuming it’s a small room, I will Stride, Power Attack. If the distance is farther than 25, then I will Sudden Charge (Stride, Stride/Strike, Disarm or Trip, if he isn’t armed)
Action: Stride
Action: Power Attack
Action: Unarmed Power Attack: 1D20+10 = [19]+10 = 29
2D4+4 = [4, 3]+4 = 11

If that’s a crit: 22 damage
Use that Strike (29) and first damage (8) after the charge. (If crit, 22 damage).
Disarm (if armed) or Trip (with Athletics with Assurance) 14 vs Reflex DC.

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler


The guardroom is squarish and sparsely equipped with a stout rectangular wooden table, the narrow end which is pushed up against the wall to the left, along with a few wooden chairs. A satchel of some sort sits on the table resting against the wall, and there are a number of empty mugs and some crude dice. The room is lit by a pair of torches on opposite sides of the room, and it appears there are a number of exits, including a door to the left on the opposite wall, one ahead on the wall to the right, and one on the wall to the left.

Then, as predicted, there is the guardsman, sitting at the table with his back turned to you. He has broad shoulders but appears a bit on the thin side. The woman silently creeps up behind him and attempts to bop him on the head, but at the last moment he suddenly moves to stand up and her blow slides completely ineffective by his helm. She attempts to hit him in stomach with her other hand and maybe wind him but her fist does not pair up well against the scales of his hauberk.

The guard splutters for a moment as he gathers his wits and shouts, "Prisoners! They're escaping!" before pulling a lacquered club from his belt and trying to swing it at your fellow escapee but she manages to put her hand on his arm and stymie the blow. And at that moment you charge in and absolutely clobber him with a punch right to the face. He stumbles and keels over, but unfortunately the damage has been done and you hear the sound of a bell being rung.

The orcish woman swears, it sounds like something in the guttural tongue of her people, and practically falls on the guard as she grasps for the keys. "They're will be more here any moment - we've got to get moving through that door!" she proclaims as she pulls the keys off the guardsman's belt and hands them to you, pointing to the wooden and iron door a few steps away on the left side of the room.

OOC: Initiative: Woman 18, Unconscious Guard 14, Theo 10

We are still on combat time. After she hands you the keys you have three actions.


Molthune prison

Theodore took the keys. “Grab whatever weapons he might have,” he told the woman. Theo grabbed up the pack on the table as he passed toward the door. One never knew what might be in it. They could look later. Right now, he focused on unlocking the door.

Action: Stride to door
Action: Grab pack
Action: Unlock door.

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler


Grabbing the lacquered club from where it had come to rest after rolling away from the unconscious guard's hand the woman quickly moves to your side and pushes open the door. "There, on the right," she says, pointing towards another door about twenty feet down another darkened corridor. From the door in this room opposite to you comes the sound of what is likely someone fumbling with keys. "Hurry!" your companion says.

You move down the hallway and come to another stout wooden door banded with iron. Rather than being locked it seems to be secured with an attached iron bar that your are forced to pull up into the open position. But the door does not seem to budge; it is stuck!

OOC: Initiative: Woman 18, Theo 10

I am taking the liberty of assuming you would do the obvious thing with your first two actions mostly because it all leads to saying, 'Make an athletics check to force open the door!' anyway.


Molthune prison

Theo hurried down the corridor to the next door. He grasped the iron bar and grunted, as the door wouldn’t open. He growled and put his shoulder into it, trying to force the door open.

Action: Athletics: 1D02+8 = [1]+8 = 9
And that is possibly a Critical Fail.
Action: If I get extra actions, I will take an Athletics check with Assurance for the next two, giving me a 14.

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler


OOC: Yes, it would be difficult to succeed when you roll 1d02 rather than 1d20, ;) . I will just go ahead and roll again for you with the proper die to keep things moving.

Athletics: 1D20+8 = [14]+8 = 22

Your slam a heavy shoulder into the door and despite its protest you manage to pop it open. It swings inward roughly and you stumble forward but manage to keep your feet. You can barely make out the inside of the gloomy room but you do notice the distinct round shadow of an opening in the middle of the room.

Your shoulder aches a little. You have been stuck in here for a while and lost some of your conditioning. But you do not have long to think about it as your fellow escapee follows you into the room with a breathless, "Freedom!" She takes a moment to look back to you and says, "I hope you do not mind a little dirt, because I doubt it is going to pretty down there." And then she steps forward and takes the plunge. You can hear more guards approaching just down the hall, yelling, "Stay where you are!"


Molthune prison

OOC: Oops! Didn’t notice I had flipped the numbers around! Sorry.

Theodore rubbed his shoulder, peering into the darkness. He didn’t have the night vision of an orc, and only just made out the dark hole in the middle of the room. “What is this place?” But she was already disappearing down the hole, and he could hear the guards yelling at him.

It was now or never. Theo plunged into the hole after the orc woman.


Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

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