A Tale Of Lonely Whispers

Her back is turned to you while she begins to strip off her filthy garb but if Shaveda is disquieted at all by your presence is her undressed state she makes no indication of it. You can clearly see the muscles on her back not covered by bandages and the gash across her back that you did your best to stitch up. But there are other scars there too, matched by some on her arms and legs. She has clearly seen some hard living already in her years.

Shaveda keeps you more or less behind her as she steps into the stream and sits down just before producing a distinct shiver. "I would have preferred a hot bath but it beats having a bucket of water tossed on you." She stretches her legs out in front of her for a moment and you can see the water barely breaks over her thighs and then she draws them back up towards her body a bit and gets to the task of cleaning off all of the acquired dirt and grime from last night. She does not tarry too long before pulling her clothes into the water to clean them off as well, using a couple of rocks from the stream bed to help scrape off the worst of the muck.

Once she has finished cleaning Shaveda gets up and wrings out her clothes before slipping them back on. While she still looks a bit bedraggled with the water dripping from her hair the impromptu bath and afternoon sun peaking between the trees gives you a chance to see her clearly and up close for the first time. Her skin has that pallid greenish-grey tinge to it but she is clearly not ill - that is just the way it is. When her mouth opens you can spot the tiny tusks among her teeth as well. And her are pools of dark brown with flecks of red and orange. But for all that, and the slight point of her ears when you can see them, Shaveda is still possesses a remarkably human sort of attractiveness. You have never heard of anyone orc-blooded being described as beautiful, but as far as you see you may have found yourself in the company of an exception. That said, she is definitely not a "lady".

As you change her bandages you can feel it when your companion winces again. "If we are able to keep heading in the right direction I think it will be past nightfall when we break out of the woods," Shaveda answers. "But us having a call is a good idea. Where I grew up there are these big black birds with bright red beaks that were always making a nuisance of themselves. They were not much to look at though the sound they make might have been soothing had it not heralded having to get up to chase them off again."

Once you are done bandaging her up again Shaveda demonstrates the sound. It takes her a second try before she is satisfied she has done it right herself but she is able to coach you to make a version of it that, while rough, will make do. "Best to get moving then I suppose. Lunch is not going to walk up and introduce itself, that is for sure."

After you both take a drink from the stream you set out again on your trek. You find some more wild berries that Shaveda figures are safe to eat, but between the two of you it does little other than keeping your hunger pangs from growing worse. As you go onward slowly the light dims bit by bit after afternoon fades into evening. At some point your belly lets out a particularly loud grumble which causes Shaveda to snort. But as you roll yours eyes you suddenly catch something through trees that the two of you were about to pass by. It takes a moment for you to spot it a second time as it seems to blend into the forest rather well, certainly as darkness begins to fall. But you think you might have just stumbled onto someone's cabin.

OOC: You are both fatigued now as hunger begins to take its toll.

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Molthune/Duskshroud Forest
Summer/Day 1/Evening

Raised as a gentleman and knight, Theodore kept his back turned from Shaveda as she stripped, bathed, and washed her clothes, busying himself with finding something useful with which to hunt. He turned back when she was dressed again, though the thin, wet rags clung to her feminine curves so as to be less than modest until they dried in the afternoon sun. It had been months since Theo had last felt the touch of his wife, and his masculine instincts couldn’t help but notice the more human attractiveness within the orcish features. He forced himself to focus on the bandages, noting the old scars on her back, as well.

“And just where are you from?” Theo asked as they worked on the bird call, and then started making their way through the forest. “I hail from Taldor, though I’ve made my home in Lastwall these last five years.” He trailed off. “Or I did.”

Theo tried to push his hunger pains down as they made their way, but he had to smile when Shaveda snorted as his rumbling stomach. “I will try for a deer tonight,” he promised her, working through just how he would accomplish that feat. Sharpen a wooden spear? How to get one straight enough? How to sharpen it without tools? Perhaps some flint? Where would he find some? Deer were notoriously skittish, and normally hunted with bow.

His thoughts were interrupted when Shaveda put a hand on his arm. He froze, instinctively becoming more aware of his surroundings, gripping his large branch. Then he saw it through the trees, a cabin.

“Well now, that is a lucky break,” Theo whispered. “Let’s sneak up and see if anyone is home.” After all, dangerous things lived in the woods, some even in cabins, if his childhood stories were right.

Fatigued: -1 AC (15) and saves (7/7/3). Can’t make exploration actions. Recover after a full night’s rest.

Action: Stealth: 1D20+6 = [5]+6 = 11



Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman

Shaveda grimaces and gives a small nod after your question. "Hold of Belkzen born and raised, though I have seen many lands since," she replied. "Urgir, where I am from, is about as 'cosmopolitan' as it gets in the Hold. But it was still a tough place to grow up."

The cabin is not freestanding and is a rather interesting, if somewhat squat, affair that is pushed up against a rock outcropping with a broken tree trunk on top and roots scattered every which way. The sides are made of cut logs, and the sloping roof is green with moss. It is no wonder you nearly missed it - it blends into the surroundings quite well.

Your approach, unfortunately, is not as stealthy as you may have hoped and you rouse what appears to be a cute-looking but overly large badger that had been curled up in front of the wooden door. You can see a number of claw marks on the fading green paint, likely the attempts of this one to gain entry. The badger's hackles raise as is snarls at you, not yet attacking but definitely, it seems, ready for a fight.

"Looks like a lot more pointy objects I am not eager to make the acquaintance of," remarks Shaveda, a cautious expression on her face. "It must regard this as it's territory. If we want to take a look inside we're probably gonna have to get rid of it somehow."

Molthune/Duskshroud Forest
Summer/Day 1/Evening

Theodore nodded as Shaveda recounted her origins. “Fought enough orc raids from Belkzan,” he said. It wasn’t just the minions of the Whispering Tyrant that the knights of Lastwall had to be wary of, though in the conflict that leveled Lastwall, the orcs, at least, hadn’t joined the Whispering Tyrant’s forces, and had even aided the knights in some cases.

Theo approached the hidden cabin and froze when a large badger curled up in front of the door hissed at them.

“Easy, pal,” Theo said, crouching down low. “We aren’t here to hurt anyone. We just need some food.” He pulled out a few of the leftover berries they had and tossed them toward the badger. He tossed them a little bit to the side so the animal would have to move from the door. “Now run off.” He made what he hoped would be a shooing motion to scare the badger off.

Fatigued: -1 AC (15) and saves (7/7/3). Can’t make exploration actions. Recover after a full night’s rest.

Action: Try and Command Animal
Nature: 1D20 = [17] = 17

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman

The badger goes quiet for a moment and turns to look at the berries you tossed. It puts its snout low to the ground and sniffs at them curiously. Turning its heads back towards you it peers at you a moment, then glances towards the berries, and then locks its gaze on you as its lips pull back in an angry snarl!

That is the moment that Shaveda, seeing how the situation was about to go south, springs into action despite her misgivings and barrels past you to take a quick crack at the young badger with her lacquered club. The angry creature instinctively leaps back though before her blow can connect. This moment of surprise though gives you an opening to act.

OOC: Theodore, Nature/Initiative: 1D20 = [10] = 10

Initiative: Shaveda 19, Theodore 10, Badger 9

You can reach the badger with one move.

Molthune/Duskshroud Forest
Summer/Day 1/Evening
Round 1

Theodore cursed as the badger snarled, but Shaveda leaped forward. Theo was close behind, moving up to the animal and bringing his greatclub down hard on the animal.

Fatigued: -1 AC (15) and saves (7/7/3). Can’t make exploration actions. Recover after a full night’s rest.

Action: Stride to the badger
Action: Power Attack (2 actions)
Action: Power attack Greatclub: 1D20+10 = [14]+10 = 24
2D10+4 = [4, 4]+4 = 12

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman

You wallop the young badger with your heavy branch and it stumbles back with a yelp. A pity you had not struck it harder, however, as rather than reassessing the situation and attempting retreat the creatures fur bristles and its eyes become bloodshot as it enters a state of pure, unadultered rage. It leaps straight at you, ferociously clamping down on your shoulder with its jaws, barely missing your neck, and white hot pain fills you as it claws at your stomach while trying to find purchase. In shock you fall backwards and hit the ground, only dimly aware of Shaveda striking wildly at it with her club as everything fades to black...

Molthune/Duskshroud Forest
Summer/Day 1/Evening
Round 2

Theodore gasped, cursing, as the badger leapt at him. He grabbed it, trying to pull it off, until his vision faded into unconsciousness.

Fatigued: -1 AC (15) and saves (7/7/3). Can’t make exploration actions. Recover after a full night’s rest.
Dying 2

Action: Recovery check: 1D20 = [10] = 10
Failed by 1. Drat.

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 0/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman

...You slowly come to as the sunlight fills your eyes. Is it morning? You labour to move and and as you do there is another lance of pain. You can see that your wounds are still open but as you twist to look around you realize that the badger is nowhere to be seen. There is, however, an awful lot of blood splattered on the ground...

Despite the protests of your injured body you wrap your hand around the branch you used to defend yourself and clamber to you feet. It must be morning - which means you have been laying here all night. You look around and there is a trail of blood leading away from where you stand, next to which lies the prison guard's club. Cautiously advancing, branch at the ready, you look down at the ground again and as you do the bottom drops out of your stomach. There, partially obscured by debris from the forest floor that has been kicked up, lies a severed arm with pallid skin.

Against your better judgment you push forward, through some bushes, around the trunk of a large tree. There in a dip in the ground amongst the tree roots the trail of blood comes to an end where lies the remains of your companion, brutalized and feasted upon by the irate badger. Hardly recognizable were it not for the distinct colour of her skin, hair, and the shredded scraps of the Molthuni prison garb clinging here and there. Had you not already seen so much gore and death you might have hurled.

You turn around and hurry back towards the cabin. You can surmise that after you blacked out Shaveda's continued assault drew away the attention of the savage creature. She fell under the flurry of its claws, and after angrily dragging her off for its dinner the badger must have slinked off to its lair to recover from its own injuries rather than return to the cabin to finish you off.

You are alone now, and vulnerable. But you still have you life. You reach the door to the cabin. There does not appear to be a lock, but it is rigged with a mechanism to prevent the door from being opened without simultaneously pulling up a heavy metal tab adjacent to the handle. Undoubtedly for deterring the local wildlife rather than potential looters given the remote location. As the door swings inward you hurriedly slip in and close it behind you.

Looking around the interior of your present refuge is decidedly modest. Across the from door and to the right is a rough-hewn fireplace seemingly cut directly into the adjoining rocks. A number of pots lie on the stone in front of it. You might guess that the broken tree trunk has been hollowed out and serves as the cabin's chimney. To the left of the fireplace is a simple wooden bed with a single thin blanket covering that, and beside that is a wardrobe has been stands up against the wall. To the left of the door is a large wooden box buttressing the other side of the wardrobe. To the right of fireplace there appears to be a number of stoppered wooden jugs, and besides that is hatch in the floor. Directly to your right is a stout table that from the reddish brown discolouration is probably used to carve up game. But right now all that lies there is a broad bladed knife in a homemade leather sheath.

If you had to guess no one has been here in a while. Perhaps the cabin is only used seasonly. But besides the knife there are a few supplies. The wooden box contains a small supply of previously cut firewood, and the wardrobe contains some threadbare but functional clothes, including a faded brown woolen cloak. The jugs, sealed with wax, are filled with clean looking water. But most importantly when you open that hatch in the floor you find a trove of heavily salted venison and some nuts as well. That would do wonders for your groaning belly.

OOC: That was some very lucky rolling on the badger's part. The initial bite crit Theodore for 24 damage, and the follow up was 8 damage, putting him exactly at 0. There was some severe rocket tag there as it was well within the realm of possibility that you would have one shotted him.

In any case after lying on the ground all night Theodore is now at 4 hp.
Last edited:

Molthune/Duskshroud Forest
Summer/Day 1/Morning
Round 0

Sunlight and pain greeted Theodore as he regained consciousness. He groaned and forced himself to do a check of his limbs, then sat up. He was lying in a mess of blood. He winced as he prodded at his open wounds, though the bleeding had stopped. He found his branch-club to help himself to his feet. He found Shaveda’s prison club lying next to a drag trail of blood. He picked it up and tucked it into the rope belt of his prison uniform, just in case.

Hobbling, Theo followed the blood trail, sickened to find Shaveda’s severed arm left in a pile of forest debris. The trail continued around a thick tree trunk until he found the badger’s den among the sprawling roots, and the rest of his companion. Even for one used to the horrors of the battlefield, it was a gruesome sight.

Theo looked to see if Shaveda had any personal effects on her person, then dragged her away from the den and gave her what shallow burial he could, hacking away at the dirt with his club. Out of habit, he said a prayer over her body to whatever god might claim her. Then he turned and hobbled back to the cabin.

The cabin door was rigged with a simple lock, more to keep it closed than to keep out intruders, and it was easy for Theo to work the mechanism. He stepped inside the simple interior and looked around. It appeared to be a hunting cabin, used seasonally, and not currently occupied. Fireplace, simple bed, wardrobe, and a box of firewood, jugs of water, and a cellar of cured venison and nuts.

Theo’s belly groaned, and he grabbed the knife from the dressing table and cut off a chunk of venison, stuffing it into his mouth. He tossed the pack from the prison on the bed and sank down on the hard pallet. He tore his shredded shirt off, wincing as the dried blood tore open again, his head fuzzing a bit from the pain. Still chewing on the venison, Theo poured some of the water from the jugs into one of the pots. He used a clean part of his prison shirt to clean out his wounded shoulder and dug some poultice ingredients from the prison healer kit in his backpack. He dressed his wounds as best he could, then drank down a good draught of fresh water before falling back on the bed again.

Theo tried to think through the pain, tried not to think of the times he’d lain like this on a battlefield, waiting to be found amongst the dead. Would he die here, a rotten corpse to greet the owner of this cabin when he returned, whenever that would be? He had to determine what to do next. Was he far enough away from the prison to be safe? The cabin was fairly well hidden. Could he afford to take time to rest and heal? And he didn’t know where he was. He needed to make a plan. Shaveda had said there was farmland to the south of the forest, and that meant people. It was the best direction until he could get his bearing before heading to the border. She had mentioned a place called Azure Creek, too, she had been looking into. That might be a way to honor her memory, if he stopped by. It would be more dangerous than heading for the border, but what did he have to live for?

Theo drifted off again, rousing himself every hour or so to treat his wounds. He tore up his prison rags for bandages and boiled water to clean bandages. He even used the heated knife to cauterize his wounds as best he could. He started to feel better around midday.

Theo took the opportunity to sleep the night in a real bed. In the morning, he packed up some of the cookware, the smallest water jug, and a week’s worth of the venison and nuts. There was no sense lingering here. He would head south for farm country. He figured that without the prison clothes, he could travel more openly during the day, when it would be easier to pick his path through the forest. In farm country, he would be able to get directions to Azure Creek, or possibly pick up some coin for work.

Theo tried to find a direction, but the tree canopy was thick. It was tough to get a bead on the direction of the sun, and there didn’t appear to be any moss on trees in this area. Finally, Theo picked a direction he thought was south and found a path going that way.

Immune to Battlefield Medicine for 21h
Natural Healing: Con (2) x twice level (4) = 8 hp per day and night of rest

Action: Battlefield Medicine
Medicine: 1D20+4 = [10]+4 = 14
Action: Treat Wounds (Hour 1)
Medicine: 1D20+4 = [3]+4 = 7
Treat Wounds (Hour 2) - using the “treat for 1 hour” rule to double the healing.
Medicine: 1D20+4 = [16]+4 = 20
Hit Points restored: 2D8 = [7, 2] = 9

18 hp
Treat Wounds (Hour 3) - using the “treat for 1 hour” rule to double the healing.
Medicine: 1D20+4 = [17]+4 = 21
Hit points restored: 2D8 = [3, 5] = 8

16 hp
Action: Sense Direction
Survival no compass: 1D20-2 = [1]-2 = -1
Looks like he gets lost :/ Crit fail.

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman

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