Her back is turned to you while she begins to strip off her filthy garb but if Shaveda is disquieted at all by your presence is her undressed state she makes no indication of it. You can clearly see the muscles on her back not covered by bandages and the gash across her back that you did your best to stitch up. But there are other scars there too, matched by some on her arms and legs. She has clearly seen some hard living already in her years.
Shaveda keeps you more or less behind her as she steps into the stream and sits down just before producing a distinct shiver. "I would have preferred a hot bath but it beats having a bucket of water tossed on you." She stretches her legs out in front of her for a moment and you can see the water barely breaks over her thighs and then she draws them back up towards her body a bit and gets to the task of cleaning off all of the acquired dirt and grime from last night. She does not tarry too long before pulling her clothes into the water to clean them off as well, using a couple of rocks from the stream bed to help scrape off the worst of the muck.
Once she has finished cleaning Shaveda gets up and wrings out her clothes before slipping them back on. While she still looks a bit bedraggled with the water dripping from her hair the impromptu bath and afternoon sun peaking between the trees gives you a chance to see her clearly and up close for the first time. Her skin has that pallid greenish-grey tinge to it but she is clearly not ill - that is just the way it is. When her mouth opens you can spot the tiny tusks among her teeth as well. And her are pools of dark brown with flecks of red and orange. But for all that, and the slight point of her ears when you can see them, Shaveda is still possesses a remarkably human sort of attractiveness. You have never heard of anyone orc-blooded being described as beautiful, but as far as you see you may have found yourself in the company of an exception. That said, she is definitely not a "lady".
As you change her bandages you can feel it when your companion winces again. "If we are able to keep heading in the right direction I think it will be past nightfall when we break out of the woods," Shaveda answers. "But us having a call is a good idea. Where I grew up there are these big black birds with bright red beaks that were always making a nuisance of themselves. They were not much to look at though the sound they make might have been soothing had it not heralded having to get up to chase them off again."
Once you are done bandaging her up again Shaveda demonstrates the sound. It takes her a second try before she is satisfied she has done it right herself but she is able to coach you to make a version of it that, while rough, will make do. "Best to get moving then I suppose. Lunch is not going to walk up and introduce itself, that is for sure."
After you both take a drink from the stream you set out again on your trek. You find some more wild berries that Shaveda figures are safe to eat, but between the two of you it does little other than keeping your hunger pangs from growing worse. As you go onward slowly the light dims bit by bit after afternoon fades into evening. At some point your belly lets out a particularly loud grumble which causes Shaveda to snort. But as you roll yours eyes you suddenly catch something through trees that the two of you were about to pass by. It takes a moment for you to spot it a second time as it seems to blend into the forest rather well, certainly as darkness begins to fall. But you think you might have just stumbled onto someone's cabin.
Shaveda keeps you more or less behind her as she steps into the stream and sits down just before producing a distinct shiver. "I would have preferred a hot bath but it beats having a bucket of water tossed on you." She stretches her legs out in front of her for a moment and you can see the water barely breaks over her thighs and then she draws them back up towards her body a bit and gets to the task of cleaning off all of the acquired dirt and grime from last night. She does not tarry too long before pulling her clothes into the water to clean them off as well, using a couple of rocks from the stream bed to help scrape off the worst of the muck.
Once she has finished cleaning Shaveda gets up and wrings out her clothes before slipping them back on. While she still looks a bit bedraggled with the water dripping from her hair the impromptu bath and afternoon sun peaking between the trees gives you a chance to see her clearly and up close for the first time. Her skin has that pallid greenish-grey tinge to it but she is clearly not ill - that is just the way it is. When her mouth opens you can spot the tiny tusks among her teeth as well. And her are pools of dark brown with flecks of red and orange. But for all that, and the slight point of her ears when you can see them, Shaveda is still possesses a remarkably human sort of attractiveness. You have never heard of anyone orc-blooded being described as beautiful, but as far as you see you may have found yourself in the company of an exception. That said, she is definitely not a "lady".
As you change her bandages you can feel it when your companion winces again. "If we are able to keep heading in the right direction I think it will be past nightfall when we break out of the woods," Shaveda answers. "But us having a call is a good idea. Where I grew up there are these big black birds with bright red beaks that were always making a nuisance of themselves. They were not much to look at though the sound they make might have been soothing had it not heralded having to get up to chase them off again."
Once you are done bandaging her up again Shaveda demonstrates the sound. It takes her a second try before she is satisfied she has done it right herself but she is able to coach you to make a version of it that, while rough, will make do. "Best to get moving then I suppose. Lunch is not going to walk up and introduce itself, that is for sure."
After you both take a drink from the stream you set out again on your trek. You find some more wild berries that Shaveda figures are safe to eat, but between the two of you it does little other than keeping your hunger pangs from growing worse. As you go onward slowly the light dims bit by bit after afternoon fades into evening. At some point your belly lets out a particularly loud grumble which causes Shaveda to snort. But as you roll yours eyes you suddenly catch something through trees that the two of you were about to pass by. It takes a moment for you to spot it a second time as it seems to blend into the forest rather well, certainly as darkness begins to fall. But you think you might have just stumbled onto someone's cabin.