Alone in a strange wilderness that you are now all too aware harbours dangerous predators you are much on edge as you make your way through the brush in what you hope is the right direction. After three hours of trekking with no break in the trees you start to become worried. Were you not supposed to have been nearing the edge of Duskshroud by now? But you have little choice but to forge onward. Four hours on, then five. You begin to convince yourself that you have somehow gotten turned around and are heading back deeper into the forest. But as you approach the sixth hour of your hike off in the distance the way starts to clear. You surge forward towards what you hope is freedom from this infernal maze.
When you finally look up at the sun, unobscured, it appears to be mid-afternoon and what claimed your companion is behind you. The end of the third day since your escape is slowly approaching but the Molthuni plains now stretch out before you, criss-crossed by farmland and villages. You move forward, pushing through some weedy grass, and suddenly finding yourself standing on a roadway that seems to run along the edge of the forest here, as roads often seem wont to do. Looking to the right and then the left you do not see anyone in the immediate vicinity. But you figure if you head to the left that should start you in the direction of the border and given the abundance of this area that Shaveda described you imagine you will come upon a settlement soon enough.
When you finally look up at the sun, unobscured, it appears to be mid-afternoon and what claimed your companion is behind you. The end of the third day since your escape is slowly approaching but the Molthuni plains now stretch out before you, criss-crossed by farmland and villages. You move forward, pushing through some weedy grass, and suddenly finding yourself standing on a roadway that seems to run along the edge of the forest here, as roads often seem wont to do. Looking to the right and then the left you do not see anyone in the immediate vicinity. But you figure if you head to the left that should start you in the direction of the border and given the abundance of this area that Shaveda described you imagine you will come upon a settlement soon enough.