A Tale Of Lonely Whispers

Alone in a strange wilderness that you are now all too aware harbours dangerous predators you are much on edge as you make your way through the brush in what you hope is the right direction. After three hours of trekking with no break in the trees you start to become worried. Were you not supposed to have been nearing the edge of Duskshroud by now? But you have little choice but to forge onward. Four hours on, then five. You begin to convince yourself that you have somehow gotten turned around and are heading back deeper into the forest. But as you approach the sixth hour of your hike off in the distance the way starts to clear. You surge forward towards what you hope is freedom from this infernal maze.

When you finally look up at the sun, unobscured, it appears to be mid-afternoon and what claimed your companion is behind you. The end of the third day since your escape is slowly approaching but the Molthuni plains now stretch out before you, criss-crossed by farmland and villages. You move forward, pushing through some weedy grass, and suddenly finding yourself standing on a roadway that seems to run along the edge of the forest here, as roads often seem wont to do. Looking to the right and then the left you do not see anyone in the immediate vicinity. But you figure if you head to the left that should start you in the direction of the border and given the abundance of this area that Shaveda described you imagine you will come upon a settlement soon enough.

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Molthune/Duskshroud Forest
Summer/Day 3/Afternoon
Round 0

Theodore pushed through the forest path. At times, it seemed little more than a game trail. The heat under the canopy was rather oppressive as the day went on, and he slapped at bugs. He drank sparingly of his water unless he crossed a creek or stream bed. Then he drank his fill and refilled his jug before heading on. It seemed to be taking longer than it should, but it was difficult to tell time without the benefit of the sun.

Finally the trees gave way to tall grass, and Theo gave a sigh of relief. Of course, the summer heat was even more oppressive in the open. He judged it around mid-afternoon. He kept south. The bugs weren’t much better, and now he had the grasses scratching at his arms. Finally he reached a rise in the ground that turned out to be a roadway. He sighed with relief. A road meant a relative return to civilization, and a way to get proper directions. Roads led somewhere. He now had a destination, even if he didn’t know where it was.

Theo turned left, heading for the border. He figured there would be a settlement along the way, and he could ask about the way to Azure Creek, or head for the border, if the locals didn’t know.

Immune to Battlefield Medicine for 15h
Natural Healing: Con (2) x twice level (4) = 8 hp per day and night of rest


Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman

You begin down the road. A short while later you hear the faint clip-clop of hooves behind you and when you turn to look back you can see that a horse-drawn wagon with some kind of covering strapped over its cargo slowly coming your way. The driver wears an olive green tunic and a straw hat, though it is still to far to see his face, but the horse is a brown and white pinto.

Your gaze returns to the path ahead. In the distance you can see the faint traces of smoke in the air. Chimney smoke no doubt, though the only heating that needs to do be done right now is for food. You estimate that it will be another half an hour or so before you reach it.

Slowly but surely the beating of hooves against the road grows louder as the wagon pulls up beside you. When you turn to look again at the man you see that is a older and rather well weathed. But his mouth is twisted in distaste as he peers back at you. He must think you are some sort of vagrant. He does not say anything though as glances back ahead and gives the reins of his horse a slight bounce. It picks up the pace, though just a little bit. Enough though that it will pull ahead of you in another minute or two.

Molthune/Molthune Plains
Summer/Day 3/Afternoon
Round 0

At the sound of the approaching horse, Theodore moved to the side of the road so as to not obstruct the wagon’s path. He noted the chimney smoke in the distance. As the wagon pulled abreast, he also noticed the look of distaste on the man’s face. Still, he had been walking for three days, and a ride would not be amiss. He knew he was a rather large and threadbare creature, however, and so tried to be less intimidating.

“Hail and well met!” Theo greeted the driver. “Could I trouble you for a ride, and news, good sir?” he asked politely.

Immune to Battlefield Medicine for 15h
Natural Healing: Con (2) x twice level (4) = 8 hp per day and night of rest.

Action: Request
Diplomacy: 1D20+1 = [5]+1 = 6

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman - DEAD

The man frowns. "You look like you are doing just fine on your own two feet," he replies. He glances up at the sky and sniffs the air a bit. "The news is that it is a good day for a walk 'cause tomorrow it might be raining. Now I am have some produce to offload so I will just be on my way." He gives a more pronounced flick to the reins and this time his horse speeds up more considerably. As so pulls further ahead he glances back at you, clearly to watch for if you will make trouble.

Molthune/Molthune Plains
Summer/Day 3/Afternoon
Round 0

“Would you need help with offloading that produce, good sir?” Theo asked as the man drove on. “I’m willing to work for a hot meal and a bed in the barn. Or if you know anyone hereabout that might be willing to trade work for a bed and a hot meal.”

Immune to Battlefield Medicine for 15h
Natural Healing: Con (2) x twice level (4) = 8 hp per day and night of rest.

Action: Request
Diplomacy: 1D20+1 = [20]+1 = 21

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman - DEAD

The man looks back at you, eyes squinting, then turns forward again. But after a second he turns and says over his shoulder, "I guess if I had a hand with unloading I could start back home before the sun starts to go down. But you can keep walking, you hear? We're almost there anyway." He pulls back on the reins a bit a bit and his horse gives an annoyed whinny before slowing back down to its original pace.

A little over twenty minutes later the road rounds a grassy knoll and you find yourselves at the outskirts of a small village. There does not seem to be much to specifically recommend it over any other such roadside settlement, but it seems more or less clean and orderly at least. Most of the buildings are stone with wood thatch rooves, and there is a business or two. Farming is likely the going concern though.

Your new 'employer' did not deign to say much to you on the walk here, just noting that, "Where you put your head tonight is your problem, not mine. Just do whatever it is your transient type usually does - ask around at the tavern, or wherever."

You follow the wagon past one of the more open and lively looking buildings, with people coming and going with baskets and bundles. Above the doorway is a sign that says Sowrest General Store alongside a crude painting of some filled jars, bags of flour, and a barrel of fruit. Just beyond is a larger more utilitarian building that seems like it might a storehouse of some kind. The farmer then hops off the seat of the wagon and pulls a thin carrot out of his pocket which he feeds to the pinto. He then begins unfastening the cover on his wagon which he pulls off to reveal a load of red and yellow sweet peppers piled high. "I am going to go inside and rustle up some baskets to offload all of this into. I mostly get paid in store credit, but I will see about some coin for your cut. Unless you want to get paid in peppers!"

You wait by the wagon for a few moments and then he emerges again with two stacks of woven baskets. The two of you then dig into the stack of peppers, loosely sorting them into baskets filled with like colours. The farmer mostly stays in the wagon leaving you to lug the filled baskets into the storehouse where two children, an older girl and a boy, help you find the right place to put them. The work lasts a couple of hours, and the sun is indeed looks just ready to start dipping by the time you finish. A man then comes out of the store to discuss the produce with the farmer, who nods a bit glumsy before a few coins change hands.

Your 'boss' comes over to you and drops a single copper coin into your hand. "That should be enough to fill your belly." He does not say much else before hops back on to the wagon seat to begin his journey home.


Molthune/Molthune Plains/Sowrest
Summer/Day 3/Evening
Round 0

Theodore gratefully followed the wagon to town. He helped unload the farmer’s peppers into the storehouse. He stared at the copper the man had given him for his work. Was that all his labor was worth? Theo came from a well off merchant’s family, his father a jewelry merchant, among other pursuits. He had never been poor, and being a soldier meant all his needs were met.

“I thank you, good sir,” Theo said with a doff of his cap. “Safe journey home.”

Theo turned back to the town. The farmer had mentioned a tavern. He could get a cheap meal there for his copper, and maybe a place to rest his head, otherwise he could find somewhere to sleep outdoors. The farmer had mentioned rain tomorrow. He would be good if it didn’t come in the night.

Theo stopped a local to ask where the tavern was.

Immune to Battlefield Medicine for 12h
Natural Healing: Con (2) x twice level (4) = 8 hp per day and night of rest.


Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman - DEAD

Sowrest really is not that big. You have no trouble identifying the likely candidate for the tavern as soon as you step back into the main thoroughfare - it is just a hope, skip, and a jump (figuratively speaking) from the general store. And once you approach you can see that the shingle in front of the building reads, 'The Tiller's Mug'. Given the hour there are more folks going in than coming out - though one elderly pair who looks like they had found their cups early sways from side to side as they exit the door and walk away.

Once inside you find that the Tiller's Mug is, likely everything else in this village, relatively modest but serviceable. There are a half dozen tables at most, though there are a good number of chairs about. A hearth lies on the wall to the right, and to the left there is a counter with a few stools in front of a door to a backroom, probably the kitchen. Straight ahead is another door leading to what looks like a common room. There are a number of patrons around, farmers and villagers, talking amongst themselves over drinks. A portly man stands behind the bar, and he gives you a nod when you look his way.

"Welcome to Sowrest, traveller," says the proprietor, wiping off a spot on the counter with a rag he then flips over his shoulder.

Molthune/Molthune Plains/Sowrest/Tiller’s Mug tavern
Summer/Day 3/Evening
Round 0

“Well met,” Theodore returned the bartender’s greeting. “Any chance I can get a meal?” he asked, putting down his single copper. “And maybe some kind soul that might have a bed for a weary traveler for the night? Also looking for a bit of information. Directions to an Azure Creek.” He offered the man a smile.

Immune to Battlefield Medicine for 12h
Natural Healing: Con (2) x twice level (4) = 8 hp per day and night of rest.

Action: Diplomacy: 1D20+1 = [12]+1 = 13

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman - DEAD

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