A Tale Of Lonely Whispers


"That is good for some porridge," says the proprietor. "But it will cost you three more for a space on the floor in the back." He leaves the coin on the counter and heads into the back, returning after a minute with a steaming wooden bowl full of a thick, pasty gruel. He puts it down in front of you, slips in a spoon, and then proceeds to pocket your coin.

"Azure Creek, eh?" The man scratches his chin. "I am not too familiar with there, but I am pretty sure you will find it about a day and a half southeast of here. Might be easiest for you to take the highway south from here and then around the bottom of Duskshroud. Once you get to Zurrin's Hut there should be a road heading south-southwest that takes you more or less directly where you're going."

Suddenly he looks up and over your shoulder to the right and says, "Just a moment." The proprietor grabs two clay mugs and fills them with foaming ale. Putting them on the counter is front of the other two stools he says, "Any luck finding those two escapees?" You briefly glance over your shoulder and standing there are two men dressed in the uniform of Mothune's military. "No, no," one of them says, a fellow with heavy stubble and a thin sandy mustache. "We rode down the whole stretch of road from Brunweald right to the southeastern edge of the forest. Not a single female half-orc in sight. We let the eastern patrol know about the escape, and now we're heading back home. Maybe we'll catch 'em on the way - who knows?"

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Molthune/Molthune Plains/Sowrest/Tiller’s Mug tavern
Summer/Day 3/Evening
Round 0

“The porridge will be fine,” Theodore told the tavern keeper. The man got him a bowl, and Theo pulled it close. It was real, honest porridge, not a weevil or rat dropping in it, and Theo checked, stirring it with the spoon. Simple fair, but hot and good.

“Don’t have more coin than that, unfortunately” Theo told the proprietor. “Times’ve been hard.”

Theo stilled as the bartender spoke to the two guards down the bar. He ate slowly, trying to remain inconspicuous. So they were looking for a female half-orc. Well, Shaveda was no more, so that would throw them off the trail, he hoped. There wasn’t a pair of escapees any longer.

Theo went over the tavern keeper’s directions to Azure Creek in his head. Southeast. A day and a half. South around this Duskshroud place to a Zurrin’s Hut, and then southeast. Not too far then.

Theo finished up his porridge. He probably wouldn’t be too welcome in the tavern without more coin to spend on ale, and figured since he had his information, he best not tempt fate with the local guards. He washed the porridge down with some water and pushed back from the bar. “Much obliged,” he said, getting up and grabbing his pack and tree branch. He would need to find a place to bed down for the night.

Immune to Battlefield Medicine for 12h
Natural Healing: Con (2) x twice level (4) = 8 hp per day and night of rest.

Action: Subsist (find shelter)
Society: 1D20 = [6] = 6

Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman - DEAD


You manage to extricate yourself from the company of the authorities and set out to find a place to lie down and rest. Unfortunately opportune accommodations are not very forthcoming and you are forced to bunker down in a ditch on the edge of the village. When you wake you find yourself in the company of a young man snoring loudly, a bottle still clutched in one hand. Evidently he lost his way home while drunk. You do not feel very well rested, and you feel a bit damp as well as a light rain has indeed started to fall.

You figure you could stay in Sowrest until the weather improves, maybe try to look for some odd jobs, though there is no guarantee the rain will let up. Or you could set out for Azure Creek immediately and make the best of the weather. You may be penniless, but at least the the food you pilfered from the cabin will last you several days, especially if you can stretch it with supplementary meals.


Molthune/Molthune Plains/Sowrest
Summer/Day 4/Morning
Round 0

Theodore groaned and stretched, his entire body sore. It felt like he hadn’t slept at all, and the light rain wasn’t helping. He didn’t even have a cloak to roll up in. He looked over at the man snoring away beside him and took the bottle from his hands, drinking anything that was left in it, the warm burn of the liquor in his chest making him able to move again.

Theo eyed the man again. He considered searching him for a coin purse. His old self would have recoiled at such a dishonorable thought, but what was honor worth now, in the wake of the fall of Lastwall? Had it saved his wife? His daughter? In the end, he chose not to for the mere fact that he might have the watch on his tail if the man reported his coin missing. A transient through town would be the first to be fingered for theft.

Theo nudged the drunk man. “Oi! Buddy! Might want to make your way home before you catch your death, or this ditch fills up and drowns you if this rain keeps up,” he warned the man.

Then Theo climbed out of the ditch, his back cracking as he stood and stretched. He considered his options. He could continue on to Azure Creek in the rain. He could try and find a place that would give him a bed, food, and some work. But that kept him under the possible eye of the Molthune authorities. He wasn’t in such dire straits yet with the haul of rations he’d found in the hunter’s cabin, so he decided it was best to keep moving. There might be other villages along the way he could get a bit of work, food, and a bed. He stopped at the village well to make sure his water jug was full, then cut off a bit of venison to soften in the rain and chew as he headed down the road out of town following the directions he’d been given.

OOC: Assuming I don’t need to roll Survival because he has directions and roads to follow, but feel free to roll if he does. He has a -2 on Sense Direction for not having a compass. Don’t know if that would be offset by the roads and directions.

Natural Healing: Con (2) x twice level (4) = 8 hp per day and night of rest.


Theodore Warsavage Character Sheet
AC 16
HP 32/32
F/R/W 8/8/4
Class DC 18
Hero Points: 1

Attack of Opportunity
Raise Shield/Shield Block
Power Attack
Sudden Charge
Brutish Shove
Battle Medicine
Assurance: Athletics
Titan Wrestler

Shaveda Gholdast - orc-blooded woman - DEAD

Voidrunner's Codex

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