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Storn's art for swipin'!


First Post
I love your artwork. Things like this have inspired to learn to draw, with the idea that one day I can draw, paint, sketch something like these... although I doubt I'll ever be that good!

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I love your artwork. Things like this have inspired to learn to draw, with the idea that one day I can draw, paint, sketch something like these... although I doubt I'll ever be that good!

nah... with work, you can be better!

I worked on this commission painting before the holidays. Work, both freelance and part-time got very busy during the holidays and I'm only getting back to this today. But I thought I would scan it in and share where I am up to this point.

I find drow skin tones very difficult. I'm not going to worry to much more about them until the whole painting is blocked in. Then I'll go back and tweak. Very difficult, but a blast to play with. Somehow working in that dark blue for someone's skin is a total hoot!

Well, here is the 1/2 or 1/3 point. Comments and critiques are welcome!



Okay, all blocked in. I have to change the boots, I hate them. I've got work her hair over her shoulders, I have a nice pic of a model that has hair cascading interestingly. Got to start in with all the chain work...ugg.... that is going to be tough, don't like the buckles-snap thingees, I think I'm gonna make them gold, bronzish.

But, it is coming along.



It is very interesting to see your process. Both enlightening and educational. :) Thanks.

Glad you find it interesting!

I finished Kalhandrha here. She has been done for a bit, but oil can take a while to dry and then I was just waiting for a day that I could gang up a lot scans all at once. Yesterday was that day. Now, I'm posting her.


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I got a chance to do entire team of Golden Age superheroes for someone's Champion's game.






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A couple more superhero-villain commissions. First up is Riptide, for my longtime Champions GM. I've been playing (and occasionally GMing) in Neil's RDU for over 2 decades. While we don't live near each other anymore, I get to participate in an play by email game. Riptide is an old villain who just popped up again and Neil wanted a commission:


Then longtime patron, Death Tribble wanted a smoky, fire-y guy named Pyroclastic. I did this one with out inking it first, which is normally my "fantasy" style... but I wanted more grit, more texture to come through on this one...not such a clean, hard line, clean color as I tend to do for my supers. You be the judge if it was the right choice.


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A recent digital piece done for ArtBlog. A non-literal translation of the following quote:

"A sword, a spade, and a thought
should never be allowed to rust"
~ James Stephens
Irish poet and storyteller, 1882-1950

I call mine: "The Sorcerer-King didn't care for his Tune."

This was a fun, if time consuming piece to do. Digital does make things faster, but not THAT much faster. I still make decisions about color and line and shape as slow as I do in regular traditional paint. But the ability to work in layers, to save the original pencils as a layer, hide it... boy that is cool.

And I'm loving my new wacom tablet and Painter XI. My new intuos 4 allows me to change my brush size with a dial that is one the side. And I change brush sizes a WHOLE lot. This is my first substantial image with the new toys, oh, i've gotten out several smaller pieces...but having to contend with the whole surface of the image is something that is much harder for me than having to do vignettes.

If any art director can use such an image, it hasn't been published, and I would love to get it a home.


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That's just glorious!

Thanks PC!

Last week, my players and I got to a game of Danger Patrol run by Pete. And it was a blast. It is a solid little game, even though we were playing off of a beta.

An actual play went up, JC launched it off with a hilarious Mac Mercury newsreel framework for the AP. I followed up with a tape recorder report of my PC. And while I was at the table, I was sketching, as there was a bit of down time as we were learning a new system and it was a boisterous table o' fun. Here is the link to the actual play, Planet X Blues:


So here are those sketches....

First up the trio of PCs, Singapore Sam, Shaolin two fisted warrior, Mac Mercury, the Atomic Flyboy, and Doc Tangent, Genius Explorer.


My character, Damian Dagger, Mystic Detective


Mac Mercury's bomber, the Enola Ray... bad pun I came up with for the bomber name... but it fit.


And lastly, Anthony at one point shouted out about Air Sharks... and lo! They were in the game. Had to draw those suckers.


These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
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