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What should I run? What are YOU going to run? What do WE want to play?


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So, today, GMs can start posting games.

I'm all over the map as to what I want to run.

There's Fiasco:[sblock]

Fiasco said:
THINGS CAN GO WRONG, FAST… …Maybe some dude from youth group talked you into boosting a case of motor oil, but now your cousin is dead in a swamp and you killed him. Maybe you and your girlfriend figured you could scare your wife into a divorce, but things went pear-shaped and now a gang of cranked-up Mexicans with latex gloves and a pit bull are looking for you.

It seemed like such a good idea at the time.

Fiasco is inspired by cinematic tales of small time capers gone disastrously wrong – inspired by films like Blood Simple, Fargo, The Way of the Gun, Burn After Reading, and The Pineapple Express. You’ll play ordinary people with powerful ambition and poor impulse control. There will be big dreams and flawed execution. It won’t go well for them, to put it mildly, and in the end it will probably all go south in a glorious heap of jealousy, murder, and recrimination. Lives and reputations will be lost, painful wisdom will be gained, and if you are really lucky, your guy just might end up back where he started.

Fiasco is a GM-less game for 3-5 players, designed to be played in a few hours with six-sided dice and no preparation. During a game you will engineer and play out stupid, disastrous situations, usually at the intersection of greed, fear, and lust. It’s like making your own Coen brothers movie, in about the same amount of time it’d take to watch one.
I'd either facilitate the game for 5 people, OR facilitate AND play with 4. [/sblock]
There's Atomic Highway:

Atomic Highway said:
Civilization came crashing down. Billions died.

A new Dark Age has begun. The descendants of the apocalypse's survivors scavenge the remnants of the Before Times, struggling to build a new life amidst the ruins of the old. In a savage world where the strong ravage and exploit the weak, the survivors' settlements are oases, connected only by convoys of armed and armored vehicles that run the gauntlet of raiders... and worse.

Though the threats of chemical and biological agents and radiation have all but faded, their taint lingers on in every mutant born to man and beast.

This is the world of Atomic Highway.
"a simple, fast-playing game system that emphasizes cinematic, or "movie-style" action, supported with many clear examples."
Think "Mad Max/Beyond Thunderdome," "Steel Dawn," or even "The Omega Man" or "The Book of Eli."[/sblock]
Or maybe something HEX'y or retro-futurist like Harper's Danger Patrol or Wick's mini-game "Yesterday's Tomorrow."

I may end up running two sessions, depending upon how many games get posted and how many attendees are planning on coming.

How about you? What do you want to run? What do you want to play?
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I really wanted to play Trail of Cthulhu at the last one, so that might be my top pick for this one.

I may run a playtest of something, probably either my modern game or something in 4e. Still deciding how much time I'm going to have (or even if I can commit to coming at all)


How about you? What do you want to run? What do you want to play?

Of the one's you've listed, Danger Patrol sounds the most awesome. But I'm a junkie for Retro-SF and Harper's Lady Blackbird was full of awesome.

HEX would be cool, but I imagine you won't be the only one to run it.

There's a Coen-brothers inspired RPG?? Not my cuppa.

As for me, I am considering:

Fantasy Craft - River of Worlds

The players are sailors, so to embark on a fantastic journey on the River of Worlds. No regular ocean, the River of Worlds connects many far flung and exotic planes. The crew of a erstwhile plane-sailing ship my face unknown dangers in a desperate mission.

The game uses the Fantasy Craft system by Crafty Games.


Diaspora is a game of gritty far future SF action based on the FATE system (the same system behind such games as Spirit of the Century and Starblazer Adventures, as well as the upcoming Dresden Files.) As for what the game holds... that's largely up to the players. Players (and the GM) will have the chance to build the star systems their characters hail from, and their characters themselves.

Players signing up for diaspora would be invited to collaborate to make the game setting online in the weeks before the game. I'll make a few extra characters (and worlds) for those who are interested but who cannot participate.

So, do either of those sound interesting to anyone?

John Crichton

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As I said over at CM, I'm thinking of running a sequel to my 'Escape from the Cronus' sci-fi game from about 2 year back. I will not be using d20 Modern if that is the game I run. Perhaps Savage Worlds, M&M2e or Star Wars SAGA. A system with more of a whiz-bang action punch to it is what I'm looking for. :)

I may also run a post-apoc supers/mutants type thing. Again, lots of action probably using one of the systems above.

Either way, I'll be running the game in the PM slot.


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Of the one's you've listed, Danger Patrol sounds the most awesome. But I'm a junkie for Retro-SF and Harper's Lady Blackbird was full of awesome.
Yeah, I'm leaning heavily towards Danger Patrol, for sure.

Fantasy Craft - River of Worlds

The players are sailors, so to embark on a fantastic journey on the River of Worlds. No regular ocean, the River of Worlds connects many far flung and exotic planes. The crew of a erstwhile plane-sailing ship my face unknown dangers in a desperate mission.

The game uses the Fantasy Craft system by Crafty Games.
If I get the chance to play, this would be my pick.

I'm not dismissive of Diaspora, and I think you can probably pull off the online collaboration ahead of time, if players participate. If I was you, however, I'd be looking at how different is that from your Iron Lords of Jupiter SotC/FATE game, and is it different enough to warrant the amount of work you and your players are going to put into it? I'm not saying it's not, but you might get more bang for your buck with your FantasyCraft idea for the effort put into it.


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I have decided not to run my Hex series (Swords of Atlantis), but instead am running a Desolation game with a more Hex feel than how I ran it at the fall game day.

Voidrunner's Codex

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