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TV or movie pet peeves

Relique du Madde

Anytime the movies takes place in Los Angeles and the heroes need to get to the other side of the city in 5 - 15 minutes during rush hour then manage to do it without getting stuck in traffic even though they took the freeway.

Everyone has a group of friends which consists of a: Gay man or lesbian, an asian, an a black man/woman, and a latino (or middle easterner or Indian).

Every group of friends has at least one: Lovable Geek.

Every goth is overthetop gothic and has a 'goth name.'
All computers are are macs even though realistically, macs are not even about 10% of the computers world wide.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
English actors as villains, sinister/manipulative characters, or social incompetents is enough to get me to switch channels these days.

Sitcom characters who lie they don't need to.

Conversations cut off halfway through - the protagonist gets to say something cool and the scene changes - yet the other people are still in the room with him and the conversation wouldn't end like that.

Vampires and 15 year old girls. Creepy in a bad way.

Tiny kick ass girls - unless they have superpowers, in which case it's ok.
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First Post
Everyone has a group of friends which consists of a: Gay man or lesbian, an asian, an a black man/woman, and a latino (or middle easterner or Indian).

Well, except for the token homosexual, that's just a subset of the more general statement that no matter where a Hollywood TV show is set, the demographics look like LA.


First Post
i dont watch TV, but as far as movies go, i hate 95% of the Hollywood films that come out these days. they are all visuals, no substance, like the new Star Wars flicks...

if im going to watch a bad movie, i want to watch something that is old and bad, something with Christopher Lee and some hot chicks in it. gimme Troma films or Ray Harryhausen effects. gimme the old Universal monster flicks. gimme scantily clad females who have some meat on their bones...

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Payphones (which are seeing less and less use but still are an issue) always sound like they are returning the money after a phone call. I always wondered why someone (continuity person?) doesn't just slip some tissue into the coin return to properly muffle the sound.


Payphones (which are seeing less and less use but still are an issue) always sound like they are returning the money after a phone call. I always wondered why someone (continuity person?) doesn't just slip some tissue into the coin return to properly muffle the sound.

Isn't that how they work? (At least to my memory the ones I used when I was younger used to sound like that).

When you put your money in, it's held in the main body of the phone, so that some or all of it can be returned if your call doesn't connect or runs short. When you finish your call, the money drops down into the lockbox beneath the phone, from which the phone company operatives can retrieve it on their rounds.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Oh, where to begin...:D

My biggest - depictions of the military, especially uniforms. I'm not talking about ribbons being out of order or anything quite that anal. But, obvious things like hair being grossly out of regulations, wearing cover (headgear) indoors (when not under arms/armed), not wearing cover (headgear) outdoors, epaulets not underneath collars (sticking out), saluting during the wrong times and situations, and not saluting during the right times and situations...and my biggest: Not Saluting Correctly! Come-on, it's really not that hard. I've seen plenty of not-very bright recruits learn it just fine. If they can, anyone can. All it takes is a little bit of effort to get it right! But in the movies they'll invariably salute with splayed fingers, or the hand tilted with the palm outward, or the thumb sticking up, or the arm at some wrong/goofy/gawky angle, or any other number of screw-ups. Do your homework and get it right! Sheesh!:mad::eek:

Then, there are writers and actors not doing their homework when it comes to technical aspects. Having been in aircraft maintenance for over 20 years, and my wife having been in nursing for most of her life; we both have a hard time watching anything involving aircraft or medical procedures.

The biggest aircraft movie discrepencies (IMO):
  • Interceptor - Among the many, many, many problems with this movie, the worst is: the terrorists trying to steal an F117 from the cargo hold of a flying C-5 Galaxy, sneak aboard the C-5 during aerial refueling by crawling through the refueling boom. A boom which is only about 6 inches in diameter! I'm pretty sure the C-5 flightcrew would have noticed if the refueling boom they were connecting to was 4 feet in diameter, as opposed to 6 inches...
  • Passenger 57 - A Federal Marshal (Wesley Snipes) sneaks into the avionics bay of a passenger jet and shorts a couple of wires out, causing the autopilot to turn the aircraft...and then later, basically does the same thing in order to make the aircraft dump fuel...:erm: - I've been in aircraft maintenance for over 20 years, and I did have a few wiring diagrams of a few systems on a couple of aircraft commited to memory, but a simple cop just happens to have memorized one specific wiring diagram from the dozens of different aircraft he may fly on, with the dozens of different wiring configurations and different manufacturers systems installed on those aircraft, and can short out wiring in a manner to cause a nice gentle turn (rather than a sudden hardover), and without any warnings being generated in the cockpit or the pilot intervening - Yeah, Okay! - Pull the other one!
  • Diehard 2 - The terrorists crash an airplane attempting to land by reconfiguring altitude through the Glide Slope system - First off, Glide Slope does not transmit altitude. In fact, glideslope doesn't transmit data of any kind. It's a radio beam used to generate a directional steering command - period. Second - Altitude is determined on an aircraft in two different and independent ways: Barometric Altimeter and Radar Altimeter. Barometric Altimeters work off of outside air pressure, with purely mechanical sensing mechanisms, and they have absolutely no input from a ground station. The only way this could have been used by the terrorist, would have been to give the aircrew the incorrect barometric pressure (provided by an air traffic controller over the radio, along with things like windspeed and direction, temperature, conditions, etc.) - but then that leads us to the other altitude source. Radar Altimeters work by sending a radar wave at the ground from directly beneath the aircraft, and picking up the reflected signal with another antenna (also on the bottom of the aircraft), and determining altitude from how long the signal took to return. It's also independent of any ground station, and directly senses height above the ground, even in cases where the ground cannot be seen. They are typically set to give an alarm as certain altitudes are reached, and are used as the primary source of altitude during landing. Also a pilot would have definitely noticed any major disparity between the two indications (in which case they'd usually perform a go-around, or if they had to land due to fuel...as was the case in the movie...would have trusted the Radar Alt over the Baro Alt). The whole thing was completely impossible, yet a major plot point and mechanism of the movie, without which the plot falls apart. Disgustingly amateurish!
The final one that bugs me the most: inaccurate representations of firearms. Things like, people flying backwards after being struck by gunfire from common firearms (apparently Newtons 3rd law doesn't apply in movies!). If a projectile fired from a weapon had enough energy to send the target flying backwards, the person firing the weapon would also fly backwards in the opposite direction and the same distance! Also, targets of heavy military weapons responding as if they had just been hit by a common firearm. I've seen movies where the bad guys were shot by helicopter mounted mini guns or aircraft mounted cannons, and simply do the quick body arch followed by an agonized drop to the ground. In reality, a body struck by such weapons would virtually explode apart and practically disperse as a red mist! In most circumstances, if they would just switch around the effects they use for common firearms and heavy weapons, they'd almost have it right.


edit: was just watching an old episode of Chuck and just had to add this: inaccurate representation of thermal imaging devices - specifically, showing them seeing through walls! Hell, thermal imaging can't even see through a window, let alone a wall!
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