Enevhar Aldarion
I suspect I know the one you mean, and if they had made that into the big Bollywood style production with Ms Marvel getting involved I would have been completely down with it. As it would have fitted the style they established for her in the TV series, you know like how we accept Deadpool knows he is in a comic/movie, and She-Hulk breaks the 4th Wall.
Involving just Captain Marvel it just felt weird.
Supposedly, the whole Aladna musical section was where a lot of the bad editing happened, cutting it down too much. It was fun and I liked it as is, but would have been much better with more. Also, the musical part we did get allowed Brie to show a softer and more fun side of Captain Marvel and the bigots out there prefer her to be harsh and hard, since that makes her an easier target for their hate.