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TV or movie pet peeves

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El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch

  • Dunno what to say - but I've seen a good half dozen bottles break on people's heads in my time (luckily never when I was any more than a bystander). It's not an unusual phenomenon.

    Perhaps the guy who hit someone with a bottle which did not break or did not knock him out (or at least floor him indefinitely) wasn't swinging it very hard? In my experience, people hit hard with a bottle don't shrug it off - they go down. Not that I've experienced it directly - on either end - but it happens.

  • I'm not saying that they never break. But on TV they shatter into a hundred little pieces, every time (Damn Candyglass!). And most times, people just walk away from it afterwards. It's just silly the way they portray it. In real life, getting hit in the head with a beer bottle is more like getting hit in the head with a bat, than the way they portray it in movies and on TV. And the guy I was talking about, had the bones of his eye socket broken in multiple places. Trust me, if you'd seen what it did to his head and face, you'd know it was swung hard. But, I guess just like beers, not all beer bottles are created equal.;)


First Post
Two more:

A quick, simple knock to the head always knocks you out! And then seems to have no significant impact after you wake up!

Knocking someone out by hitting them in the head is:
  • a LOT harder than it looks
  • actually has a pretty low percentage of success (at least with one strike)
  • and if it does knock someone out, almost always results in a concussion, and possibly a cracked skull or severe brain trauma (or both)
Also, beer bottles are always used to knock someone out with no other problems (as above), and shatter every time.

I've seen someone hit in the head with a beer bottle once. The bottle did not break! And it literally broke his eyesocket in multiple places, gave him a blackball hemorage of the eye (that lasted for a couple of months), and screwed up the vision in that eye for the rest of his life. Oh yeah, and it didn't knock him out!

It's why cops will charge you for hitting someone with a bottle as Assault with a Deadly Weapon!


If you get punched in the side of the head or hit with an open palm against your ear it is very likely you will go down. However you're right in saying that most people don't drop after getting hit in the face or the back of the head. People will suffer swelling and bleeding and possibly broken parts of the face and they will have a headache for the rest of the day. Generally speaking.

The flip side of this is fights where combatants are wailing on each other without any noticeable effect. This usually happens when a protagonist is fighting an important opponent like the Big Bad or his Trusted Lieutenant. They seem to be able to punch each other in the face, treat each other to elbows in the head, throw each other through windows/doors/walls/other people and still have enough to stand up saying: "If I wanted a gentle caress I would have called your mom."

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Exactly! Then they just wipe off a trickle of blood and everyone's okay again...:erm:

Man, I'd love to be able to do that in real life, but apparently I don't have enough healing surges...;)

A personal anecdote: I've been in a grand total of 1 bar fight...though I don't remember any of it...

When I was stationed in England, my buddies and I were out at a pub in Ely on Guy Fawkes Night (4 or 5 of us). We were standing in the middle of the pub in kind of a circle, just hanging out and talking, when some local blokes came up and started talking to us. This is where I don't remember anything else. One of them apparently cold cocked me while I was taking a drink of my beer (Nukey Brown!). The next thing I remember, I was leaning up against a table on the opposite side of the bar with no idea how I got there...but still on my feet, and still holding my beer (far as I know, I didn't spill a drop:D), and I could see a scuffle in the middle of the bar and some of my buddies getting thrown out of the pub.

My one and only bar fight, and I don't even remember a single thing! All I got out of it was a headache and a chipped tooth.:(:p
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Thornir Alekeg

Do TV shows or movies ever do anything repeatedly that just gets your goat?

I can't stand it when they use empty disposable coffee cups. They move like they're empty, they sit in holders like they're empty, they even sound empty when they're put on a table.

Just put water in the darn things! Is it that hard? It breaks my immersion every time Castle walks into the police precinct with two empty coffee cups (as an example). Gah!

I hate you. I never noticed the coffee cup thing, but watching Castle last night on the DVR, I could not help but notice.

My Hollywood pet peeves are:

Police stations and government offices that look so amazing and high-tech. Most of them are old, practically windowless and do not have the latest equipment.

The heroes who never look messed up, other than a smudge of dirt on the face, no matter what they've been through.

And I will include my wifes' top peeve: women wearing impractical shoes for their action-packed jobs. Det. Beckett on Castle is a great example for this: how the heck does she run and catch criminals, or kick in a door wearing 3 inch stilletto heels?


You hardly see this anymore, but in old WWII movies machine gunners always took out the bad guys by blasting a line in the dirt in front of them.

My pet peeve these days is the permanent (two) day-old facial hair. No one ever shaves, and it never grows.

One of my favorite "Aw, come ON...!" moments of all time from the movies was in Starship Troopers. Denise Richards gets a bugs leg shoved through her shoulder, the tip is sticking 3 feet out in front of her and she gets tossed off to the side. 5 minutes later, after not even a whiff of Neosporin she's not only NOT BLEEDING TO DEATH in utter agony, but walking out of the cave, smiling, speaking casually, and putting her arms around her friends, and forgetting entirely that under her blood soaked uniform she's got a gaping 4" hole in her upper torso. I LOVE that movie. :)

Other fun stuff:
Parking right in front of the front door of ANYTHING, ANYWHERE. Certainly isn't going to happen in even a minor metropolitan area in the real world. In the movies and on TV parking lots are things you drive past to get to the front door, not something anyone actually USES.

Driving into a chainlink fence gate and the padlock and chain just pop and the gates fly open. Toll booths, parking attendant booths EXPLODE into fine splinters when hit by a car, with nary a scratch on the auto.

Plate glass windows all shatter into safe little cubic bits instead of large, razor sheets that fall into peoples heads, shoulders and legs severing arteries.

Computer use/hacking. Yeah. Any rube off the street can sit down at an unfamiliar computer or terminal and start executing commands that will provide them with the name, address, account information or control of some specific, key, deep-level piece of equipment. Attaching a widget to ONE surveillance camera gets you access to the entire video surveillance system. All real hackers use macs.

Any procedure ANY CSI does on ANY version of CSI MIGHT be possible, but only after weeks or months. No police department anywhere IN THE WORLD has the kind of clean, modern offices, top-end computer systems, software and display capabilities you see on TV. 50% of all server rooms in the world are overheated, dust-laden, converted broom closets with a spagetti-mass of ethernet cables, a box of sales reciepts from 1997, three 10-year old dead CRT monitors and 2 mummified roaches.

One cannot crawl across the top of most suspended ceiling tiles. The tiles themselves are generally made of crumbly, compressed paper material you can cut with a butter knife, and the aluminum frames they sit in are hardly thicker than a soda can lid and suspended from above by wires. Most tiles are also liberally sprinkled with rat turds and an eighth inch of dust.

Corpses not being acted upon by significant preservative forces will NOT look like an actress with too much pale makeup - in rapid order they bloat, and then are infested with... consumers.

If your BMW is stolen, when you report it you'll be lucky if an officer arrives within several hours to take the report. Then you file a claim with your insurance company and get a new car because your old one is now PARTS in a chop shop very far away. If your car IS found I'm pretty sure they just return it to you and they go back to working domestic abuse calls. They don't dust it for prints, run it through AFIS, or put out an APB on the thief.

Sometimes I wonder if the people who make TV shows and movies set in LA have ever even SEEN LA, much less spent enough time here to learn what its like to live here if you're NOT a success in show biz.

I personally hate "Will they or won't they?" story arcs that are dragged out over the course of an entire show. I watch Castle, House, and Bones because I like the crime story lines, the dialogue, and the characters, but I hate the way that sexual tension is abused by the writers. I long for the days of the X-Files, when a single man and single woman could be friends and/or work together without spending 10 minutes a week trying to decide if they're in love.


First Post
My pet peeve these days is the permanent (two) day-old facial hair. No one ever shaves, and it never grows.

I've actually seen this one used WELL a couple of times.

In a book, it was a major clue that the character was more than he claimed to be -- because his stubble didn't grow.

In a TV show (and I wish I could remember which one) all the other characters had normal facial hair, except for one guy... and he turned out to be a vampire and had two-day stubble when he died.

ONE LAST THING: You can get the effect with a beard-trimmer if you put it on a short setting and you use it every day. A friend of mine whose girlfriend thinks he looks like George Clooney does it to maintain the illusion -- and because she gets ticked if he doesn't. :)

All that said, I agree with you.


It's been mentioned, but the heroines who chase down the bad guys in heels. Makes me cringe just watching it (and knowing that my wife can barely WALK in them).

Especially funny in some shows (like a recent Chuck) where they have full-on, knock-down drag-out *FIGHTS* in those kind of shoes. Did she really just turn a cart-wheel in 6" heels???

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